Q&A - Patton and Logan
Taco appeared in Thomas' living room, cutting off the conversation that had been going.
"Alright, I finished with Roman and Virgil," Taco said, folding up the sheet that had their questions. "But you might not want to go in there for a while..."
"Are they fucking?" Remus asked immediately.
"REMUS!" Patton scolded. "LANGUAGE"
"No, they're not," Taco replied. "But they might as well be."
"We might as well be what?"
"NOTHING!" Taco jumped when Roman and Virgil appeared next to them. They were holding hands, and both were obviously blushing.
"Wait, Virgil is that a ring?!?!?!" Patton asked, jumping up and down slightly.
"Um, yeah," Virgil whispered, fanning out his left hand. "Roman proposed at the end of our interview."
"oH mY GoDdDdD!!!!!" Patton squealed, running over and tackling the two of them in a hug.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Taco said, pulling Patton away from the two of them. "You can fangirl in a little bit. It's yours and Logan's turn."
"ooOOooooo, okay!" Patton replied.
Logan walked over, taking Patton's hand, and the two of them sunk down. Taco went to sink down, but they remembered something right before they did.
"Oh, Virgil," they said, catching his attention. "Dark_Strange_Son said, 'You're my favorite. Shhh don't tell Roman.'"
"WHAT?!" Roman exclaimed. "I am hurt!!!"
Taco laughed at Roman's reaction before sinking down.
When Taco appeared in the Mind Palace, Patton and Logan were already sitting on the couch, with Logan curled into Patton.
"Oh my god, that's adorable," Taco whispered as they sat down. Pulling out another list of questions, they explained how it would work. "So I'm gonna be alternating who I'm asking a question to. Patton, you'll be first!"
"Alright, kiddo!" Patton grinned.
"'Kay," Taco said. "K3A3P3 asked, 'Favorite type of cookie...?'"
"Definitely chocolate chip," Patton said. "Speaking of which, I need to make more cookies soon."
"Did you guys already eat everything from the room?" Taco asked.
"We finished that weeks ago," Patton giggled.
"Awesome," Taco replied. "Alright, Logan, K3A3P3 asked you, 'Which emotion/feeling do you dislike the most?'"
"I have to say," Logan stated, "I find the emotion of jealousy to be very annoying."
"Understandable," Taco agreed. "Next, SoullessPotato1 asked, 'Patton, favorite dog breed?"
"Corgies!!!!!" Patton squealed instantly.
"I love it," Taco breathed. "Alright, SoullessPotato1 also asked, 'Logan, I'd like your thoughts on this next statement. Toothpaste is just soap for your teeth.'"
"Well," Logan said. "I do see how that makes sense, however, the chemical formulas of the two are very different. But it makes sense that the formulas are different, as they serve different purposes and are used for different parts of the body, so-"
"Lo, you're rambling," Patton said, interrupting Logan with a kiss.
"My apologies," Logan said, straightening his glasses.
"Don't worry about it," Taco said. "Alright, tired-toaster asked both of you, 'Do you put your milk in before your cereal?'"
Patton giggled, "I haven't had cereal in years. I just make pancakes, waffles, or eggs."
"Speaking of eggs," Taco said. "Pandalane75 asked both of you, 'How do you like your eggs?'"
"Is this... is this because of when I burned the eggs?" Patton asked in a whisper.
"I think so," Taco whispered in response, which made Patton blush and hide his face in Logan's neck.
When Patton did that, Logan smiled, running a hand through Patton's hair.
"I prefer cheese and ham omelettes," Logan said. "As for the cereal, any sane person would agree with me when I say that cereal must go in before milk."
"Absolutely," Taco agreed. "Next, YaoiDokonidemo asked Patton, 'Thoughts on Loganberry?'"
"I love both him and the jelly flavor," Patton replied, which made Taco squeal internally.
"So pure, I love it," they whispered before moving on. "'Kay, now YaoiDokonidemo asked Logan 'Thoughts on Patton?'"
"He is the most precious thing in my life, and I love him more than words can describe," Logan said.
"hbjalknbwe, yes," Taco whispered. "Now, ilyvirgil asked Patton, 'how do you cope when someone you love is feeling sad?'"
"Well," Patton started. "I always ask if they want a hug. Then I'll ask them if they want to talk about whatever it is that's making them sad. If they don't want to talk, I offer cookies, a movie, and cuddles."
"Quality," Taco said with a nod. "AlexAnnDrite said to Logan, 'YOU ARE LOVED- Are any of the sides like children to you? Or, are you a parent figure to any of them? Same goes for Patt'"
Logan paused, "Well, I do not think of any of the others as children, nor do I see myself as a parent figure for any of them."
"But I do!!!!!" Patton chimed in. "They're all my kiddos!!!"
"Of course, Patton," Taco said with a smile. "Now, Logan, Doglikesfanfic asked, 'Do you want to feel emotions or do you not want to?'"
"Well," Logan said. "There are some feelings that I would rather not feel, but there are a lot of others that I have grown to accept."
"That's good," Taco said. "And then AlexAnnDrite asked Patton, 'How often do you wear your cat hoodie or onesie? I have this really cute zebra one for Christmas, my cousin got it for me!'"
"Oh my gosh, that sounds so adorable!" Patton squealed. "And I wear the hoodie practically every day, it's one of my favorite things!"
"That's awesome," Taco replied. "Next, oh man, this is a doozy. TheGoodeSlytherin asked Logan, 'On a scale of one to ten, what is your favorite colour of the alphabet? Personally, mine is an oblong because aliens don't wear hats but I would like to know your opinion on music genres :))))'"
Logan froze on the couch, and Patton and Taco watched, practically able to see the gears turning in his head as he tried to comprehend what had just been said. After a while, Logan's breathing grew faster, and Patton's eyes went wide.
"Oh no," he whispered. "He's having an existential crisis."
Patton wrapped both of his arms around Logan, maneuvering him so that he was sitting in his lap. Patton ran his fingers through Logan's hair, whispering to him to try and calm him down.
Taco sat there, their anxiety starting to rise as they realized that they had caused this. Their breathing became shallower as they got lost in thought.
"Taco?" Patton asked, pulling them back into reality. "Are you okay?"
"M-mhm," Taco hummed. "Just feel bad."
"Don't," Logan whispered, and it was then that Taco noticed that Logan was no longer in the midst of an existential crisis.
"Okay," Taco whispered before looking at the next question. "Patton, BrandonMull_Lover asked, 'Thoughts on chinchillas?'"
"They are so adorable!!!!!!!!" Patton squealed immediately. "I want one for a pet!!!!"
"Patton, we've talked about this before," Logan said. "You can't have a chinchilla."
"Oh my god, you've talked about this before????" Taco gasped.
"Yes," Logan nodded. "He's wanted one for years."
"They're so cute, and small, and precious, and soft," Patton said dreamily.
"Okay, moving on!" Taco said, cutting off Patton's rambling. "BrandonMull_Lover asked Logan, 'Who's more of the mom friend, you or De?'"
"Definitely Deceit," Logan said with a slight chuckle. "He is much more protective, especially of his boyfriends, and he often gives many lectures that a parent might give."
"I love it," Taco said. "Now, DiamondGirl2016 asked Patton, 'What do you usually feel about Logan? (Please answer with a love song title)'"
Patton paused for a few seconds to think before responding. "I Will Always Love You."
"Perfect," Taco responded. "And then DiamondGirl2016 also asked Logan, '1. Love ya (platonically) 2. what do you usually feel with Patton? (Like Patton, answer with a love song title)'"
Logan also paused before answering. "I Love You, Always Forever."
"Adorable," Taco said. "Now, HufflepuffWhoTries asked both of you, 'If you could ask any other side 1 question only, and they would respond truthfully, no loophole, but really truthfully, who and what would it be? Only 1 side and only 1 question.' Patton, you're first."
"Um..." Patton said. "I would probably ask Deceit if he's truly over his feelings for Virgil."
"Makes sense," Taco murmured. "How about you, Logan?"
"I would ask Patton if he's okay," Logan said.
At that, Patton's smile dropped for a split second before returning. Logan turned to him and grabbed one of his hands, lacing their fingers together.
"What a caring boyfriend," Taco whispered. "Patton, kitten28989 asked, 'what is your favorite animal and why?'"
"Cats," Patton said with no hesitation. "'Cause they're so soft and fluffy and adorable."
"Valid," Taco agreed. "Now DatGirlwithaPencil asked, 'Logan, where do you get your glasses from? (I'm kinda blind, and I need some plz help sos ;-;)'"
"Well," Logan started. "I don't actually know where I got these. They appeared one day, and I've had them ever since."
"That's weird," Taco said.
"Yes, it is," Logan agreed. "As for you needing glasses, I would suggest talking to your parents and asking if they could take you in for an eye exam."
"Wise idea," Taco replied. "Now, Logan, there are two more questions for you. The first is from kitten28989 and it is, 'which side do you love the most?'"
"Patton, obviously," Logan said instantaneously.
"And the second is from BrandonMull_Lover again, and it is, 'What makes Patton the most flustered?"
"Nooooooooooo," Patton cried, burying his face in Logan's neck again.
"What is it, my love?" Logan asked, turning to look at Patton. "You love it when I compliment you, use a punny pick-up line, or give you a hug from behind."
"Hnnnnggggggggg," Patton whined, curling into a ball around Logan.
"You truly are adorable when you blush so much that your face is darker than Roman's sash," Logan said with a grin, running a hand through Patton's hair. "And I can't help it that seeing you blush makes me want to make you blush more."
"Looooggggggaaaaaaaannnnnnnn," Patton whined again, a smile covering his face, along with a very noticeable blush.
"My god," Taco whispered. "I wish I could take a picture of this..."
Patton and Logan didn't notice them speak, and they cleared their throat to get their attention.
"Well, that's all the questions I have for you two," Taco said. "You guys can go back to the others, and, when you get there, could you tell Deceit, Remy, and Picani that they're next?"
"Of course, kiddo!" Patton said, grabbing Logan's hand before sinking out with him.
"Oh, my," Taco said as the put away that list of questions. "That was a time."
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