Alexander Hamilton
Alex stood, leaning on the railing slightly, and stared up at the door-knocker. He couldn't reach it, that was for sure. He was almost positive it was for the kids parents to reach and knock, but he didn't have any of those. He looked higher than the knocker, to see that if he climbed the tree next to the door if there was a good place to perch to knock. His eyes landed on a sign, they glazed over it as he could just barely read, so he squinted and squinted until he made it out. He could only made out two of the three words. The ______ School. He didn't know what it meant, but he assumed the middle word was more intriguing than The School. He looked slightly higher and then saw a perfect place to perch, the top of the sign! He scrambled down the steps of The School and started clambering up the tree branches. He swung from one to another, using his great climbing talents. Before she had died, his mother used to ask him why he climbed like he needed it to survive. He had always answered "Because I do need it to survive." He felt so powerful up here, where nobody else would dare go. He imagined it was how an ape felt in the jungle, swinging, eating bananas. He climbed from the bouncing branch onto the firm top of the sign, then he balanced there and reached down and knocked the knocker. Quickly he jumped down from the top of the sign to the cement stairs, where he had just stood. He bent his legs so the his whole body took the impact and it didn't even hurt. I heard footsteps and the door to The _____ School opened. A youngish man, probably in his early thirties Alex thought, opened the door. He saw Alex and bent down on one knee.
"Hello there!" He grinned.
"Hello! I am Alexander Hamilton. There's a million thing I haven't done." His brother, James used to say that all the time, and he thought he needed to steal it.
"Oh really?" The man raised once of his bushy eyebrows.
"Just you wait. Just you wait." He added.
"I'll wait as long as it takes, but come inside. I'm guessing you are here for preschool Mr.Hamilton?" The man asked. "I'm Mr.Washington, I'll be your teacher here at The Washington School. I run this place." He took Alex's hand and led him into the front room. There was a desk in the corner where Alex guessed Mr.Washington worked. There was also a piano a few feet from the desk, and the floor was covered in little mats that Alex recognized as sleep mats. He had been on one when his mother stopped breathing. Not a great time for the young boy.
"I have to stay here during the morning, but if you go back there there is a door, just go on in, come get me if you need me. Alex pranced down the corridor and opened the door.
He was instantly absorbed by the noise and the bright toys. He closed the door behind him and looked around. The first thing that caught his eye was a boy that appeared to be wearing a nicely sewn potato sack trying to break up a fight between a boy trying to break up a fight between a boy wearing a frilly white shirt who's hair was pulled back in a pony tail and a boy who looked almost identical to him, but his hair was freed and he was wearing bright pink. Alex began to approach them, however he got intercepted by another boy. He was wearing a dark blue shirt and black pants, with no shoes.
"Hello." He drawled on.
"Hi!" Alex waved enthusiastically and grinned.
"I'm Aaron Burr." The boy said, his face was unimpressed with Alex's never-ending grin.
"I'm Alexander Hamilton. There's a million things I haven't done- just you wait- just you wait."Alex used his favorite introduction, reminding himself of James.
"Uh- okay. Do you want some juice? They have so many types! You name the juice they have it, Orange, Orange Pin-pin-pine- pinuple. Pin-"Aaron struggled with the name.
"Pineapple?" Alex offered. Aaron nodded, his first half smile showing up out of nowhere.
"Orange Pi- that- banana. Cranberry. Cranberry Orange. Cranberyy Apple. Grape. White Grape. Apple. Apple Grape. Apple Cherry. Everything!" Aaron was suddenly excited to show Alex the collection of juice boxes Mr.Washington bought.
"Where are the juice boxes?" Alex asked, very intrigued by the sound of Apple Cherry juice. It sounded fancy.
"Over there." Aaron said, he didn't point, so Alex was still confused. "What do you wan'? I'll get it for you."
"Ooh! Such service!" Alex fawned, he felt a tingle kind of sensation he rarely knew of as happiness. While Alex really wanted Orange Pineapple Banana, or Apple Cherry, he saw only girls drinking those, so he decided "I'll have whatever you're having." was a good decision. He felt odd just standing there while Aaron fetched the juice, so he decided to score them some seats.
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