Shipping: mulette
Hercules POV
"I ship them so much!" Lafayette exclaimed in his French accent looking at John and Alex. I looked at him and his very curly hair pulled back into a bun. He was currently trying to get Alexander and John together. I have had a crush on Laf for a while now.
He continued to squeal and go on about his OTP. He stopped in the middle of fanboying for a minute to look at me. "You ok mon ami?" He asked me.
I started blushing and stuttering, "y-yes I-I'm o-ok."
"You sure, your face is very red." He asked worriedly. I nodded my head. He walked closer to me and put his hand on my forehead.
"W-What are y-you doing?" I questioned him while stuttering.
"Seeing if your sick. You're a little warm, but not much." Laf told me. I took a shaky breath, since he was close to me. He then backed away from me and I let out a whimper.
"What was that mon ami?" He asked smirking a bit.
"N-nothing!" I exclaimed.
He raised an eyebrow and stepped closer to me while saying, "Do you like me? What happens if I get closer to you?"
My whole face was red while he smirked. "N-no! M-maybe...yes" I told him.
He was now in front of me and he said, "Je t'aime ( i love You). I have for a while."
My face was fully red from blushing. "I love you too Laf." I told him.
"Shut up and kiss me now." He said and yanked on my shirt to pull me forward into a kiss. I kissed him back, it was a sweet and gentle kiss. I wrapped my arms around him he wrapped his arms around my neck.
We broke apart and gasped for air. "Mon amour (my love), you kiss wonderfully. You don't know how long I've been waiting for that." He told me.
I blushed again and he pecked my cheek. "Well, I better get to my house." He told me walking away.
"Wait, does this make us boyfriends?" (An: or Boyf riends, haha see what I did. just me eh I'll get back to the story now) I shouted.
"Can we be boyf riends?" He asked me and I nodded my head furiously, like a fangirl when someone asks if they've listen to the Hamilton soundtrack. He smiled and raced over to give me one last peck on the cheek before leaving. I sighed dreamily, the handsome man named Lafayette was my boyf riend.
Later on that night I got a text from Laf fanboying, because Alex and John had also gotten together. I smiled at my boyf riend's cuteness and sent a quick response. I then put down my phone and watched tv.
Authors notes
I feel so proud of myself the little French I wrote I didn't need to get a translator to look it up, because I'm taking French class. You guys are lucky that I've been inspired to write lately. I probably should update my other fanfics and book..... oh well I'll do that later. I got inspired to write after getting a paper in English Language Arts class to write hooks. Although my hooks turned into a paragraph or two each..... well I hope y'all liked the chapter. See y'all later guys, gals, and non-binary pals.
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