Right Hand Man
Hercules slipped into the storage closet. He was hungry and his parents hadn't packed him a lunch that day, as they hadn't woken up early enough to see him off. Hercules closed the storage closet door behind him, concealing himself in the dark. He tip-toed to the back, where he knew the food was kept. He had gotten food once for John when John had asked him. Hercules held back tears thinking about his friends. I did everything they ever asked me to do, since before Alex was even around. They know him for one months and all of a sudden I stand up to him and get kicked out of their group? The boys hadn't talked or looked at Hercules since the incident. Not even so much as a glance. Hercules shook his head.
"You're on your own now Hercman. Let it go." He swallowed and cracked his neck. Then he slid his hand into the bag. Crinkle crinkle. It sounded louder than a bull horn. Then the door opened, Hercules ducked down, but the beam of light fell upon him before he could do so. The door shut again quickly.
"Hercules? Zat you?" Hercules instantly recognized the voice of his former friend.
"Alexander." Hercules voice was stone-cold.
"Look, Herc, I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't have taken the stick. Though it was bedazzled. I shouldn't have iced you out either." Alex whispered. He snuck forwards to his friend until they were close to each other.
"You shouldn't have." Hercules agreed.
"Herc, why don't we make a pact. I won't tell on you, if you don't me. Deal?"
"Deal." Hercules smiled, but Alex couldn't tell in the dark room.
"Yay." Alex grinned, but Hercules had no idea.
"And here, I just took these from a bag in here. They are these weird candies that are shaped like cannons, candy cannons and they are really bitter and sour. I love 'em." Hercules gave one to his friend.
"I bet I'll love 'em too. I love bitter things." Alex popped the candy in his mouth. So did Hercules. In ten seconds both boys had spit the candy in their hands and tossed it on the floor without telling the other boy.
"That's ridiculous. Preposterous. Lunacy! I am outraged. Outraged! This is preposterous." Alex yelled.
"What's he saying?" Hercules poked Laffe.
Laffe shrugged. "It isn't french. Just big fancy words."
"Alex. Calm down. I have proof. We have security cameras here you know." Mr.Washington put a hand on Alex's shoulder. "All I'm asking is for you to come to my office."
"I thought this was a free country." Alex grumbled, stalking off along with Mr.W.
"It is Alex."
"Sir." There was a knock on the office door, though it was open.
"Aaron Burr?" Mr.W asked.
"Sir." Aaron repeated.
"Well, come in. Wh- what are you doing here?" Mr.W smiled at the young boy. Alex shifted comfortably in his chair, and Aaron took a deep breath.
"Sir. I saw a flyer in the street, and I picked it up, because you know, littering is against the law. However, I- I saw-" Aaron paused, forgetting the words he and his mother had gone on several times the night before. Then he remembered. "I saw and read it and it was for the pre-k job. Um, you want me, uh, no the- the person that gets the job to do the-oh-uh- thing and make sure that- Can I start over?"
"Yes. Of course." Mr.W was smiling yet again, and it made such a wide hole in the young man's kind face.
"Sir. I saw a flyer in the street and I picked it up because I wanted to clean the world of littering, which is against the law by the way. Horrifying, really, that anyone would hurt the world like that. Think of the trees people." Aaron was saying this so passionately it was hard not to see how fake it was.
"Lorax." Alex muttered under his breath. Aaron didn't hear him, and Mr.W ignored him, only letting his smile get a little bigger.
"And so I read the flyer. Or rather, had my mother read it to me, as I cannot read. It said 'Job wanted for Washington Pre-K for the Intelligent. Well, I added that last bit." Aaron laughed, or pretended to laugh to be honest. "Anyway, I wanted to apply for the job. It was an opening for kids to talk to kids face to face and convince them to come here." Aaron recalled, at least, he hoped he recalled correctly,
"Yes, I'll keep you in mind for the opening Aaron." Mr. W decided.
"Thank you sir!" Aaron bowed slightly.
"And Burr?"
"Close the door on your way out." Aaron rushed out of the room and shut the door powerfully behind him, not slamming it, it was more an act of happiness.
(George Washington if you're reading this, I know it's not acts of happiness that breaks doors, but bear with me, I don't want Aaron coming across as an angry man. Yes I do know that he shot his best friend because he was bitter shut up George.)
"Anyway, Alex." Mr. W turned to Alex. "I would like to hire you for that job Aaron was just begging me for, even though you have no interest in it at all." Mr.W didn't say that in those exact words, but that was the gist.
"Sir, I don't want that. But I do like seeing Aaron bitter. So perhaps I freaking will. Thank you sir. I accept."
Then the two skipped off into the sunset giggling and wishing Aaron had hair so they could set it on fire.
Sorry but I couldn't refrain from making that a funny scene. If you'd like a serious version, please comment. Hehe. ;) 😬
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