Guns and Ships
"Peggy! Peggy!" Eliza waved Peggy to com over to her.
"Wha-at?" Peggy was agitated.
"You have to help me clean the toy room! Alex is going to be here soon!" Eliza had been running around using all her free time getting ready for Alex's playdate. There was no school that day, it being a parent/teacher conference day, and Alex was coming at noon.
"What if Alex doesn't want to play with toys?" Peggy sassed.
"Clean!" Eliza yelled. Peggy got down on her feet and swept her dolls into a bin. When she stood up she saw Eliza sitting on the ground.
"What if he doesn't want to play with toys?" She muttered.
"If he doesn't, we'll draw, eat the lunch dad's going to make for us, watch some T.V. eat the brownies, play him piano. It'll be great." Peggy assured her sister.
Eliza bolted out of her chair. "That's the doorbell!" She ran to the door and yanked it open. Alex jumped through the door, kneeling on his knees. Peggy was shocked at who she saw behind him.
"Everyone give it up for America's favorite fighting frenchman!" Alex shouted.
"Laffayette?" Peggy voiced her shock.
Laffe jumped over Alex's shoulders, holding a stuffed horse head on a stick.
"I'm taking this horse-"
"What?" Eliza reacted. Her voice broke. Alex stood up and Laffe stopped singing.
"I brought Laffe, Hercules, and Laurens. Laurens and Herc really wanted to play with Peggy, and Laffe decided to tag along." Alex explained. He winked at Eliza, which sent a chill down her spine. "But don't worry, I still want to hang with you." He hugged Eliza. She wanted to jump up and down and kiss his cheek.
"Come on guys! Hercules, for Kwistmas Angelica got this new sowing machine and it's gweat!"Peggy ran inside the house and up the stairs to her room that she shared with Angelica. Eliza slept in a separate room, all by herself.
Hercules' eyes went wide and ran after her.
"Wait up!" John Laurens yelled, he chased them down. Laffe took one glance at the embrace of Eliza and Alex and followed John up the stairs.
"What do you want to do?" Eliza asked.
"I actually brought some fancy shmancy markers and such, do you want to draw?"
"I'd love to draw!" Eliza smiled. That's when Alex leaned over and kissed Eliza's cheek.
"You're a great person and friend Eliza." Alex smiled. Eliza smiled back.
"Thank you Alex, you are preddy grade too. Even grader!"
"Nuhuh!" Alex giggled.
"uhuh!" Eliza poked him and he swatted at her playfully.
"No way!" Alex insisted, never being able to lose an argument.
"Yes way." Eliza took on a very serious 'Don't mess with me' face. Alex decided it was best to back off.
"Wanna draw?" He offered.
Her serious face went back to a smile."I alweady said yes!"
"Let's go! Wait- where do we go?"
"Ha, over here. In the playroom."
"Wow. This room is bigger than my bedroom!" Alex's eyes were almost popping out of his head when he saw the playroom. Then he tugged a bin out from under a table. "Are these ALL legos?"
"Yep! My dad used to buy my brother's heaps and heaps of them." Eliza saw how much Alex loved them. "You know... we don't use them anymore. You could take one bin home, if your pawents would let you."
"Yeah! I'm sure George and Martha would love getting me some free toys!" Alex took a handful of the legos and inspected them. Then he dropped them back in the bucket and looked at Eliza."These are free right?"
"Of course! A late bithday present!"
"But you already got me Philip." Alex hadn't let on how much he had loved Philip. It was just like his old stuffed animal Trunks that his mom had given him. It got lost a while ago.
"But Philip was not so great." Eliza shrugged.
"Philip is the best gift I got! He's funny, and great company! I've slept next to him every night since-" Alex shut his mouth. "You didn't hear that. I didn't say it and you didn't hear it. Got it?"
"Got it." Eliza didn't smile, but her eyes crinkled and wrinkles as if she were. Then she stopped straining it and let her smile out. Later, Alex would've sworn it was the most beautiful and bright thing he'd ever seen.
"You have a very nice smile." Alex commented.
"Thank you Alex. You have a very nice bwain." She complimented. The two looked away, and were secretly blushing to the side.
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