Scooters and Falls
Eliza giggled as she scootered faster and faster, furiously trying to out-scooter Alexander who was desperately trying to keep up behind her. Suddenly, The brunettes long hair blew in front of her face, obscuring her vision. She felt a bump on the ground beneath her, and Eliza found herself sprawled out on the ground.
"Eliza!" Alex yelped, jumping off of his scooter and allowing it to clatter to the ground. He dropped to his knees, and wrapped his arms around her waist lovingly. "Wha- what hurts the most Lizzie?"
Eliza gestured weakly to her ankle. "My ow- my ankle." She murmured.
Alex lay her back on the ground and crawled down near her ankle. He saw it was twisted in an odd manor. "Oh no." He said, it was quiet enough so Eliza couldn't hear. "Alright Lizzie, how does a Piggy back ride home sound?"
"That sounds good." Eliza croaked as Alex placed his arms under her waist and back of her chest. He lifted her up so she could stand, and then let her quickly get on his back.
"You comfortable Lizzie?" Alex asked, lifting her up a little higher so her knees were on his hands.
"Yea-" Eliza's voice was slightly broken with pain. "Thank you Al."
Alex hoisted her up a tad once more. "O of course Eliza, I love you."
Eliza was too weary with pain too respond, so she lay her head on his shoulder and kissed his cheek.
"You have a sprained ankle and need to stay in bed until your parents come here and pick you up." George said, handing Eliza an ice pack for her foot.
"I'll stay here with her, dad... I know it's my turn but can you take Ollie out on the walk so I can be here with Lizzie?"
Alex asked, hopeful.
"Sure thing sweetie."
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