Meet me Inside
Alex smiled to himself and ran over to Aaron, who had just casually walked in through the doors. Alex stopped in his tracks as Charles appeared next to Aaron. Alex glared at Charles, who smiled back at him and started walking towards Eliza and Peggy. Angelica wasn't there today, so Alex's plan could take full affect. Alex grabbed the sleeve of Aaron's shirt and tugged him away from the door. Not before realizing that Charles was wearing white and black striped pants.
"Hey!" Aaron exclaimed. "My shirt!" The shirt said 'Guess what?' and then an arrow pointed at the behind of a chicken.
"Sorry." Alex apologized shortly. He thought the shirt was a little odd.
"It's not actually my shirt. It's Charles' my mom had me wear it to be more like hi-" Aaron got interrupted my Alex's sudden movement. Alex grabbed the top of the shirt and yanked it off Aaron's body. "Ack!"
"Don't worry, I always bring an extra button down flannel in my bag, in case of fancy emergencies." Alex waved a dismissive hand. Aaron wrapped his hands around his bare chest.
"I'm not wearing a shirt." Aaron hissed. Then he grinned. "I'm at school and I'm not wearing a shirt!"
Alex tossed Aaron the button down, "Put on a shirt."
"Right, course." Aaron buttoned the shirt and was comfortable. "This is more like it."
"Now that you're all ready and you're not half naked at school-" Alex paused in the middle of his sentence and blinked. "Now there's a sentence I never thought I'd have to say. Especially to you."
"And I never thought you'd take off my shirt. Life is surprising, isn't it?" Aaron put his hand on his hip and sighed. "As you were saying...?"
"Right! As I was saying, could you get me some lemonade?" Alex asked.
"Oh, of course!" Aaron bounded away to get the juice, as John Laurens ran up to Alex.
"John! Never have I been more happy to see you." Alex wrapped his arms around John's torso and squeezed. John hugged him back, and even kissed Alex's forehead.
"Thanks Alex! But why?" John always loved seeing Alex, but now Alex seemed particularly happy to see him. Was the feeling in John's stomach every time he saw Alex only him? Or did his friend feel it too?
"Could you go tell Charles to meet me at the corner table at 11:15?" Alex asked.
John's hopes and spirits crashed. All Alex wanted was a favor, but John didn't want to fail his friend. "Oh yes! Anything for you!" John sprinted across the room to wear Charles, Eliza and Peggy were sitting in a circle giggling.
Alex glanced at the clock 11:13, Alex quickly went to the small table in the corner of the room. Aaron came up to him. "You're juice box." Alex gave Aaron a look. "Sir." Aaron added.
Alex chuckled heartily. "Thank you Aaron. Now here's the plan:" Aaron hid under the table and Alex held his juice box underneath the table, where Aaron was ready. Charles pulled out a chair.
"Hello. Alexander right?" Charles asked.
"That's correct Charles."
"I go by Chuck actually."
"Of course you do." Alex murmured.
"Nothing." Alex covered. Then he pretended to see something. "Look over there!" He pointed out the window.
"Where?" Charles looked away just long enough.
Alex grabbed his juice box, and Aaron punctured a whole in it with a colored pencil he had picked up off the floor and the two watched as the lemonade showered Charles' pants. Charles let out a shriek and so did Alex. "Charles! You peed your pants!"
The yellow in the lemonade seeped through the white stripes in Charles' pants and gave it another pee-ish side effect. "Did not!" Charles looked at his pants and jumped out of the chair.
"Then what's that!" Alex pointed at the 'pee' stains on Charles' pants. Aaron took the lemonade box from Alex's hand and crawled out from the table, hiding the lemonade behind his box. Seeing nobody watching him, he threw it in the trashcan.
Charles' face burned red as the whole class started giggling, whispering and pointing at Charles' pants. "No! But I didn't! This isn't pee! It's lemonade!"
"You pee lemonade? Freak!" John Laurens shouted from across the room.
"But!" Charles' voice broke and tears shined on his face.
"What's happening?" Peggy asked, coming back from the bathroom.
"Charles peed his pants!" Eliza was giggling.
"What?" Peggy laughed so hard she almost started to cry. Making Charles shake violently with tears.
"What's happening?" A louder, clearer voice said. Everyone froze, Mr.Washington was here.
"Charles peed his pants!" John and Aaron shouted in unison. Mr.Washington took one look at the sobbing seven year old boy and the rest of the laughing class room and instantly picked Charles up.
"Watch out! He might pee on you!" Thomas Jefferson cackled.
"Enough." Mr.Washington said. He didn't yell, but his eyes swept around the room and made everyone silent. Mr.Washington lead Charles out of the room. Then Aaron and Alex low-fived where nobody could see.
"Good job." They patted each other's backs. Alex was never to see Lee again.
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