Philip & Anna
Alex looked down at Anna, who was lying in her crib. She had woken up a few minutes ago to take a bottle but was all good now. Alex rubbed his chin as if he were an old wise man like Bill. He was lost in thought and his hand swung loosely by his side, gripping Philip so tightly his knuckles turned white. Alex then put his hand over the side of the crib. "Hey Anna." He cooed.
Anna looked up at him, her large blue eyes sparkling brightly. The corners of her mouth curled up in a smile. "I want you to meet a friend of mine." He waved Philip in front of her face softly and she let out a choked laugh sort of sound. "I- I talked to my friend Eliza and she agreed, we'd like you to have him." Alex placed Philip down next to Anna. The two of them almost the same size. Almost instantly Anna latched her small fingers onto his paw and giggled yet again. "You like him huh?" Alex murmured. Anna waved her other arm around in the air and then curled it around Philip so she was hugging him. "I'm very glad you like him." Alex grinned, he was so happy with his little sister.
The door creak open. "Hey son, what are you doing with Anna?" George whispered, curious as to why his son was in here.
Alex gestured for George to come into the room so George tip-toed over to Alex. Alex pointed at Anna and Philip, who were cuddling. "I gave her Philip."
George grinned at his son. He knew how much Philip meant to Alex, and how much he absolutely loved him, so this was a big step. It showed how much Alex truly loved his baby sister."Wow son, I'm so so proud of you." George sighed, hugging his son.
Alex pulled away. "Do you think it's okay if Mr.Miranda brings Seb over one day? Anna's already two weeks old and Seb is two year and I think-"
"Why don't we wait until she's a little older for the two of them to hang out? Okay? I don't want to hurt your feelings but Anna is a little too young for play-dates." George explained.
Alex shrugged. "What about next week?"
"I was thinking more about in a few months, I'm sorry son." George apologized.
"Don't worry about it, she can play with Philip now anyway! She likes him a lot! So she'll like Seb since they're a lot alike. Quiet and kind!" Alex decided.
"Sounds great Al."
"Oh and you know what dad?" Alex poked his dad's gut.
"What is it Al?" George bent down next to his son and peered into his eyes as Alex grinned, very excited.
"We can teach her how to say goodbye!"
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