French Fry
Hey Y'all, you guys are real cool and stuff so I thought I'd tell you that. I really love reading new fan fictions, so if you have one that you've written and would like me to check out I would love to. Xoxo, Gossip Girl.
I couldn't resist.
Anyway, onwards with the story! Btw, this is before Martha went into labor.
Laf climbed the stairs of the bus. Despite the many changes he had been through (recently, parents arrested, moving, new family or so they insisted on calling it) he still took the bus to school. Mr.Washington had tried to talk to him, have him get driven to school, but he wouldn't have it. Laf liked his bus. A little time to himself, all his cool bus friends. He adjusted the strap of his backpack and tipped his hate to Ernie, the bus driver. "How're you sir?" He asked kindly.
It took Ernie a moment to put in his dentures so he could talk, but he responded eventually. "Good as always Marcus."
Laf shook his head, the usual routine."Marquis. Not Marcus." He said before walking to the back of the bus, he grinned at his friend's from the 3rd and 4th grade as he sat with Maddie McMillen, his best friend from 1st grade. "Mads!"
"Mars!" Maddie rolled her r perfectly.
Laf grinned, for the short, 13 minutes bus ride to school all was well in the world. His mother wasn't in a cell for something she didn't do. He wasn't living with an old teacher of his and his friend Alex. He wasn't Alex's brother. He was himself. Laf.
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