Chapter 25
Chapter 25
It was a sound I haven't heard in a long time. That's why all I was able to do for a moment was just stand there, taking in the ringing sound before it left my ears the next second. I recognized it. It was just very astonishing to hear such a sound after so long. Hell, even before I ran away, I barely heard that sound. The only people that would ring it were dumb kids wanting to see where the crazy girl lived. Other than that, nobody really came over to my house. So you can imagine what my first thoughts were when hearing the doorbell chime through the house.
It was in the middle of the afternoon; Luke would be home within an hour or so. Of course, the doorbell just had to ring now when I would be forced to get it. But should I get it? As far as I knew, nobody was aware I was back in town besides Patrick. There was nothing on the news about it, which was really weird, but I wasn't complaining. If anybody, it was one of my old friends or someone that had heard a rumor that I was back. I didn't want to deal with that shit right now. Especially after so long without being harassed by random people. When living on the streets, the one thing I didn't need to worry about was people harassing me. They didn't recognize me. Here though, everybody knew me or of me.
No matter how much I didn't want to, the second ring sent me in action as I groaned. Heading down the stairs and through the living room, I approached the door. Taking a deep breath, I grasped the handle and opened the door.
There was a woman standing before me. She looked to be in her 50s with the small sign of wrinkles around her eyes and the edge of her smiling, thin lips. She was really pretty though for her age. She had blond hair with small tints of brown cascading down that stopped just below her shoulders. She was on the shorter side and looked to weigh a little less than me. She was supporting a blue striped button up tee-shirt and a brown skirt, which looked to be made with light material from how the gentle breeze managed to easily make it ruffle around her knees. I was confused already because I wasn't expecting anything less than a immature boy and some jokes. But I became a little suspicious at seeing she was holding a yellow rose in her hand.
"Who are you?" I asked. Yeah, yeah, I know but I was never good with manners - or at good first impressions upon meeting people.
I saw her eyes widen slightly as she took me in. It was strange but I became self conscious again with how I looked. She appeared dressed up, clean, and organized. I was wearing a dark green and plain cotton tee-shirt with baggy grey sweatpants. I didn't shower yet today and my hair up in my bun was sloppy, coming undone with strands hanging around my field of vision. But I soon found that that was not why her eyes had widened.
She looked slightly confused. "Are you... are you my son's new stepdaughter?"
I smiled. This was an awesome way to meet my new granny! "I don't know. Did your son make the dumbest mistake of his life and marry a woman by the name of Clare?"
She smirked but her eyes were sad. "I think he did if my daughter-in-law kept all these secrets. You most of all."
I felt my smile grow until I could feel my teeth reveal. I think I'm going to like her. We already had something in common: agreeing Luke made a huge mistake in marrying Clare. "Well, damn grandma, I think I'm going to like you." I opened the door wider for her and gestured for her to come in.
It wasn't long before we were both sitting on the couch, talking. And the more time pasted, the more comfortable she seemed to become and the less I became. I didn't know how to respond to the way she was treating me.
"My name is January. But you can call me Jan," she said after I pushed to know her name. I was talking to her. I think I have a right to know the lady's name.
I smiled. "That's a neat name. It's fucked up like mine. Except I hate mine and like yours," I said before I knew it. I was incredibly uneasy around her and I wasn't sure why. I received a good vibe off her, she was nice, and I for some reason knew I could trust her. Then why am I so uncomfortable as she smiled so sweetly at me? I never saw such an expression - and aimed at me.
She made me nervous; it wasn't her fault though. There was just some issue with me I couldn't identify. Though I wish I hadn't said those words - in that way - she responded with a slight smile, her eyes digging into mine (though I could tell she disapproved of my language). "What is your name?" She asked before I could apologize - which is rare for me to even think about saying sorry.
"I'm Albany," I said. I was surprised that when I said that, that she didn't come to a realization. Most do within a few seconds of looking at me. "I was named after the city," I said, unable to help myself from babbling. When nervous - which was very rare too - it usually results in too much talking or none at all. "Quite the insult that was," I forced my mouth shut, my cheeks going red slightly.
She noticed, of course. She seemed to notice everything but embrace it with open arms. She handed me the rose with a soft and caring smile. "This is for you. Lucas told me a few days ago about everything Clare kept hidden. He said he would take you to meet me soon but I couldn't wait." I smiled upon hearing Jan use her son's full name.
"Oh, do you think he will be mad that you're here?" I asked.
She shrugged and smirked. "I'm his mother. It doesn't matter if he's a little pissed."
I laughed at that before her eyes caught mine. I don't know what the hell my problem was but just how she was looking at me... with kindness and a motherly air around her, I had to advert me eyes. I guess it was just too... unnatural for me.
After my chuckle died, she went off subject on something she couldn't ignore when looking at me. "Well, I'm sorry darling, but I need to say this: you look incredibly familiar."
"Well, I'm Clare's daughter. I do have some of her physical traits, unfortunately," I said, wondering if she would figure it out. She recognized me from TV a long time ago. Everybody did.
"No...." She pursed her lips politely, eyes observing as she faced me. Looking into her light green eyes, I continued to feel uneasy. They were just so... caring. Her eyebrows dipped slightly, trying to figure out where she saw me before. I lightly ran my thumb over one of the rose petals, still unsure what to make of the little gift. I wasn't exactly a flower-liking girl. She would figure that out soon enough I suppose. But the thought was what counted I guess.
"You... You're that girl that went missing a year back," she said with clarity, eyes widening. I was waiting for the expression to expand into disgust or fear. I was looking for it, even hoping for it so it would break her generous presence. But I never saw it, which shocked the shit out of me.
"Bingo," I said lightly. "I'm surprised you're not running out the door right now," I noted.
"Now why would I do such a thing?" She asked, as if scolding me for thinking such a thought! It caught me off guard and I wasn't sure how to respond. I sat there in a frozen state at hearing that slight bit of scolding. Not exactly scolding really; more just a tone that implied what I said to be ridiculous.
"Because I'm insane. I might chop you up into a million pieces or brainwash you," I said, chuckling humorlessly.
I was surprised. She leaned forward slightly, putting a hand on my arm in comfort. I on instinct jerked away. She noticed and her eyes rested on mine again, as if they were pleading for a chance. I honestly don't think I ever saw someone care like that or offer such sympathy. Even with Luke, he offered a different kind of kindness. A friendship. This was different somehow.
"I don't judge you based on something you can't control. You are a person, with feelings and dreams, as I am."
I scoffed, ignoring the uneasiness that was sent through me. I wish she would stop talking like that. The more seconds passed, the more depressed I seemed to become. "You are Luke's mother. I bet you weren't expecting me to be his stepdaughter though."
"Well, no," she said, her small hands moving back and resting in her lap, brushing the material of her skirt. "I didn't know his stepdaughter was the one of the most popular girls in town."
"Popular is a funny word to use," I said, breathing harder just slightly.
She looked worried again and that made my heavy heart feel worse. I didn't know why; maybe I am crazy. She didn't do anything wrong. Hell, I even think she was a pretty cool lady. It's my own problems that are spoiling this for me. Jan bit her bottom lip with her white and straight teeth, in thought as she watched me.
We continued to carry on a conversation, just getting to know each other a little more. It was nice, I guess. The pit in my stomach only grew with every kind word, heart-filled glance, and comforting brush of her hand. It was just too much; too much warmth she had for me and in that way. I felt close to sick by the time the front door opened.
We both stopped in the middle of speaking, looking towards the open door and Luke entering the house. Upon seeing us sitting and talking, his eyes grew and he froze. He finally groaned before he moved again. Taking off his main police shirt, all that was left was that thick white tank top. While he did that, his eyes bored into his mother's with slight disapproval. "Mom, I told you to give Albany some time before you me--"
Jan interrupted him before he could finish. "Son, do you really think I would have been able to wait any longer? You tell me you have a stepdaughter. What do you expect?" She spoke innocently as she stood up and made her way over towards Luke. "I'm going to want to meet her, obviously," she said, chuckling lightly as she gave him a hug which he happily returned. Seeing that... it made my pain double it seemed and I adverted my gaze as Jan kissed her son hello.
"Uh huh," he said and sighed. They both came back towards me but Luke sat besides me this time while Jan sat in the chair, facing us around the coffee table. Luke glanced to me and I saw him slightly turn stiff and seeing the small distance between us. He smiled at me as he searched my face. As if he was trying to look for an answer as to how I felt about meeting his mother. That silent question was temporarily pushed away for a minute as other thoughts forced its way in. Thoughts that dominated my female brain. With him arms and muscles exposed in that light shirt, I became aware of how close we were too. I didn't like it; it made me want to touch him, which would be going way too far. His hair was slicked back but I was positive a lot of it was sweat. It was a hot day, after all.
I smiled back at him but I knew he saw through it. Saw my lack of comfort in meeting his mother. His eyes showed me sympathy and though we said no word over it, I think he understood why I was a little uneasy. After all, like he started to say to his mother, he wanted to give me more time before I met his family.
He looked back to his mom as she spoke up. "Lucas, you never told me before that Albany was so beautiful," she said and my eyes grew to hear Jan say that. Yeah, I'm really starting to like her. Luke laughed uncomfortably as he glanced back to me.
"Mom, she is my stepdaughter."
"And what, that doesn't make her beautiful?"
"That's not what I said!" he exclaimed, making Jan and I laugh. He shook his head, watching the two of us crack up over his discomfort. He sighed. "I can tell you two already got to know each other. Long enough to form a plot against me no doubt."
"Oh bullshit, Lucas. You're not worth the time it would take to actually try to pull something on you."
He laughed. "Probably." He paused, resting back into the sofa more. He glanced to me, smiling. "Bet you didn't expect such mischief from the mother of me."
"No. But that's why I like Jan."
He smirked. "Understandable."
After that, the conversation turned a little more serious. It made my heart ache a little still, I admit. I was aware the entire time of Luke's arm pressing into mine. Don't you guys dare blame me though! It was the fucking couch; it was slumping in and therefore made me sit as close as I could next to him it seemed. The hot contact, though I knew he paid no mind to the slight brush of skin, I was fully taken over by it it seemed. I tried staying focused. It wasn't hard though after a few moments of talking more.
"How could Clare do such a thing?" she asked. I smiled as I saw her question Luke, her eyes on him in worry.
I looked to Luke more as well. "Yeah dad, why would Clare do such a thing?" I asked as serious as I could (though he completely saw through it).
He gave me a look that said don't start before glancing back to Jan. Taking a deep breath, he said, "Ma, I thought we already went over this."
"I know. It's just I can't get past it. How are things going with you two now?"
"Yeah dad how are things with dear mommy?"
He shook his head and said somewhat sharp. "Fine. Things are fine."
"Well, isn't that the truth." I said, recalling what he confessed to me before. That things weren't fine but he was trying his best. "Jan, have you spoke to Clare since I've been back?" I asked.
"No," she said sadly but then anger took it's place. "However, I wouldn't mind having a few words with her when she gets home."
Luke groaned loudly that time. He looked liked he was getting slightly frustrated. "Mom, there is nothing for you to settle here. We worked it out and are getting by, adjusting. I told you why she didn't say anything."
"It's not good enough," she said instantly. "Those are very poor excuses as to why she would keep her missing daughter a secret."
He chuckled softly. He leaned forward, taking his mother's hand and looking her in her pretty green eyes that matched his. "No need to get so worked up. Trust me, I was mad like you."
"And still are," I added under my breath.
"But I'm not giving up on my marriage because of this. I'm trying."
She sighed and before they could go on speaking, I spoke. "Jan, you and I should create a hating Clare club. Have meetings every Saturday at a church where she wouldn't be able to get to us.... It would be nice."
She smiled slightly but didn't seem to like that idea either. Luke stared daggers at me by now. I think if I hadn't been teasing him so much he might have found that funny. At that moment, the front door opened.
Speak of the devil! Or his mistress.
The three of us looked towards the door where Clare stepped in. At seeing us, including Jan, her eyes widened. This would be so entertaining. It might actually distract me from the sick feeling that came over me upon talking with Jan.
"Hello," Clare said to us all. There wasn't much in her voice besides fear and fake happiness. I smiled. Knowing that Luke and Clare have only been married for a little while, I knew Clare would feel the need to impress her mother-in-law. Clare would have been worried and trying her best to get on Jan's side. That was natural. But now though... damn. My fucked up mother realized that she wasn't in the best spot when Jan's eyes narrowed slightly on her.
Luke looked ready to say something but didn't. "Clare!" Jan said too lightly. "It's nice to see you!" Clare set her keys down in a daze and kicked her shoes off. She looked exhausted. Though she was a school secretary and it was summer, that didn't mean she didn't have work to do. She also helped in all the other school needs and since kids were attending summer school, she helped out with that too. So, yeah she was tired. Too fucking bad bitch.
Clare awkwardly came over to us, looking down at where we were sitting. Luke got to his feet and hugged and kissed his wife before sitting back down. Clare remained standing, obviously quite uncomfortable.
"I-I see that," Clare cleared her throat. "I see that you've met my daughter, Albany."
Jan smiled; it was cold and angry and clear to Clare. "Yes, Lucas told me about her and I just had to meet her. I'm just happy he was willing to tell me. I don't think it's much to ask, to see my son's new stepdaughter. I'm sorry, I don't mean new. I mean hidden and now found." There was now a cold lingering note in her words. And she was still kind of polite and elegant about it at the same time. I honestly was happy that Jan said that. At the same time, it brought back that unrecognizable feeling I had that made my stomach turn with uneasiness. Maybe just because I wasn't use to something? I still wasn't really sure.
"Ooh," I said. "Boom bitch, take that hit!" I told Clare. Jan looked to me, eyebrows raised and still showing she really didn't care for the language. That didn't mean she wasn't willing to give any. Jan stood up, her pretty skirt falling back around her knees. She faced Clare and all Luke and I could do was watch and wait from the couch.
Jan's eyes narrowed. "I hope you realize just how lucky you are. There aren't many people like my son that would have been willing to stay."
Clare nodded, looking sad and sorry. I bet she really was too. Somehow, someway, Luke and his family mattered to her. She didn't want to give that up. "Yeah, I know I am. I don't deserve him. But I'm glad he did so I can show him I'm willing to make up for everything."
Jan scowled at her but nodded respectfully. "You better know just how lucky you are. Though my son is somehow showing capability in staying, I wouldn't. You better take care of that girl of yours. She's bright, she has a future. No matter what a doctors slip says, you better show her just how thankful you are for her too."
She turned back, looking down at Luke and I. "I'm leaving for now," she said on a happier note, a smile back on her face. But looking at Clare's destroyed expression, I knew this night wouldn't get any better for her. Good; she fucking deserved every word and more. Smiling, she gave Luke a hug and a kiss even though he was slightly upset with his mother. "Bye, Lucas, I'll see you soon. Your father is coming home soon too so he will be able to meet Albany."
Jan turned to me. "It was a pleasure meeting you, sweetheart," she said and surprised me by giving me a hug. I wasn't capable of hugging her back though. I felt like a bitch because of it but I just wasn't able to physically move, not when I seemed to shut down on the inside. "I'm thrilled you are a part of the family!"
"So am I...." My voice slightly cracked as I said that in a daze as she hugged me. And in such a loving hold too, her arms feeling like home.
Before she pulled back, she said quietly in my ear, "If you ever want to talk, I'm here for you. Okay darling?" She asked sweetly before pulling back. Jan brought her eyes to mine in a soft and loving hold between green and brown.
I felt myself slightly shaking from her affect on me. I smiled though and nodded, forcing my voice through my lips. "Okay. Thank you, Jan."
She offered no goodbyes to Clare. She just walked by her before leaving the house. Clare remained standing there, staring blank faced at the floor. She was still taking in what her mother-in-law said to her. Nothing huge, nothing life changing. But it was enough to know that Jan lost some respect for Clare and was very upset with her.
I wanted to say something mean to Clare but unfortunately, I couldn't. I was still shaky and felt uneasy still. I wasn't sure of how I should be feeling. How I should feel about Jan and her hugs. About her thoughtful words that I hadn't heard anything like it before. Not aimed at me anyway and in that way.
We were all standing there in the living room. However, when I was able to push my thoughts back slightly, I noticed that Luke was watching me with observing wide eyes. Clare continued to look disturbed but if it was for attention, it wasn't working. Luke was paying no mind to her at the moment. He was just staring at me. I watched him as he eyed my shaky body slightly. I knew he somehow understood though.... Even I wasn't sure I did.
He was a few feet away and his eyes never left mine when I caught his glance. There was quite a bit there too. He looked mostly worried. But he also looked disturbed at what just happened. He wasn't sure what to make of it and I could tell that it added to his stress on his shoulders. I don't know why but I wanted to help with that stress. Even though I had enough of it already, I wanted to help him. I didn't like seeing him hurt and confused and torn. And he was all those things and more. I felt so sorry for him. His eyes in mine... it felt like such an intimate moment, even with Clare standing there with no clue.
We were all silent for a moment. Clare was the first to move. She seemed to have snapped out of it and was quick to exit the room. I wanted to roll my eyes at her dramatic exit. But that would have meant breaking the steady flow of eye contact between Luke and I. I felt as if I couldn't for this was too rare of a moment. His eyes were joined with mine and sharing. It was something while nothing at the same time.
Luke took a few steps forward towards me before he was but a foot in before me. His breath I could feel against my face lightly. He looked as if he was asking me for answers, for help. He looked so worried and yet, he looked so... trapped. He bit his lip before finally breaking eye contact. He looked down slowly at where my arms were now crossed. Face somewhat neutral now, he lifted a hand and brushed his fingers against my arm. He noticed I was still shaking no matter how much I tried to stop it.
"You're shaking," he said quietly, so close I could feel his uneven breath on my face. I wanted to drown in it.
"Maybe I'm cold," I said.
"It's summer," he said. We both knew though that the temperature wasn't causing me to shake. My encounter with his mother was to blame.
"But the air conditioner is on. It's chilly in the house."
He chuckled slightly. "You are so damn stubborn. Fine, you are cold. We will stick to that story."
That moment of strange connection between us was gone even if we were close to each other. It was gone; but what mattered is that it was in fact there. A minute later, he went upstairs to get changed into more comfortable clothing while I went up to my room to lay down for a moment. I was still shaken up by Jan and though I had an idea of why, it wouldn't be until later that I truly discover the extent of it.
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