The Story of Tonight
"Cheers!" The pipsqueak voice of Alex said. He held his glass of juice high and the others clinked glasses with him.
"It was very nice of your mom to let us use her nice glasses!" Hercules was fawning over the green glass.
"Oui! Agree!" Laffe giggled.
"My mom's nice." Aaron smiled at them.
"Guys- let's play tag!" Alex said once they had all chugged their apple juice. John instantaneously reached out and tapped Laffe's shoulder.
"Tag your it!" He shrieked. Everyone used a burst of speed and scattered, but nobody was as fast as Laffe, who tagged Alex in a mater of seconds.
Alex used the nice coffee table to his advantage, he jumped on it and leapt off, using it to propel himself forwards. He collided with Hercules and tagged him, running off around the house. He saw Aaron hiding in the closet and shouted, "Aaron's in the closet!" Hercules was close behind Alex, but he opened the door to the closet and tapped on Burr, who burst out of the closet and sprinted after Alex.
"What the heck!" He was angry at Alex. "I thought we were friends, why would you do that!" Then he started to cry. He stopped running and was full on sobbing. Alex went up to him but Burr refused his comfort.
"I know how to solve this!" John shouted. He went over to his backpack and pulled out-
"Are those- water guns?" Alex was confused.
"Yep- now, Aaron, you didn't finish your juice. Where is it?" John asked.
"There." Aaron pointed. John ran to it and filled the water guns with the red juice. Then he handed one water gun to Alex and the other to Aaron.
"Why do you keep water guns in your bag?" Aaron was inspecting the water gun, and he seemed intrigued. John snapped his fingers and Laffe ran to Alex, taking hime five steps from Aaron, Hercules did the same. They were facing away from on another.
"Okay, on the count of ten turn and shoot." John ordered.
"One!" John said.
"Two!" Chimed Hercules.
"Three!"John kept counting.
"Quatre!" Laffe threw them off a beat and so they began counting again.
"Ten!" All three boys yelled.
During all this, time seemed to slow down for Alex.
"One." John's voice didn't penetrate his thoughts. Alex looked down at his shirt. This is my favorite shirt. He thought. And my only shirt for that matter. I don't want to get juice on my nice shirt. What am I going to do? If I chicken out John won't like me anymore. Hmm. Oh! I know, I'll point in the sky, and Aaron will see my nice shirt and won't shoot. So Aaron doesn't get juice on it. Alex agreed with himself that nothing was wrong with this plan.
Alex and Aaron spun around to face each other. Alex aimed at the sky. Aaron saw him do this, but it was too late. The juice was already in the air. It went towards Alex and, landed on the white rug. Aaron's eyes widened.
"Oh no!" He cried. He looked at his new friend, who was grinning.
"Yay!" My shirt!" He ran to Aaron and hugged him.
"No!" Aaron gestured at the rug, but his friend ignored it.
"Tag your it." Alex whispered in Aaron's ear. The boys were playing again, and by the time they got tucked into bed, the stain was long forgotten.
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