the start of pain
See, when we are born, we are these adorable, or ugly specimen called babies!
This is where we begin, the first tastes of adoration and wonder in our confused eyes. Mommy said a bad word, Daddy made mommy scream, their yelling again! Our eyes were new, open to new things that held no meaning to us whatsoever.
So we begin to learn how to speak.
Our tongues are so fucking lazy, they don't know what a syllable even is, a vowel sounds like a cross up between a useless garble and utter gibberish.
But don't we look adorable with drool rolling down our chin?
Aw, arm't we just the cutest.
Then we learn a word we shouldn't.
Parents...come on now. See, I know that your beloved, best friend lover said some rude stuff, but did you really have to swear in front of the baby? They pick up on pretty much anything, from your bad habits to your posture. The are natural born copiers, their like spies in disguise.
That's something I never pictured I would say.
But you thought about right? I mean, how cool would it be, to have child that is a secret spy or something?
...I'm getting off topic.
But babies don't even know what a topic is, let alone a how to have a conversation. That's when parents come in handy, because they are their teach us what steps to take before we go into the real world.
Now aren't first steps always a little scary?
One foot in front of the other, don't look down, you might face plant the carpet.
Too late...that's where your cheerio from yesterday night went!
To bad Mr. Cheerio, your officially in a babies mouth hole, and they are too busy eating the cheerio to try walking again.
We lose concentration because it is easy to lose focus on the things that you didn't notice before. When we are babies, we learn the art of crying and whining to get our way, since we don't know how to get it ourselves. Crying teaches us the basic principle of wanting, and getting what we want, when we want it.
Besides, if we didn't get it then, we could just scream louder.
But then we do the unthinkable.
We break something.
Now mommy isn't too happy with us. We don't know how to react, we don't know anything. We are thought to be some of the most adorably stupid form of a human imagined. Its because we lack the ability to comprehend right out of the gate. We see the flashing lights of the hospital ceiling, unsure as to what they are, what we're seeing. Then we come in contact with a big something...
...a face.
Compared to ours, showing shock and confusion, the look on the big face reads something on the scale of love but also tiredness and pain. Adults go through pain to make something beautiful, a little human, that it can do great things if they were to put their minds to it.
They just need proper training.
That's why, under the love and care, they need to know the art of pain.
Not love pain, not physical pain, no mental pain.
Mistake pain, at it's finest and with the most innocent of sin carriers. Babies are not sins, but they begin to manifest their own, since we are like copying machines, we know how to put in work.
So we throw something, literally.
It crashes into the floor, making a big mess and scaring the ever living shit out of anyone that's around.
That's when mommy knew that we would be good at baseball.
That's also when mommy decided to teach me that being a bitch is not how to get things, especially by throwing it.
Not my fault I didn't like the food, she should try it.
Put they get angry, and since us humans are unable to get a firm grasp on our emotions, it shows. When we're babies, we don't understand the concept of emotions and getting worked up and angry at someone or something. But we sure as hell know when we do something wrong.
This feeling...
We can't even begin to relish in it, or even try to get our little minds to starts working. Since, before we know it, we start crying.
But this isn't because we didn't get what we wanted, it's because we made someone upset by doing something...bad.
Bad...wrong...stupid, they all sound the same to anyone that hears them, especially at this young, at this naive, at this level of understanding. It's like getting a toy, and because of something that you did, it get's taken away. You don't understand, what could you have done that was that bad? What was wrong?
Well, seeing our darling caretaker get angry at you, frustrated with adulthood, or even finding something that something that you did stupid...
it's like getting your toy taken away. You like attention, you love happiness, you love getting what you want. But seeing someone get mad at you doesn't make sense to your feeble mind, since what you did didn't seem bad to you. But regardless, they were angry, and that didn't sit well with your stomach, holding yesterday's cheerio tight within it'd folds.
The first time for everything, but the time reenact the old, and crying does the trick every time.
So from your first steps, to your first fall, to your first dash of color, to your first mistake. Being a baby has always been something that everyone treasured, at least the ones that wanted kids. That wanted a legacy to continue in the world, to have something to protect and love like no other.
We learn our first words.
We take the daring first step.
We fall and consume a left over cheerio.
And we cry, and cry and cry some more.
But we've had it, our first taste of pain, the start being so small that it goes unnoticed by us, but our brain keeps it for safe keeping, because we are learning and growing everyday.
We are the children, we are the babies, we are the adored or hated, the loved and the unwanted.
Babies come first, and pain begins right as we fall.
...but we're still pretty adorable.
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