You'll be back
"Are not!" Alex yelled.
"Am too!"
"Are not!"
"Am too!"
"Are not!"
"Am too!"
"Am too!"
"Are not! I mean, uh. Am too!"
"Guys!" Hercules was exhausted, watching Alex fight with every person that didn't agree with him makes you tired.
"Well he's not!" Alex pointed at George and then made a loud huffing noise.
"I am! I am the King of the Playground!" George was holding a long stick that was covered in sparkly glue. He had a pink and white crown on his head.
"You are not!" Alex threw a fist in the sky. To George and Samuel it just looked like an act of defiance, to Laffe and Laurens, who were hiding in a bush some way away, it was a symbol.A cue if you will. A cue to what? A cue to agree with their friend.
"No anarchy!" Laffe yelled from the distance.
"Chaos!" Laurens added.
"Overthrow the King!" The both of them chimed at the same time. Hercules retreated to the bush where is friends hid.
"No!" Samuel ran up to George. "Long live the King." He said. Then he started chanting. "Long. Live. The King. Long. Live. The king. Long. Live. The King."
Alex rolled his eyes, and in a fit of temper, he jumped upon George. He tackled him to the ground. He snatched the stick, but George grappled to take it back from him.
"Go George!" Samuel squealed.
Alex wrestled the glittery stick away from George and hit him on the head with it.
"Bad King." Alex said, climbing off him. George sat up, rubbing his head. His eyes were angry, and he tried to hide the glistening of tears in them. Hercules ran over to the group. Alex broke the stick over his knee, triumphant. He smiled at the small crowd that had gathered.
"Alex!" Hercules was mad.
"Herc!" Alex didn't realize this and hugged his friend, who proceeded to shove Alex to the ground.
"That was not cool! You were- were- a meanie poo-head!" It pained Herc to say this, but he had to. Alex looked at the ground he was sitting on, it was dirty and Alex didn't want to get his pants dirty. Hercules kicked up the dirt so it landed on Alex's lap. "He might not be King but you don't have to take his stick."
Alex stood up, and cleaned off his trousers. He was borrowing them from Aaron and didn't want to dirty them and make Mrs.Burr mad at him. But now, Alex realized what his friend had said.
"Hercules." Alex was hurt. "I took his stick because he didn't deserve it."
"Who says? Why are you in charge? Why do you get to decide that he doesn't get to be King of the Playground? Why do you take his stick?" Hercules demanded, his face was turning red from anger.
"Because-" Alex searched his brain for words. Words were almost always fluttering around his mind, but now, he could not find any to explain to his friend why he had done what he had done. Hercules leaned forwards.
"Because...?" He asked.
"Because. Because! Because I wanted to take his stick." Alex was hopeful his friend would take this weak olive branch as a sign.
"No. Not good enough! That just determines you are a meanie poo-head!"
"I'm not!" Alex pleaded, his eyes filled with tears.
"You are." Hercules stormed onto the playground, leaving his friend surrounded by a crowd of people.
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