Q&A - Thomas, & Remus
Taco sighed, sinking into the chair they were sitting in as they tried to mentally prepare themself for what was about to happen.
The silence was broken when Thomas and Remus arrived, Remus being the one to break it.
"Alright, let's get this party started!" Remus exclaimed.
Taco opened their eyes, seeing Remus sitting on one end of the couch while Thomas sat on the other end.
"Okay," Taco said. "So I'm gonna alternate who's getting asked a question. Thomas, the first one's for you!"
"Sounds awesome!" Thomas replied.
"So," Taco said. "omfnashi asked, 'Will Thomas get affected by a side cuz of their hanahaki disease? Like for Virgil, does he gain more panic attacks?'"
"Actually, yeah," Thomas said. "I had quite a few more panic attacks when Virge had Hanahaki. However, Deceit's didn't really affect me as much."
"Interesting," Taco replied. "Now, Remus, K3A3P3 asked, 'How is your mustache so beautiful?'"
"It's a mixture of grease and soap!" Remus responded.
"Wow, I didn't think you knew what soap is!" Thomas said, causing Taco to laugh.
"That stings, Thomas," Remus laughed. "But yes, the soap is bratwurst scented."
"MY GOD NO," Taco said in horror.
"MY GOD YES," Remus said in response.
"Alright, we're just gonna go to the next question," Taco said before Remus could keep going. "Thomas! SoullessPotato1 said, 'Thomas, ily.'"
"Awww, I love you, too, kiddo!!!" Thomas said, a smile taking over his face.
"Remus," Taco sighed. "SoullessPotato1 asked, 'Remus, have you ever killed someone with an icicle? The weapon melts away.'"
"NO DON'T GIVE HIM IDEASSSSS," Thomas groaned, burying his face in his hands.
"Oooohhhhh, no, I haven't," Remus said with a laugh. "But that sounds like a very good idea."
"Hnnnnngggggggggg," Thomas groaned again.
"Oh my... I feel so bad for you, Thomas," Taco said, which earned a chuckle from Thomas. "Now, DatGirlwithaPencil says, 'Thomas... It could be gayer.'"
"Oh, very much so," Thomas laughed.
"I love it," Taco said. "Now, Remus, DatGirlwithaPencil asked, 'Remus, what's your favorite TV show/movie?'"
"The Office," Remus said after a second of thought.
"Okay, is it sad that the only times I've watched The Office was the stuff we got to watch when we had work time during class?" Taco asked.
"Gurl, yes," Remus said.
"'Kay, I thought so," Taco said. "Now, tired-toaster asked both of you, 'Do you put your milk in before your cereal?"
"Yes," Thomas said. "And anyone's crazy if they don't."
"I'm sorry, what?" Remus said, looking offended. "Bitch, I eat the cereal, then I chug the milk, and I do cartwheels around the room to mix that shit up in my stomach."
"That's... oh my," Taco said. "Thomas, YaoiDokonidemo asked, 'What do you love about each of your Sides?'"
"Awww, that's a sweet question," Thomas said. "I love Patton's enthusiasm and how caring he is, I love Roman's passion and his ideas, I love how organized Logan is, I love how much Virgil cares about all of us. I really like how protective Deceit is when it comes to his boyfriends. And, well, Remus... I like his mustache???????"
"Fair enough," Remus said.
"And Remus," Taco said. "Juicy_Jesse asked, 'hey horny trash man, have you found a new flavour of deodorant you would recommend?'"
"Nope!" Remus said. "I've been using the same deodorant for years, there's no way I'm getting a new one!"
"Alright then," Taco sighed. "angelsartistry asked, 'Thomas, how have you been? also u amazing.'"
"Awww, thanks, kiddo!!" Thomas smiled. "And I've been doing well."
"Nice!" Taco said. "Now, Remus, YaoiDokonidemo wants to know the best way to kill an enemy."
"Well," Remus started. "If you want it to seem like it wasn't murder, give them a shot of air between their toes. It'll look like a heart attack. HOWEVER, if you want to just straight up kill them, punch them really hard in the temple. There's just a thin layer of bone protecting the brain, and it'll pierce the brain."
"H-h... how do you know that??" Thomas asked, eyes wide.
"I've got time to research," Remus said.
"That's interesting," Taco mused. "Thomas, ilyvirgil asked, 'how have you been holding up?'"
"I mean, now that none of my sides have Hanahaki," Thomas said with a smile. "I've been holding up just fine."
"That's awesome," Taco said. "Now, JessicaLycon and many more of us are wondering, 'Remus,... unicorn porn? Seriously?'"
"Yup!" Remus simply said.
"Alright then," Taco sighed. "Now, Thomas, AlexAnnDrite said, 'We're so in sync! We finish each other's-'"
"SANDWICHES!!!!" Thomas exclaimed.
"Yesssssssssssss, Frozen!!!!" Taco cheered before looking back at the list. "Now, Remus, ilyvirgil asked, 'how do you hide a body? not that I would need to, but, like'"
"Oh, I read this somewhere," Remus said. "You gotta dig a deep hole and then bury the body as if they were standing up. Then you mostly fill in the hole and then put, like, a dead squirrel or, like, something like that, so then search dogs smell the animal instead of the body."
"I'm really concerned now," Thomas whispered, face pale.
"Me too," Taco whispered back. "Now, Thomas, HufflepuffWhoTries asked, 'If you could ask any of the sides any question, and whoever it is would reply truthfully, no loophole but the real truth but you could only ask one side and one question, who and what would it be, and why?'"
"I honestly don't know," Thomas said. "Like, there's stuff I want to ask each side, I can't really choose one."
"I mean, honestly I'd be the same," Taco said. "Now, Remus, AlexAnnDrite asked, 'Wanna discuss torture methods over paper and deodorant? :D'"
"Hell yeah!" Remus exclaimed.
"Cool," Taco said. "Thomas, there are no more questions for you. You can leave if you want.
"Nah, I'm kinda curious about what Remus' answers will be," Thomas said, leaning back into the couch.
"Quality, quality," Taco said, nodding their head. "'Kay, now TheGoodeSlytherin asked, 'Any good places on the black market to buy cyanide? I've been trying to get some for weeks because I have a particularly difficult person on my hitlist and you seem like you would either know a guy or you ARE the guy.'"
"Bitch, I am the guy," Remus said, crossing his arms. "Just hit me up, and I'll send ya some."
"And now I have many questions," Thomas said, face pale. "But I'm just gonna ignore that."
"Probably a good idea," Taco said. "TheGoodeSlytherin then asked, 'ALSO ---> What are your thoughts on Jared Kleinman's two iconic lines in Sincerely Me, 'Kinky' and 'My sister's hot'?'"
"I love them, they are so iconic, Jared Kleinman is a god," Remus said.
"Surprisingly, I totally agree with that," Taco said. "Next, DiamondGirl2016 said, 'This is going to be funny, but when Remus pops out, I just thought of him and deceit will have a relationship in the end but then... I was wrong Question:
Have you've been a yandere before?'"
"Um, no," Remus said. "I've never considered it before."
"GOOD," Thomas said, slightly panicked.
"Don't worry, Thomathy," Remus said. "I won't have you think about that yet."
"yETT????" Thomas exclaimed.
"Let's continue," Taco said before the conversation could continue any farther. They looked down at the list and sighed. "Well, it looks like I'm out of questions for you two! You're free to go!"
Thomas let out a sigh as Remus immediately sunk out. "Man, spending a lot of time with him is truly exhausting."
"Agreed," Taco said, standing up. "Thank you so much for letting me do this!"
"You're so welcome," Thomas said, smiling and giving Taco a hug. "If you ever wanna talk again, just stop in and tell us!"
"Will do!" Taco said, heading to the hallway. "Well, I suppose I should head back. A few villagers left some questions for me, as well, and I should answer them."
"Have fun!" Thomas called before sinking out.
"Oh, I will," Taco said to themself, heading back into the Imagination.
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