Backstory: Eliza is a nurse during the Revolutionary War, and Alexander falls in love with her after getting injured one time during a battle.
Eliza propped herself up against a nearby table and sighed. It was barely lunchtime and she and Mrs. Washington had already seen 15 soldiers. It seemed that training had taken a toll on them, but it was more or less the heat's fault. It had been over 90° in the past few days, and soldiers had been dying left and right. Dealing with it was hard, considering their ice for the soldiers kept melting.
Eliza turned around to gather a few bandages from the table she currently was leaning on. She pushed a strand of her dark hair, that somehow managed to become loose from her neat bun, around her ear and shoved a roll of bandage under her armpit.
"Do you have time for one more person?" A voice from the doorway asked. Eliza didn't bother looking up to see who had asked.
"Sure." She replied, putting the bandages down with a twinge of annoyance. The soldier thanked her and sat on a cot that was a bit less blood-stained than the rest.
"What seems to be the matter, sir?" She turned around to see who was here this time. She smiled slightly when she caught sight of who she faced.
"I seem to have cut myself, stupid me. Would you mind checking it out?" Alexander Hamilton asked in an innocent tone. Eliza rolled her eyes playfully.
"Of course, sir. And where would this cut be?"
"Just above my left elbow, ma'am." He replied, shrugging his coat off. In all the times that Colonel Hamilton had been in this infirmary, Eliza had never seen him take off his shirt. She was mildly surprised at how skinny (and fit, might she add) he was. She felt her face grow hot when she saw his muscles for the first time, and she spun around to avoid his reaction to this. Unfortunately, he noticed.
"Something wrong, Miss?" He asked, a smirk evident on his lips.
"No-nothing." Eliza replied as she collected the disinfectant ointment and roll of bandages. She glanced back over at Hamilton to find him staring intently at her. Already a blushing mess, the nurse quickly pretended to fiddle with something until she believed her face was it's normal color again. Eliza hurriedly walked over to Colonel Hamilton, not wanting to keep him waiting from his duty, and gasped at cut that ran from his elbow to his bicep. Most of his "cuts" had been mere scratches, but this one would definitely leave a scar.
"I know, I know" Alexander grimaced. "It's not very flattering."
"How exactly did you obtain this cut, Colonel?" She asked while cleaning it with a nearby washcloth.
"Well, I.." Alexander wasn't exactly sure how he was going to make an excuse up for this one. In all actuality, he purposely slit his arm on a particularly sharp piece of wood just to see Eliza again, but he couldn't let her know that.
Eliza raised her eyebrow. "Well?" She asked.
"I honestly don't know. I guess it happened during training." He shrugged, thankful that training had just ended. Eliza reluctantly nodded.
"Huh. Alright."
The conversation soon fell into an awkward silence, and Eliza had patched him up in no time. She tightened the bandage around his upper arm and patted it.
"There we go, Colonel Hamilton." Eliza said, stepping back. "Not too tight, is it?"
Alexander shrugged his shoulders in a circular motion. "Nope." He smiled. She returned it happily.
In all honesty, she had grown fond of her little "friend" that kept visiting her (Mrs. Washington had a sneaking suspicion to his visits), and maybe even felt a small romantic connection to the Colonel. But it was an absurd thought.
"You're free to go." She declared, albeit a little disappointed that he had to go. He felt the exact way.
"Oh. Thank you, ma'am." He said, walking off to the doorway to the tent. There was a clash of thunder before he even made it out the doorway, and rain started to pour quickly. Alexander stepped back inside.
"What unfortunate timing. Well, Miss Eliza it seems that I'm stuck here for the time being."
"Yes, yes it does." She replied, although neither of them seemed to be saddened by the fact.
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