Alex giggled mischievously as he crouched behind the couch with Laf as Laf held up the straw to aim.
"Guys... what you're doing is wrong!" Hercules protested.
Laf and Alex ignored him because Laf was way too busy aiming the straw. "One..." Alex began to count. "Two..." Laf blew on one end of the straw as Alex murmured "Three!"
"Ah!" Burr exclaimed as his hand snapped to the back of his bald skull. He pulled something sticky off of it. "Ugh! A spitball."
Laf and Alex could barely contain their giggles, and hid horribly behind the couch, Hercules glaring at them. "That was mean." Hercules pouted.
"It was funny Herc! And Aaron will forget about it in three seconds watch-" Alex pointed at Aaron Burr.
Burr looked around angrily for a few seconds and then hurried over to the juice box fridge, spitball lying on the ground, forgotten. Hercules fidgeted. "I still don't think it's okay Alex. And Laf, you should know better."
"Why? Because I'm not American? Hate to break it to you but the French are actually much ruder than people in the US." Laf said angrily.
Hercules shook his head. "No! Because you should know the consequences of physical torment!"
Laf frowned and looked at the ground, not sure how to respond. Then he lifted his head. "It's not the same thing Herc."
"But Laf, it's still physical torment! Using someones body to point out flaws. Harassing someone physically. You guys are being bullies!" Hercules exclaimed. "And I no longer want to be a part of it! If you guys want to keep being... being meanie poo-heads then fine! But I will not stand by and watch this happen." Hercules stood up, his head peeking over the top of the couch so everyone could see it.
"Herc!" Alex hissed. "I understand you're mad but... sit back down, we can work this out without you blowing our hiding spot."
Hercules made a disgusted spot. "And like always Alex. All you care about is yourself. That's it! I'm out of here! No. More." Hercules walked out from behind the couch, and stalked away from the two boys.
Laf and Alex looked at each other for a beat. "Go." They said in unison, and scrambled out from behind their couch before looking at the monstrosity before them.
An outraged Hercules was standing on a table. "I have an annonuncement!" He shouted, Kitty and James and a few kids looked over at him. "A big annonuncement abou... bullies."
"Hercules, get down from there please." Kitty cooed.
"I'm sorry Kitty, but this is too important for all of you to ignore." Hercules apologized, still in a fit of anger.
Once a few kids had gathered around the table Hercules began to speak.
"My annonuncement is abou bullies. Big mean bullies." Hercules muttered. "I acshually have a lisht of all the mean things they've done. Well... a lisht in my mind but shtill! It starts with... Aaron Burh. The people that have shot spitballs at the back of your head every day for two weeks, tha's them. And Peggy? They'e the people that knocked over your house of cards and didn't even leave an apwology note. They uzed up all the ink in Angelica's pens. They... they poured lemonade on Charles Lee's pants to make it seem like he had peed! They... they big bullies." Alex and Laf watched, astonished, and terrified of what would happen. "George? They ripped apart your monkey stuffed animal!"
"What? I thought it was the fan!" George cried out, his face all sad.
Peggy stood up. "Who's it?" She asked.
"Tha's the big news." Hercules sighed. "I's Alexander Hamilton and Marcus... marki... marky Lafaye'e!"
Laf was too upset to even correct Hercules with 'Marquis de Lafayette'.
James walked over to the table where Herc stood. "Hercules, we can figure this all out. Just please get off the table."
Hercules jumped backwards, nearly falling off the table, but he recovered and pointed at James accusingly. "An' it all shtarted when you came back! Al wan'ed ta be this cool kid that waz the bosh of everyone and had all the friends jusht so he could impresh you!"
"What?" James whispered, he turned to Alex. "Is that true?" He asked, slightly disappointed in his brother. Alex opened his mouth, but for once in his life, was at a loss for words. All he could do was nod. "Al... bullying is never the answer."
"I know!" Alex exclaimed. "I just wanted to be cool like you!" James shook his head, horrified by his brother. "I didn't mean to hurt everyone... I didn't mean to disappoint you James. I'm so sorry." Alex burst into tears and ran up to James, hugging his legs.
James watched his little brother, and his heart wretched. "Oh Al. Al... it's alright. Just promise me, never again."
"Never!" Alex yelped. "Never!"
James looked at Laf, who's eyes were also swelling with tears. "Come here." He waved Laf into the hug. "I think of you guys as my little brothers. And I think you've learned your lesson. What do you say Kit-Kat?"
"I say..." Kitty shrugged. "They've learned their lesson."
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