Chapter 17
"What about 43?" I asked, looking at the small screen of the radar gun after another car passed.
We were standing outside of the car under the hot sun, our backs to the brush we parked besides so anybody coming this way couldn't really see us. A few locks of my hair danced gently in the breeze, the fresh air welcoming and tickling my nose. Through my vision between my playful strands that got lose from my bun, I smirked at hearing him sigh from a few feet away.
"The speed limit is 45," he said, as if I didn't already know that.
"Well, I'm getting tired of just sitting here! We should go after them and arrest their asses for even daring to approach the speed limit."
He chuckled when I looked over at him, his wavy brown hair brushing in the hot breeze. His lips were parted in a perfect smile and small laugh. The sound was a nice melody compared to the sound of passing cars and the grass hissing in the wind. Droplets of sweat were forming along the side of his face, a slight shine upon his skin from the the sun. It really had to be a bitch to wear that uniform in the summer. I mean, it's dark and looks like heavy material; long pants.... Ugh, that sucked. I knew how he must be feeling. I remember in previous years here, I would wear dark and heavy clothes during the summer in public too. But for a different reason than him.
Luke's hands rested on his hips yet he was in a relaxed stance, eyes slightly squinted when he glanced my way. "It would be interesting to see how you would handle driving. You say that we should go after them now because they dare to approach the speed limit. But if it were you behind the wheel, I can just see you going over the speed limit for the fun of it."
"Well, I will never know," I said, looking back to the road with my hands in front of me, the radar gun still pointing towards the road. Another car went by and when it did, the screen showed 44. "Though I probably would speed often," I smirked.
"Have you ever drove a car before?"
"Yeah," I said, keeping my sight on the road as we stood there, waiting for another car. When one passed, it was clocked at 43. My god. Doesn't anyone know how to live anymore? "Not much though. Never really given the opportunity."
Glancing to him, his eyes dipped slightly at that, leaning his back against the car as he observed me doing his job - yes, his job. Then he spoke. "Well, you could learn. It's something we could do this summer. Start practicing."
A few more cars passed but I didn't bother to clock them when I heard his words. I turned towards him, my hand falling to my side with the radar gun as I just stared at him. Was he serious? And does he not recall what we just said? About how I would probably speed (though it was kind of a joke). I never took drivers training for the fact that we couldn't afford it. Not to mention, I was always able to walk to school and my job in the past. But now... well, I guess money wasn't a problem. However, my time being here was.
"Are you joking?" I was unsure about his words. He already understood how I was. Now, he thinks it's safe for me behind the wheel of a car? Maybe he didn't understand that I was more about having fun than following the rules.
"No," he said, smiling slightly. "I think you would be a good driver."
I raised my eyebrows. I didn't like that he did so much already. Now, he wanted to help me get my license? The worst part was that I didn't plan on sticking around. Just until he starts letting me sleep in my room and alone again. But I assume that giving me trust will have to happen before he lets me drive. It just made sense. So why not agree and go along with it if he was going to give me a chance to get out before starting driving practice?
"Yeah it would. Do you want to do it?"
I nodded and tried to act excited. Because I really would be excited. But I knew I would be gone before we jump into driving. "That would be awesome!"
"Good! I'm glad you are interested," he said, smiling and honestly happy I wanted to do it. His eyes on mine, his soft smile, he glanced behind me to where the road is before looking back to me. "First rule: don't take your eyes off the road."
I scoffed, turning back towards the road at his reminder. I held up the radar gun again and pointed it toward the road. The next car that zoomed by was going 44. As I watched the road, clocking all the cars still and paying attention, I still spoke to him, curious as to how soon he wants me to start the driving thing. "When do I start? I have to go to classes right?"
From my left, he answered. "Whenever you want really. Either this summer you can start or in the fall with the next class since I think the summer one just started."
With that, I knew what to say. By the end of the summer, he should be able to trust me. Hell, I figured much sooner as in any day now. "I'll do it in the fall," I said instantly. Before it looked suspicious, I quickly said, "I'm still trying to just get use to living like this again and here. Just taking it slow."
When he didn't say anything for a minute, I glanced quickly to him and saw he looked a little confused. "Um, okay." He shook it off and smiled. "Well, I'm sure you will like it."
After he said that and I looked back to the road, the radar gun still in hand, a louder sound reached my ears. A car that was approaching sped by us at a very fast speed compared to the other cars on the road. As it passed, the next moment, the screen on the radar gun flashed a number that made my eyes widen.
"Whoa. 75. Is that enough to peak your interest?" I asked when I looked back at him, smiling in excitement. Now... I knew what was coming. His expression proved so with alert eyes and a tense body, his legs moving a second later.
"Yep, that's enough," he said, rushing to his side of the car to get in and I was quick to follow, moving to the other side of the car. We both quickly got in, our doors slamming and not a second after, I heard the engine roar to life. Looking to him, I saw him put the car in gear and he was on the gas with his seat belt already on. He flicked the siren on as he drove up onto the road, turning the wheel swiftly to his left as we took off after whoever it was speeding. This would be interesting.
At the moment he turned sharply to his left, his issue with the track became evident. After he put on the gas, not much happened besides some of the gear rolling a few inches; nothing that noticeable at first. But when he turned, I saw from the corner of my eye, a gadget on the belt came loose from how weak the latches were and ended up falling to the ground as well as another few gadgets in my lap. Some too heavy for comfort.
I groaned as he sped off down the road now and as we did, I heard a laugh fill the atmosphere of the car and looked up from where most of his equipment was on me to his face. He was looking ahead as he accelerated to catch up to the speeding car but I saw his eyes glance to me a minute later. "So now tell me," he said. "Do I have a right to be pissed off at that thing?"
I chuckled, shaking my head. "Yeah, yeah. Your car is messed up." He was right. This track thing was annoying, especially if this were to happen at every turn. Despite that, I could feel my smile plain on my face. Especially at seeing how all the cars ahead of us were pulling out of our way and to a stop on the side of the road from our siren. And because of that, soon enough, we were able to catch up to the speeding blue car that seemed strangely familiar. Now that we were behind it, all we had to do was wait for him to pull over.
Even more strange though... was the fact that it didn't.
I have been complaining about how boring his job was before a few times. Because it kind of appeared that way. You just sit and wait and really, that was it. But really, so far today, I was having fun just fooling around and discovering what his job was like. It was pretty neat for me but that's because I was just learning about it today. After a while, I would have figured that Luke would get bored with his job. But... now, that this was occurring, I realized why he liked being a cop. I always knew he liked it for the fact that it puts you into control and the power to enforce the law. But, also like me, he liked his job because it wasn't the same constant thing. Sure, he must get tired of doing the same thing of just sitting here and waiting when he was on duty of just patrolling the roads and waiting. But it was a thrill at the same time if you think about it. Though most of the time, he sits there and waits and not much happens besides a few speeding tickets; it's a thrill to know that at any second that could change.
That thrill and surprise for him came today because I knew it wasn't often that this would happen, I'm sure. If you are speeding and you see a cop after you, you pull over and get your ticket. That's how it is and the smartest thing you could do. I knew I shouldn't be too shocked at someone running; some people in this town are retarded. This idiot was one of them.
"Can I use your gun now?" I asked, getting excited when I glanced to him. The amusement on his face was gone from when he laughed at me a minute ago. He was realizing this wasn't a regular case and he needed to be focused. Especially because this dude wasn't just not stopping. More than that, he was speeding up. 80 miles per hour, then 90 and increasing. There were no turns this guy could take yet so he was stuck on this road for a while. Meaning the only thing he could do was speed up. "I could shoot his tires. That would stop him!" I said, jumping up in my seat with excitement. Usually, the only excitement I felt while in this town was when I would skip school or do stupid shit with my friends. But this was awesome.
His eyes remained on the car that wasn't stopping ahead of us, not bothering to look to me. His eyes were observing the vehicle, on the road and everywhere it seemed. "Type in the license plate number and letters," Luke said quickly. When all I was capable of at first was a blank stare, he looked over at me and more urgently told me. "Type it in the computer!" He sighed looking back at the road. "This road has an intersection coming up where he could turn in multiple directions. Get that number in the computer in case we lose him."
I nodded, happy I could do something. My eyes finding the computer that was on his dashboard, the screen facing him, I reached forward to turn it towards me. When I did, I realized the screen could face me but not the keyboard that was permanently facing him. In fact, the keyboard was sticking out just above his right thigh and under where his right arm rested on the wheel. Ha! This would be fun to try.
I took my buckle off and leaned over towards where Luke was focused on the road. Moving my hands in front of me, I grabbed the edge of his seat by his leg and leaned in more, ducking my head down. Then I wedged most of my upper body just above his thigh and under his outstretched hand on the wheel.
As I maneuvered myself into the strange yet humorous position, I felt him jump slightly. "What the hell are...." he trailed off, seeing that this was the only way I could access his keyboard. Dumb thing couldn't even adjust. But hey, in this position, how could I complain? I mean, it's not often I'm laying in a guys lap like this.
Raising my head, my legs resting on my seat as I was pretty much laying over him in the small space. I saw I was really close to the keyboard and could make it work. Though my head was pretty much on the inside of his thigh, I would be able to type. Yet since my head was nearly on his thigh however, I couldn't see the license plate. "Luke?" I asked, smirking.
"What? Would you type it in already?!" he hissed, both of us knowing that there was a chance at him escaping at the end of this road. We needed his license plate on record to track the car if we do lose him.
But why not have some fun? You shouldn't be that surprised. "Well, I can't see the license plate!" I pointed out in a cheery voice. When he said type it in, he must have figured I would be able to see it. But why not play with him - and not in the way I would rather do it. "Oh I get it!" I said in a tone that suggested I realized something in exaggeration. "This was just a way to get my head in your lap. Dirty daddy... mom wont like that when I tell her what you tried to get her daughter to do," I joked.
Looking up at him as I strained my neck, he groaned and gritted his teeth. "I didn't know you would have to be in this position to use to keyboard," he hissed.
"Alright. We will stick to that story." I bit my lip, wanting to laugh at how fun this was to tease him - especially with a car chase occurring. But nothing too serious would go down until we reach that intersection.
He ignored me and my humor he didn't think was necessary. "Type this in," he said as he read the numbers and letters on the speeding car's plate. I did as he said but it was harder than I thought it would be. First of all, my hands didn't have too much space. Plus, we were driving and it wasn't the smoothest road, especially from down here. But I managed.
When I inched my way back a little, I said, "Okay, I did it. Now, are you sure there is no other reason my head is in your lap...?"
Groaning, I felt him rest a hand on my shoulder and tilted my arm sideways. In doing so, it was in order to avoid bumping into the wheel or the keyboard - or the spot in his pants my head was near a few moments ago. I moved back with his hand as a guide until I was back in my seat. Taking a deep breath, I chuckled, looking ahead out the front window and seeing that the car was still ahead of us. Except, glancing to the dials passed Luke's steering wheel, I saw we were now going over 100.
"So this is what turns you on? Blood pumping high speed chase with a 100 mile per hour blow job..." I shook my head and pursed my lips. "I never would have guessed. I can't imagine what you would want from me if we went skydiving."
He took a deep breath, looking to me a minute later and his eyes rested on mine for probably longer than he should have while driving this fast. Shaking his head, he looked back at the road and I saw him smirk slightly even though I could tell he was still very focused on the situation. "You are such a pervert," he scoffed. I found out a while ago that he was sometimes fond of my sense of humor. I was a little surprised to find him showing it during what was occurring now.
By the time the intersection was in sight, I saw the light was red with a few cars already stopped at it. I noticed the speeder in front of us accelerate. We looked ahead at the car as it started going through the red light. But, at the last second, my eyes were no longer on the back end of the car but the side when we realized that the car took a sharp left. At seeing that, seeing that we were going to lose the car, it was too late to turn like the car did. We didn't anticipate his turn and therefore, it was too late as we just raced past multiple honks while continuing through the red light.
"Damn," I heard him say as he looked back behind us in his mirror. Hell, we were lucky we were okay going through that red light; Luke didn't look too scared over it in the first place. He knew what he was doing. "Hold on," he said in the next second after we passed through the light. We were still going very fast. Enough to slam the brakes at the same time as he cranked the wheel to the left.
It was a crazy sensation - and one in which forced a small scream from my lips for a second. The sight out of the window became a blur for just that moment. The brakes stopped the car and his wheel made us spin back towards the direction of the stop light. As we spun back to face back towards the light, the 'Broken Fucker' got excited and threw it's devices all over the car again. I was with Luke now on the subject. It was just retarded and it was worthy of making you mad for the entire day.
"Holy shit," I groaned loudly when we came to a temporary stop that lasted maybe a second. All was clear for a moment out the window, the image not distorted with the speed of our motion. We were facing the light which was now green and soon, with how fast Luke seemed to operate on the job, we were at the light and turning down where the car headed a minute earlier.
We were back to the same situation as we were before: a long simple road - no stops, no lights. Just road with no where to turn. Meaning we would be on him until the next time the road breaks this pattern. Luke knew this as I thought it. "Hand me the radio," he sighed, seeing it wasn't in easy reach thanks to our friend. The 'Broken Fucker' was a good name I guess. Personally, I would have named it, The Dumbest Piece of Shit I Have Ever Seen.
"You were right. This does piss me off," I mumbled as I had to reach below and near my feet for where the radio had fallen. Grabbing it, I sat back up and handed it to him.
"I told you," he said with a blank face, his eyes staying forward on the car that was once again accelerating. Hopefully though, it would have nowhere else to go for awhile other than the road we were currently on. However, I will admit, what Luke just did back there at the light was pretty sweet and I wouldn't mind experiencing it again.
After I handed him the radio, he held it up close to his mouth, his other hand staying steady on the wheel. "This is Prenta, requesting additional units!" Luke said urgently, his deep voice lower, his eyes never leaving the car. "I'm in pursuit of a green GMC out on Miller road between Harnald and Lincoln road, heading towards Lincoln. Maybe five minutes." Huh. Prenta. I didn't know that was his last name. I probably should have with it likely being on his uniform; I just didn't notice.
When he was done speaking, he lowered the radio just slightly, his eyes nailed on the road and I couldn't help but smile as I observed him. He looked... more than just professional and official. More than ready and alert. He looked in control and I saw the life in his eyes from it. It was... dangerous and appealing at the same time. I don't know how to explain how enforcing the law can look dangerous but he made it happen - maybe by just how sure he seemed about this. How dedicated he looked, how alive with power he appeared at the moment.
"Williams here," a man's voice spoke back through the device he held. For some reason, I had a feeling that this guy was Williams. Just a gut reaction guess. "Responding. Are you requesting we block at the corner of Miller and Lincoln?"
Luke spoke back into the radio and as he did, I admired him for it. I wasn't sure what it really was or why but... it was just really impressive, what he was doing. I mean, I know it's his job, that it's not hard after he's done it for so long but... I don't know. It was just something that made me respect him a little more. Well, at least, that's what I told myself it was at the time.
"Yes. With the width, I suggest we need maybe three cars. Immediately. Speed's at just under a hundred," Luke said and by their words, I figured out what they were going to do. It was a good idea; maybe not all the cops at that station are dumbasses. But it was time to figure out if it would work and even if there would be enough time before the car reaches the other road. The car could escape again before the police form a block. We were about to find out what would happen.
But the result of this plan wasn't what would lead me to stay up all night. No, it was something of a very different reason it turned out....
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