An Arrival
@Elizabeth_Schuylur I'M SO SORRY IT'S LATE!!! This is her request!! You should definitely check out her stories/account! She's incredible <3
"Alexander. Alexander! Alex-" Eliza smacked her husband on his arm, jolting him awake. It was 4:07 in the morning, and she did not want to deal with anymore stress then she was already put in.
"Huh-what's going on?" He asked sleepily before meeting Eliza's frantic eyes.
"Alex, my water just broke." She told him.
"We'll clean it up in the morning. Just grab some paper towels, it's too early for this shi-" Alexander yawned, rolling back over to his side of the bed.
"What? No, not my water glass Alexander! My water broke. The baby is coming!" She said before gasping in pain. This child was not going to be an easy birth, Eliza thought.
"Wait what-" Alexander shot awake again, this time fully alert. "Damn. Get in the car, I'm gonna grab the hospital bag."
"Okay." She responded while attempting to get out of bed. Her swollen stomach wasn't making this task any easier. She envied her husband as she watched him jump out of bed like a cat who just got soaked in water and scramble to get ready. Alex turned to Eliza before muttering a quick "oops" and helping his pregnant wife out of bed.
"What time is it? Won't the hospital need that information?" Alexander asked frantically, throwing clothes out of the way to get to the hospital bag.
"I don't know, just say 4:05." Eliza reassured him, although she should be the one getting reassured.
Eliza slowly but surely waddled her way out of the door to Alexander's BMW (occasionally having to lean on a wall during a contraction) and tried to open the door, but to no avail. Alexander hadn't unlocked the door.
"Shit!" She swore loudly as she stood in the freezing cold. Eliza shivered due to the lack of layers she had on. It was just above 20ºF, and she was wearing silk pajamas. She felt another contraction come on and slid down the car door, clutching to the side view mirror for support so she wouldn't be on the icy driveway completely.
Eliza heard a chime and a click behind her and realized that Alexander had finally unlocked the car. She scrambled to sit in the passenger's seat, where she leaned back into the leather seat with a heavy sigh. A few moments later the unbearable pain came back again, searing through her body. She let out a high pitched scream and grabbed onto the dashboard to help with the pain. In no less than 5 minutes, Alexander was out with the hospital bag, one of his sweatshirts, Eliza's favorite snack (other than Alex), and a stress ball.
He tossed her the sweatshirt and the stress ball, which almost hit the poor girl in the face, and got the car started. Eliza slipped on the sweatshirt before moaning in pain. Her left hand was in Alexander's, and her right hand was squeezing the stress ball.
Every several minutes, a contraction would hit Eliza like a tsunami, thrusting her into immense pain and discomfort. Alexander's heart broke every time the poor woman would scream and squeeze onto his hand even harder. But his words of comfort were no match for the hell that is labor. 3 contractions into the car ride, the stress ball exploded, causing slime to go (and stick) everywhere in the car. Alex groaned internally, knowing that he would have to clean that up later.
"Should we be counting how far the contractions are apart?" Eliza panted in between breaths.
"That's probably a good ide-" He was cut off by his wife screaming in pain. Alexander instructed her to breathe in and out, which did not help.
"God, this is a living hell." Eliza moaned after the contraction finished. Alex silently agreed, not wanting to aggravate her. Finally they were coming up on the hospital.
"Betsey, we're almost there." Alexander pulled into the hospital parking lot.
"Fucking finally!" Eliza screamed. Alex flinched at Eliza's choice of language. The pain must be really bad if she's swearing like that, he thought to himself.
Alex parked as close as he could to the hospital doors, grabbed the necessities in the car, and rushed his wife into the medical center. He quickly caught the attention of a nearby worker, signalling that the woman needed attention ASAP. Eliza was then rushed into a room to where she could deliver the child.
Eliza cried silently as she suffered through contractions. Alexander sat in a chair in the corner, his face pale. He ran a hand through his hair and listened to the screams of his wife giving birth. It cut him like a knife to hear her in pain. He wanted to confront her. He wanted to stay by her side. He wanted to hold her hand and whisper sweet nothings into her ear, reassuring that it will all be worth it in the end. Unfortunately, the man was in shock. From realizing that his wife was about to have a child, and from only getting 3 hours of sleep last night.
Alexander shook his head and pinched himself to make sure it wasn't a dream. His wife was having a child! The thoughts of fatherhood danced into his head. He would soon get to hold his child, play with his child, talk to his child. It made him so happy. His thoughts were interrupted by Eliza screaming loudly thanks to another contraction.
Alexander shot up and ran to go comfort his wife. Eliza gratefully clenched onto his hand and squeezed it as hard as she could. Alex squeezed back as Eliza inhaled and exhaled quickly. Alex planted a quick kiss on her forehead, and for a millisecond, Eliza relaxed.
"Mrs. Hamilton, we need to know if you would like an epidural or no-" The nurse who had walked up to them after Eliza's contraction was cut off by Eliza.
"No." She replied firmly. She wanted to have a natural birth, or at least as natural as she could make it. "I will not be having an epidural." The nurse smiled and nodded.
"I was the same way when I had my daughter." She told the pair before Eliza started to scream. Alexander felt her hand grip his tighter, and he began to wonder if his circulation was being cut off. Eliza's cries were enough to make him forget about his circulation. He couldn't care less if he lost his hand thanks to Eliza, as long as the baby and her were safe.
"Alexander Hamilton, this is your fault!" Eliza yelled. She threw her head back on the headboard. "You did this to me!"
Alexander quietly apologized and stroked her cheek.
"In all fairness though," he muttered "You enjoyed it."
Eliza half-jokingly glared at her husband, resulting in a few titters from the nurses and doctors.
It had been around 10 hours and Eliza still hadn't given birth.
To be completely honest, she was starting to get impatient. Her hair was oily, she was sweating, and she was very very pale. Alexander went back into his state of shock and hadn't recovered, so the doctor's words of encouragement were the only thing keeping her sane now. Angelica was supposed to be on her way, and Peggy and her parents were flying in tomorrow morning, so she didn't have any relatives to keep her company.
Alexander, on the other hand, was a complete and utter wreck. He sat in the uncomfortable hospital chair, pale as ever, for an hour. He was so numb he could barely move. Eliza told medical staff hadn't eaten since yesterday, and that he had only gotten a few hours of sleep. A nurse tried to convince Alex to eat a granola bar, but he refused on multiple occasions.
Alex sat there, motionless, thinking about their child and their child's future, and why he turned down the granola bar that had been offered to just a few hours ago. He wondered what the child would be like. Eliza and Alex didn't want to know the gender before hand, so they waited until this very moment to find out what they would be having. Alexander kept getting flashes in his head of him being an awful father, just as bad as his father had been. He forced these thoughts out of his head.
No more bad thoughts, he thought. This is going to be the best day of my life.
Alex finally began to show signs of life when he heard screams that weren't Eliza's. Screams that belonged to a child.
He bolted up right and looked around wildly. Eliza and the baby's cries filled the room. Alex rushed over to his wife, who was sobbing in pain, and grabbed her hand. As the doctor took their child to be cleaned, Alex turned to his wife.
"You did wonderful, baby." He told her shakily.
"Really?" Eliza breathed heavily. "It didn't seem like you were paying attention."
"I was in shock." He defended himself half heartedly
"I was giving birth." Eliza shot back, and Alex knew he had lost.
"I wonder if it's a he or a she." She asked, changing the subject.
"I think it's a girl." Alexander said. "Then she'll be just as pretty as her mother."
Eliza blushed. "I bet it's a boy. Then he'll be as handsome and dashing as his father."
Now it was Alex's turn to blush. "$10 says it's a girl."
"You're on." Eliza grinned. She yawned. "I can't believe I just did that." She said in disbelief.
"I can't either. Holy crap! We're going to be parents!" He realized, breaking into a grin himself.
"Babe, we are parents now." Eliza told him. Alexander pushed a lock of hair out of her face and kissed her all over.
"I love you and our child so much, Betsey."
"I love you and our child more." Eliza replied, reaching over to kiss the tip of his nose. Alex chuckled and turned his attention to the doctor, who was holding a clean baby boy in her arms. Eliza broke into sobs as she took the her child in her arms and cradled him.
"Oh he's so beautiful!" She said through tears. Alexander's eyes began to water as Eliza and the boy both cried simultaneously.
"He has your eyes, 'Liza." Alexander's voice cracked.
"He has your freckles and hair." She croaked.
"He looks just like his mama." Alexander said proudly through tears.
"We made that, Alex." Eliza told her husband.
"Yeah, we did.." Alex repeated in disbelief.
"What should we name him?" Eliza asked, tearing her gaze away from the tiny child in her arms to look at her husband.
"Philip." Alex replied without hesitation. "After your father, if that's alright with you?"
"Oh yes of course! Little Philip!" Eliza cried harder and began stroking Philip's cheek.
"Hi baby." She cooed. "Your mama and papa are going to take such good care of you." She said. Alex leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.
"Yeah.." Alexander replied hoarsely, shaking with excitement. "You'll blow us all away, Philip. One day."
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