Hi guys! Just a quick authors note to grab your attention; for some particular reason, I have absolutely no idea why, but even if you do comment and vote, it doesn't appear in my notifications!!! So if you did comment and I didn't reply, (which, btw, I always DO reply) please don't feel offended that I replied to everyone but you!!!
Just keep in mind: Omg, @Magicisawesome372 didn't reply to me!!! Oh, it must be her dam (get it PJO fans? XD) stupid notifications acting up again... it's totally not her fault!
Also, before I forget, if you did comment and I don't reply within 4 days, please personally PM me to get my attention, or maybe I'll never know that you did something for my book!
Um, what did I want to write again... oh yeah! For the profile picture thingy, so far the most is five in TEAM ARCTIC FOX, followed by four in TEAM YAWN, followed by two in TEAM DOLPHIN. (I'm so sorry people for voted for TEAM DOLPHIN!!!!! :'()
Oh yeah, this book has reached 3k views. Not freaking out... nope...
Kayli, out.
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