-Farmers Refuted-
Hear ye, hear ye! My name is Samuel Seabury
Groans could be heard from around the room. But they stopped when they heard an unfamiliar voice say:
"Ughhh I remember this."
Everyone turned to see, a few rows back, none other than Samuel Seabury. He seemed surprised when he saw everyone.
Some of the side characters are in another room, watching the same musical, that you can't get to. And when they come up in the musical, they will be joining you.
"Of course Seabury would be here." Alexander sighed, to which Seabury rolled his eyes
"Hey I didn't ask to be here."
"Fine, fine. Then Seabury you could sit next to Burr then."
"No." Samuel said "Didn't the first song say that he shot someone?"
Burr grimaced and sank in his seat but no one seemed to notice.
Alexander hesitated to answer so John answered for him
"Well...that hasn't happened yet. We are from 1780. So Burr hasn't shot anyone yet, besides British soldiers." He explained
"And that is supposed to make me feel better, how?"
"Just sit down." Angelica commanded. Seabury pouted and hesitantly sat down next to Burr.
And I present “Free Thoughts on the
Proceedings of the Continental Congress!”
Even more groans could be heard from the audience.
"God, save me from this nightmare." Laurens said, not wanting to go through the farmer's damned speech.
Washington just sighed at his soldiers' antics, while Seabury glared at the stage, specifically at the man who was acting as Hamilton.
Eliza placed a hand on Alexander's shoulder, signaling him to calm down.
Heed not the rabble who scream revolution
They have not your interests at heart
Oh my God. Tear this dude apart
“Please don’t.” Eliza turned to Alexander who looked back.
Alexander thought about it for a moment “...Fine, but only for you Betsy.”
Chaos and bloodshed are not a solution
Don't let them lead you astray
This Congress does not speak for me
“I think I rolled my eyes so hard that I saw my brain.”
Let him be
"Listen to Burr, Alexander." Washington said
Alexander rolled his eyes for what seemed like the hundredth time for the song, but he didn't say anything, surprising some people in the room.
They're playing a dangerous game
I pray the king shows you his mercy
A scoff could be heard, although no one could pin-point where
For shame, for shame…
"For shame my a*s." came as a resort from Hercules, making Seabury sneer.
"Here we go." Peggy gave a sly smirk to her brother-in-law.
"Peggy, don't encourage him." Angelica scolded her little sister
He'd have you all unravel at the sound of screams
But the Revolution is comin'
The have-nots are gonna win this
It's hard to listen to you with a straight face
Hamilton chuckled at his lines and Seabury huffed.
"I am just a messenger, you know?" He sighed, that day had to be the most embarrassing day of his life.
Heed not the rabble who scream Revolution
They have not your interests at heart
Chaos and bloodshed already haunt us,
"Yeah, no sh*t."
"Then, and to dearest God, please tell me, why do you want more of it?" Seabury asked.
"Because-! Well, because we want to make our own decisions," said Laurens. "The king is robbing us cold, and it is so unfair that we had no say in it!"
honestly you shouldn't even talk
And what about Boston? Look at the cost
N' all that we've lost n' you talk about Congress?!
Chaos and bloodshed are not a solution
Don't let them lead you astray
This Congress does not speak for me
My dog speaks more eloquently than thee
Seabury scowled, annoyed with all the insults he was receiving.
"You are poorer than dirt Hamilton, I don't think you have money for a dog." Burr chimed in
"No sh*t Burr." Alexander replied
"Alexander, be nice, mon mi."
"He just called me incompetent!"
"He started it Eliza!"
"Alex, stop it."
"...Fine." Alex pouted and sighed.
They're playing a dangerous game
But strangely, your mange is the same
"Could you stop insulting me, for one second? For the love of God?" Samuel mumbled
"Alexander..." Eliza turned and glared at her husband.
I pray the king shows you his mercy
Is he in Jersey?
At this, everyone in the room let out a laugh. Even Seabury who was still upset had a light chuckle, but then immediately put a hand over his mouth, realizing what he has just done.
For shame
For the Revolution
For shame!
For the revolution!
If you repeat yourself again I'm gonna—
"Alexander, stop it." Washington stated "This isn't necessary."
"I am sorry you have to deal with my husband, Seabury." Eliza apologized to the embarrassed messenger.
Honestly, look at me, please don't read!
Not your interests—
Don't modulate the key then not debate with me!
Why should a tiny island across the sea regulate the price of tea?
"Because we just out of the Seven Years War, followed up by the French and Indian War-" cue a small wince from Washington, "-and we were neck deep on debt, so the British had to do something to repay that debt."
Everyone turned to Peggy, surprised. "What?" she asked. "I mean, I do support the revolution, but you gotta understand both sides first."
Alexander, please!
Burr, I'd rather be divisive than indecisive, drop the niceties
"Well, damn, it doesn't hurt to be nice," Burr muttered. Again, this shocked a few people near him, as he had said it with a quiet tone.
Silence! A message from the King!
A message from the King!
A message from the King!
"Oh, well this is just great! Here comes someone even worse!"
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