~Anything for a friend~ Jay and Hamilton
Inspired once again by something that happened (I can't find it online so it might not have happened so it's 50/50)
Hamilton POV-
I crumble up the piece of paper, and I throw it across the room. Back to square one. I haven't wrote any thing yet, while Madison and Jay has done 2. I bang my head on the table and mutter,
"Stupid brain..."
I sit back up and I look out the window. I see John Jay out there, I should join him. I thought. I get out my chair and I walk towards the door.
"Hello Alexander," Eliza says.
"Good morning Eliza, I am going to take a walk with John Jay,"
"Okay be sa-"
"Take this you idiot!" I hear someone say. I run over to the window to see John Jay on the ground, with his arm bleeding and people throwing rocks at him.
"Jay!" I yell out as I run over to the door, and I sprint out. I stand infront of Jay and he looks up at me.
"Leave him fucking alone!"
"Aw, little Hamilton trying to defend him?"
"Shut the fuck up!" I yell out, then I feel something hit my nose. I immediately hold my nose and I see blood on my hand. The people throwing rocks laughed and ran off. Those bastards... I think to myself. I turn to Jay, still holding my nose. Man that hurt to be honest.
"Y-yeah...but Hamilton your nose looks really bad," he says standing up and holding his arm.
"It's fine, I seen worse,"
"Thank you..."
"No problem friend..."
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