~The hat~
"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10" I hear both me and Eackers second say. We stand there awkwardly, I aim my gun for the sky, then...impact. I remember pa and ma crying around me, then I remember black. I wake up, I blink a few times. I am...in a hospital waiting room? I was in a bed, I was dying. This doesn't make since. Suddenly I am outside. But, it wasn't like what I am used to. It was foggy in a way, everyone was half faded you could see through them. I decided to investigate, and I start walking around. Children were playing, people walked dogs, ate, slept. I was confused, concerned, and I wanted ma + pa. Soon I heard footsteps behind me, and a hand on my back. I quickly turned around, and I was met with......Washington?
"Washington.....?" I say.
"How...you are dead...where is ma and pa..."
Washington stares down and says,
"I am sorry Philip...you are in the afterlife..."
"W-what?" I say with a tear falling. Washington hugs me, and I accepted the hug. We stayed like that for around 2 minutes, then he looked at my head.
"Wherr did you get that hat?"
"pa gave it to me,"
"Wanna know something?"
"That was my hat during the war..."
I stare at him, shocked. He was the person pa was referring to.
"Pa said it belonged to someone special," I reply laughing.
Washington puts his hand on my shoulder, and said.
"I have someone I think you might want to fully meet, and someone you already met"
I stare at him, confused, but I agreed. We make it to an apartment, room 19. Washington knocks on the door, and he hear a voice say come in. I knew that voice, it was Laurens. Okay really quick, Laurens is Philip's guardian angel in this AU He sounded like he had been crying. I was about to open the door, but it swung open. I saw....peggy...
"Aunt Peggy!" I yell out hugging her.
"Philip....?!?!" She replied back.
"I missed you so much!" I reply. Soon Peggy drags me in the apartment, and I was tackled.
"Laurens!" I never had been able to hug him, or fully interact with him. This was a new experience.
"P-philip!" He replies. He had been crying, I can tell.
"If you were crying over me, that's not worth it," I say rubbing the back of my neck.
"It is worth it Philip! I fucking saw it happen," he mutters hugging me.
"Language-" Washington said laughing. "I had to deal with Hamilton and Jefferson Cussing at eachother nonstop,"
"How do you think I felt I had to deal with him Cussing in his office," I say.
"I did too! I was there!" Laurens chimes in.
The end
Congratulations on reading all of the book! You deserve a sneak peak of a new story
Don't mind me watching an old dantdm stream
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