Chapter 7
Loki was still buried deep inside you and cuddling you close when you were interrupted by a noise behind him. It was a very distinctive noise of someone clearing their throat. You squeaked in surprise. Annoying Stark had been a fun idea when you were pissed off at him for the handcuffs. It was less fun when you were caught in the act.
Loki growled in annoyance and pulled out of you carefully before he turned to face the intruder. He summoned clothes automatically on you both. You figured that it was for your propriety more than his. You had a feeling that he wouldn't care if whoever was there saw him in all his glory. You didn't recognize the garment you wore, some kind of Asgardian robe. It was soft and silky and absolutely beautiful. Loki was only wearing a pair of black pants. They were made of a soft material that you'd never seen in any shop on Earth. You realized that he'd summoned familiar clothes to him. Apparently, when he was in a rush, he defaulted to Asgardian fashion, which made sense as that was what he'd been used to for over a thousand years.
You were impressed that he'd managed to turn to the intruder in such a way that he was blocking you from view while he wasn't hurting your handcuffed hand at all or dragging it into an unnatural position. It was pretty impressive to be fair.
You peeked around him to see who was bothering you while you were illicitly having sex in Stark's lab. That was the activity you'd very much like to get back to and you didn't appreciate the interruption. You'd very much like to dominate Loki next time. It seemed like it would be such fun, but your fun was being rudely interrupted. You paled when you saw who it was, though. It was a perfect life-size hologram of Stark.
You'd wanted to annoy him, but thought you'd have some time before he actually found out what you were doing. Or had any way of getting back here to yell at you for it.
"What the hell do you two think you're doing? No, hell isn't a strong enough word. What the ever-loving fuck do you two think you're doing?" Stark's hologram demanded as he glared at you and Loki.
Loki chuckled. "I thought that would get your attention, Stark," he said far too pleasantly. He wasn't fazed at all by Stark's glare or anger. You'd expected him to be at least a little affected, but he seemed to be completely immune. Perhaps it came from being a god, or a thousand years older than Stark.
"You have it, now get the fuck out of my lab. You're not allowed in here, which you know-" Stark started in on a tirade.
Loki cut it short by raising his uncuffed hand. "We will leave your lab and I will even clean it for you if you help us with one slight problem we are having," Loki told him, regal and polite as the prince he was.
Stark raised an eyebrow. It looked a bit strange when a blue holographic image did it, but it still got the point across. "What favor would I possibly be willing to do you? I should just have you locked up in the cells until your brother can deal with you," Stark replied heatedly. He was still very clearly pissed. He looked past Loki to you. "And you're supposed to be babysitting him, not fucking him in my lab!"
"So, it's ok if I fuck him elsewhere then?" You asked with more snark than usual. Stark was being a bit unreasonable when you hadn't actually hurt anything. Loki had even offered to clean the lab, which was far more than Stark ever seemed to do with the place. Plus, you were pretty sure he and Pepper had already christened the lab.
Stark's eyes widened and he spluttered something incoherent. Apparently, that was not the answer he had been expecting.
Loki chuckled. "So, about that favor..." he segued back to the topic he actually wanted to discuss. He raised your joined hands to show Stark the handcuffs. "If you will kindly inform me as to how to remove these, we will be out of your lab posthaste," he said pleasantly with an impish grin that you knew meant he thought he was getting his way. There was no way Stark would deny his terms, especially since the terms were so easy to accomplish. Clean Loki-free lab in exchange for no more handcuffs.
Stark continued to glare. "You wouldn't be in this mess if you'd stayed out of my lab," he informed Loki cooly.
Loki inclined his head. "Yes, well, I did only wish to know what your new secret project is," he replied easily, blaming Stark for this whole mess by enticing the god with a new secret. Of course Loki, being Loki, would have to come investigate a secret project.
"And now you've found it, congratulations," Stark said dryly.
"Stark?" You asked, confused.
"I've been working on those handcuffs, Loki-proof handcuffs," Stark explained, at least taking a bit of pity on you, even if he was pissed.
Loki stiffened and glared. "What does that mean? I have more than proven myself-" Loki started to protest. You were close enough that you could feel his magic gathering at the surface, though you barely understood the sensation. You weren't magical after all. Loki tested everyone in the tower when he'd moved in.
"I think you have proven yourself by breaking into my lab and activating the handcuffs..." Stark replied dryly.
"So, how do we get them off?" You asked, drawing their attention back to the problem at hand. Those two could bicker for hours if there was no intervention to stop them.
Stark shrugged. "They're prototypes. I haven't gotten that far. They're made of metal that can't be destroyed by anything on Earth and runes that I researched," Stark didn't have magic, but he'd figured something out, it seemed. You saw the wheels turning in Loki's mind. He would have to find out how Stark had gotten magic to work later. Right now, you both had to figure out how to get out of the cuffs. "You'll have to wait until I get back and can work on developing an unlocking mechanism. At least we know they work," he said unapologetically with a shrug. Loki was technically under control and you were still technically babysitting, even if it wasn't ideal by anyone's stretch of the imagination.
Especially yours. You wanted to fuck Loki, not be handcuffed to him.
"When are you getting back?!?!" You demanded. You couldn't just stay handcuffed to Loki.
Stark groaned. "This mission is taking longer than I'd hoped. Another day or two?"
"Stark!!" You protested as if that would actually do anything.
"You best hurry back, Stark," Loki growled, though neither of you were really in a position to argue too hard.
It was your own damn fault you were in this situation.
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