I Imagine Death So Much It Feels More Like A Memory
Alex took a deep breath as he stood beside Anna's crib. "Hey sweet girl." He whispered, she was fast asleep, but he still liked looking at her. It was early in the morning, 5:34 A.M. to be exact. Oliver was waiting patiently at Alex's feet, wanting to be taken on a walk.
"One minute Ollie." Alex sighed, letting his hand dangle over the side of Anna's crib. He was standing on an upside down toy bin so that he could reach in. "Anna, I love you. And if I lose the duel... I want you to know that well... You're the best sister, the best girl I've ever met." With that, Alex climbed off the toy bin. He left his sister to her dreams and little baby thoughts.
As he walked out of Anna's room he was met with a whisper. "What are you doing up?" A voice hissed.
Alex jumped nearly a foot in the air. "Laf! You can't just sneak up on people like that at 5 AM!" He yelled quietly.
"Sorry." Lafayette recoiled. "But what are you doing up an-and dressed?" He asked, looking positively dumbfounded.
"Oliver needs to be taken on a walk-" Before Laf could ask him anymore questions, Alex swiftly walked up to the counter and grabbed Ollie's leash.
Eager to help, Laf bounded up to Alex's side. "Shall I come? You shan't be alone in the streets ya know!"
"No." Alex shook his head. "You're not dressed and Ollie really needs to go. Thanks anyway brother."
Out in the cool air of New York, Alex couldn't help but wish he had brought a coat. Or at least a light sweatshirt, but there was no going back. He was only a block from the Schuyler's house. Where he could say his hellos to James, Eliza, Kitty and Peggy all at once. Ollie pulled on the leash, knowing where they were going.
"Slow down boy!" Alex commanded, but Ollie did no such thing. And suddenly, the leash yanked from Alex's grip.
Alex saw Ollie dash down the block they were on and across the street. Alex's feet couldn't keep up. He stopped at the crosswalk, cars whizzing past. He couldn't see Ollie. Tears streamed his face, and he frantically shouted out to his dog. "OLLIE! OLLIE!" He yelled, his voice hoarse. The lights finally turned red, and Alex's head was pounding. He sprinted across the crosswalk and dropped to his knees. His face getting a new warmth as Oliver licked his tears away.
Oliver barked.
"Ollie! You gave me such a fright! I thought you were going to... going to get hit!" Alex stroked Oliver's fur. "You can't do that. You can't die Ollie!" He wiped his face until he was sure it wasn't wet and red anymore.
Alex stood up, and walked up the driveway of the Schuyler's house.
He knocked on the door, and Oliver gave a sharp yip. There was a shuffle inside and somebody yelled "I'll get it!". Alex could hear somebody walking to the door, and it creaked open. "Oh, hey Alex." James smiled at his little brother. "What are you doing here so early? Mr. Washington knows about this right?"
"Yes- of course." Alex semi-lied. "I just wanted to say hi and good morning to you and Eliza. And Kitty if possible."
James chuckled. "Yea, sure... Kitty! Eliza! Come here!" James yelled into the house. He turned back to Alex.
"So... how's living here?" Alex crossed his arms.
James' smile turned into a grin. "It's awesome Alex. The house is huge! And they have like maids n' butlers to help out with everything. Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler are the best. Though they did say if they ever find me in Kitty's room I can't live here anymore." He joked.
"They're threatening you?" Alex was outraged.
"No! I was just kidding. Jk jk." James said, dropping to one knee in front of his brother. "Can I say hi to Ollie?"
Alex nodded. "Of course. Ollie, kiss!" And Ollie did, he leapt forwards onto James and started licking his face.
"Hi Alex." Eliza appeared out of nowhere in the door frame. "What's up?"
Alex shrugged. "Just wanted to say hi darling." He leaned over to her and kissed her cheek, both of them blushing a ton.
"Well hi... how's Ollie? How're you?" Eliza questioned, siting down next to James. She was wearing sky blue plush pajama pants and matching slippers with a large purple shirt that read 'SELFIEZ 4 DAYZZZ'.
"I'm good. I like you're outfit." Alex stood across from Eliza and James, Ollie was still devouring James' face. "And Oliver, as you can see, is having quite a good time."
Eliza giggled and began to stand up. "That's-"
But she was interrupted by Kitty flying out of the house and picking me up. She gave me a huge hug. "I haven't seen you since last Friday!"|
"Hi!" Alex shifted in her arms, trying to get down.
She squeezed him tight and placed him down on the ground. "What are you doing here so early
"I-" Alex was a little dizzy from being picked up so fast. "Just wanted to say hi. I was walking Ollie."
Kitty and Eliza both cooed at the mention of the dog. James made a face. "It's not as cute when he's trying to eat you. Seriously, what?" James lifted Ollie up and placed him as far away from his as possible.
"Okay... well I think it's time for me to go." Alex kissed Eliza's cheek and gave Kitty a hug. "Bye James."
James help up a fist. "Bye bro." He said fist-bumping Alex.
Alex skipped down the driveway, holding tightly onto Oliver's leash. He knew he was skipping towards a duel, but he didn't care. He had had a nice morning with the people he cared about. As he turned the corner to the playground where the duel was taking place he giggled. It was strange, he felt giddy.
"Hamilton." An angry voice said, and all sense of glee washed away.
"Oh crap." Alex whispered to himself as he turned around.
Aaron walked up to him. "Arriving to the duel at the same time..."
"Fashionably late." Alex finished his sentence with a sarcastic smile. "You brought the stuff I assume?"
Aaron nodded solemnly. "I sure did." He help up the bright blue water guns. "Do you remember the last time we used these?"
"Yes..." Alex chuckled. "Our first sleepover, we got in a fight. John knew how to settle it, and you shot me."
Aaron looked to the ground, staring at his feet as they walked. "We were so little, such children. Only 3 years old."
"A lot can change in two years. I'd never expect to be here right now. With three siblings, parents, and a dog. Going to Kindergarten next year. We're so old now."
"So old." Aaron agreed.
HEY GUYS! I know it's been literal MONTHS since I posted. Exactly four months. But I've been really busy and writing a lot of other stuff. Also! Supergirl season 3 premiere was last night and the Supergirl official twitter retweeted my tweet and I cried. So... :))))
Sorry that I haven't posted in SO long... I'll another chapter before February... promise!
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