mysme genderbends pt. 2
yaaayyyyyy they're done!! which genderbent character is your favorite? mine is yoosung lol
i have a terrible headache today and i don't want to do anything but the house is a mess and i have math homework and i want to finish runaways by november 1st and i ran out of advil aaahhhh
on a brighter note this book hit #4 IN RANDOM LAST NIGHT HOLY SHIT
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tagged by OnlySwimFree (I just typed montyjr100 on instinct wHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME) even tho i don't like these things bc it's hard to tag people here we go
1) first of all fuck you for this question lmao. secondly, it was a book called "breaking barriers" and it was a story about OnlySwimFree and her crush. it was so bad. then i had a couple of other original stories that are long gone now (good riddance)
2) attack on titan hoodie because it's freezing in my house rn, rocko's modern life tee, denim shorts, mismatched socks
3) cold
4) christmas because it means two weeks off school (tho i'm always down to get spoopy)
5) winter because i like the cold, snow days, and seeing cute guys bundled up in scarves don't judge me
6) i broke my wrist when i slipped off the monkey bars after they were slippery from a recent rainfall (i was 5)
7) idk my birthdays are never super special. i just enjoy the feeling of spending time with friends. :)
8) i do!! i listen to it a lot, but i'm not in the fandom considering i can never remember who is who lmao is that racist??
9) last weekend i had a sukkot dinner with a couple of my friends
10) to meet OnlySwimFree (lmao why am i such a hoe i've tagged you 3 times in this) or to meet dan/phil
i tag anyone who wants to do this :) just leave your answers in the comments.
1. would you rather meet your internet best friend or your celebrity fave?
2. if you could be a master at something, what would it be?
3. roller skating or ice skating?
4. what makes you feel the most happy?
5. what are you going to be for halloween this year?
6. who is one fictional character you would like to be real? (only pick one!!)
7. favorite ice cream flavor?
8. when was the last time you cried, and why? (can be happy or sad tears)?
9. if you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
10. if you were an anime character, what color hair would you have??
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