The Surprise
"Pew! Pew! Pew!" Alex mimicked the sound of the gun in the game and giggled as he shot the giant 3D tarantulas that crawled towards him. "I'm gonna win!" He shouted at the screen. He shot another spider and turned around. "Oh no!" He cried, one spider was upon him, stabbing at him with it's arms. "No!" Alex cried out again. The words 'Game Over' flashed across the screen in big, bold, red lettering. "Ah man." Alex snapped his fingers.
"What's wrong Al?" A familiar voice asked.
Alex gasped, it couldn't be. No. It just couldn't. He turned around and gasped again, small tears forming in the corner of his eyes. "Oh my god!" Alex whispered. He hugged the figure in front of him, tight.
"Whoa! Slow your roll brother!" James chuckled and bent down to his much younger brother. He picked him up so they could see eye to eye.
Alex fidgeted uncomfortably. "Jamesey! Put me down!" He wiggled and writhed about in James' arms.
"Alright... fine." James put Alex on the ground. "but I'm going to pick you up again soon." He assured his little brother.
"Jamesey! I can't believe you're here! How did you get here? Who brought you?" Alex questioned.
James held up a hand. "Calm yourself brother. We've got time. But if you really want to know..." James shrugged. "That lady brought me here. The one you stay with. Uh I think she said her name was..."
"Martha? My mom?" Alex asked, curious to see if his mom really was the best person ever in the whole wide world.
James stared at Alex coldly. "Your mom died two years ago, days before the last day we saw each other." He murmured.
Alex nodded sternly. He had to be careful talking about his new family in front of James."Right... but was it Martha?"
"Yea- I think. Ms.Washington?" James crossed his arms.
"Yep... that's her!" Alex nodded eagerly. "How did she get in touch with you? I'm still fuzzy on the details."
James stared at the wall for a moment before looking back at Alex. "She called where I work and asked for a James Hamilton..."
Three months ago
"Hello?" James picked up the phone as it rang, echoing through the first level of the twelve story building.
The person on the other side of the line took a deep breath. "Hi... I am looking for a Mr. James Hamilton. Is he present? Can I speak with him?"
"This is him. Who is this?" James asked, his heart ached. The last two times he had gotten an important call somebody he loved had died.
The person exhaled in relief, obviously glad she had found James. "Hi. My name is Martha Washington. Your brother-"
James took a sharp intake of breath. Not Alexander. Not Alex.
"Has been staying with me and my husband these past few months and I have been trying to get in touch with you." Martha finished.
James swallowed. "Alex... is he okay? How's he doing?'
"He's great. Our other adopted son and him are very close friends, and our ten day old daughter has taken quite a liking to him as well." Martha explained.
James was confused for a moment, he leaning against the wall, holding the phone tight. "So... why did you need to reach me?"
"I thought I'd see if you would like to see your brother." Martha sighed. "We live in the suburbs of New York-"
"Woman. I don't know who you think I am. But I can't afford a flight to the big apple." James sassed.
"Well if you get here. Give me a call." Martha said briskly, and hung up.
"I called, Got in yesterday. She told me to meet you here at this time. Of course, being me, I was a bit late. Cab fare was hard to pay." James explained.
"Jamesey? Do you want to come back to my house? My babysitter can drive!" Alex offered. "And you can meet my brorrrrfrrrriend. My friend Laf. He's here, and my s-friend Anna. And my, my... Martha and George! And Kitty, my babysitter."
"That sounds great Alex."
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