What is wrong with Kitty Schuyler?
"Lafayette! Alexander!" Martha called from the kitchen to the boys, who were in Alex's room playing with the new toy trains Burr had gotten them for their 6 month friendiversary.
Alex instantly shot right up, hoping Martha was asking them to feed Anna, his favorite chore to do. He grabbed Laf's arm and tugged his brother into the hall. "Yes mom?" He yelled back hopefully.
The reply was even better than he could've imagined. "Anna and I are going shopping, and for s girls day out."
"Oh." Laf and Alex's disappointed sighs could be heard from miles and miles away.
Martha took a deep breath. "But... I called Kitty, and she is very available to take you boys to the arcade a few blocks away."
"What?" Alex and Laf yelled in unison as they sprinted down the hallway to the kitchen where Martha and Kitty stood. "Oh my god! Yay!"
Martha grinned. "I knew you boys would be happy for this outing."
"Oui! Happy!" Laf exclaimed.
"Happy?" Alex giggled sassily.
"Are you not happy?" Martha felt bad a bit and hoped that wasn't the cause for the frown upon Alex's face.
Alex changed the look to a broad smile. "I'm thrilled!" He shouted, and hugged his mom's waist tightly. "Thanks mom!" He pulled away. "And thanks Kitty!"
"It's my pleasure." Kitty, who was wearing a strange assortment of clothing, tipped her bright purple fedora in a gentleman-like gesture.
Alex bit his lip, pondering whether or not to ask Kitty something. "Kitty? No offense... but what are you wearing?"
"Alex!" Martha was astounded by her son's bad behavior.
Kitty just laughed. "Well Alex, it appears I'm wearing a purple fedora with a purple bow on it. With my hair in pig-tail braids. My shirt is a light blue and has leapord print text saying 'fierce', I have a jean jacket on and some crazily pink and dark green patterned leggings with some fuzzy crocs." She explained, chuckling again at the end. "And if I might add, I pull it all off with a bang."
The family looked Kitty up and down with awe, she was indeed wearing all that. And... she did indeed pull it off with a bang. Alex, unable to admit defeat, hung his head in embarrassment. Martha, who could never wear something like that outside of her last semester in her junior year of college, bit her fingernails with a nervous habit.
Lafayette, as usual, was the only one nice enough to grin at his babysitter. "You look fantastic Kitty! Where do you buy it all?"
"The stores I shop at are a little..." Kitty trailed off, not able to think of a word to describe her taste.
"Funky? Retro? Hip-hop?" Alex offered a collection of words from his large vocabulary. "Maybe just plain ol'... weird?"
"I wouldn't call it weird!" Martha lied with excitement.
Alex raised an eyebrow at her. "I am sure that you would. All she's missing is some weird pink flower and a tin can and she's that crazy homeless girl we saw outside Marshalls."
"Alexander!" Martha screamed.
Kitty, used to this kind of torment from her younger sisters, blew a bubble with her yummy, bright pink gum and giggled again. "It is fine. Do not even worry about it Martha. Kids express what they feel." Kitty turned to look at Alex. "You don't like my outfit? Don't wear it." She shrugged.
"Huh." Alex had never really been responded to from his insults. "Sorry Kitty. Can we go to the arcade now?"
"Not until you truly apologize." Martha said sternly.
Kitty shook her head at Martha. "None of that nonsense." She wagged her finger. "Go to your room and bring me your least favorite shirt." She ordered Alex.
Alex quickly obliged, hoping Kitty would wear it or something. He came back a few minutes later with a bright orange shirt in hand. "It says 'Momma's gal.' On the front with a blue flower.
"Hey! I bought you that!" Martha pointed at the shirt with very loud and expressed objection in her voice.
"Put it on." Kitty demanded.
Alex's eyes nearly popped out of his head. "What?" His mouth gaped open and he stared at her for a moment.
"Over what you're already wearing too." She decided.
Alex slipped the shirt on grumpily and then looked at Kitty. "What now?" He could see in her eyes that there was more.
Kitty took her hand out of her bag and sprayed the mist on Alex. "The perfect perfume." She then held up a hair tie. "And a bun of course!"
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