Stay Alive
"General!" Alex's spine stiffened when he heard this. It was from outside but surely they were lining up to come inside and speak to Mr.W. Alex, Mr.Washington's 'secretary' reorganized his desk and waited. The door slammed open and Alex winced. There stood John, dressed all in blue with a large stick in his hands.
"Hi John." Alex smiled meekly.
"Address him by General." Hercules answered him, he and Laffe were standing behind John, smaller sticks in their hands.
"General, what is it you'd like to speak with Mr.Washington about?" Alex asked, crossing his arms.
Hercules took in a deep breath. "He'd like to speak to you sir."
Alex raised an eyebrow, something he had perfected from his brother. James could do both eyebrows, either one down and either one up. Alex could only do his right, it made him miss his brother even more when he tried for his left and so he never did. "Really?"
"Really." said Laffe, his face straight and unblinking.
"About...?" Alex lifted his shoulders, his arms remaining crossed.
"Boys, shoo." John flicked the boys away, and they walked out of the room.
Before closing the door, Hercules leaned back in. "We'll wait right here for you sir."
John nodded and the door shut. He let his breath out shortly in an attempt to scare Alex. "I'd like to talk to you." John murmured, Alex squinted his eyes. "Former general to Current General, you must understand how hard it is. The strutaj- strutaj-"
"Strategy?" Alex offered.
"Yes. The strategy part of the job is not easy." John shrugged.
"It's rather difficult." Alex put in. He uncrossed his arms.
"Yep." John nodded his signature nod.
The two boys sat in silence for a moment. Then Alex figured it out. "Oh! You'd like me to help?"
"In so many words?" Alex said.
"You'd like my assistance in your job? My thoughts? My help fighting against George and Samuel?" Alex kept going. The General was there to keep the 'King' in line. It was a hard and fun job, that Alex missed dearly.
"Yes." John stared at the floor, the King had been doing awful things and John couldn't do anything about it. There was almost nobody on his side.
"Mr Washington!" Alex called.
"Yes?" Mr.Washington's deep, strong voice yelled out to Alex. The door to his office cracked open a smidge.
"May I go to recess today?" Alex asked hopefully.
Mr.Washington smiled. "Of course you can. Thank you for asking son."
Alex opened his eyes wide at 'son'. No man since his dirtbag father had called him that. He swallowed. "I am not your son." He said.
Mr.Washington's smile faltered. "Oh yes, I know that. Just an expression." Mr.Washington ducked out of the room and Alex ran with John outside, Hercules and Laffe running behind them.
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