My King: Kingbury
Sammy's POV
I looked down at the letter that was in my hands. It had the British royal seal, so I assumed it was from King George III. I skimmed over it absorbing some of the information. It seemed as if the king wanted me to see him at his palace.
I put the letter down as carefully as I could. Knowing how rich royalty was, the paper was worth a fortune. More than likely, more than what I could afford. I was a poor orphan who spoke out against the Constitution. I was a loyalist, the king of Britain had my full support.
I do admit, even though it may be sinful, I had what a person would call a crush on the dear king. I looked on my messy desk, that papers were scattered all over, and attempted to find a piece of blank parchment. I eventually found one and a quill. I wrote a quick reply that I would be there and made it ready to send.
I looked at the letter the king sent me and saw that he wanted me to come after dawn of the next morning to start on the trip to his palace. I started panicking and frantically looked for an outfit to wear for the next day. I managed to find a snowy white shirt, a pair of nice pants without any holes or stains, and a nice black as midnight coat. I put them down neatly for the next morning. I then grabbed my speech and walked out the door.
I walked down a dirt road to the town square. I stood on a pedestal and shuffled my parchment with my speech on them into a better grip. I cleared my throat and started stating, "Heed not the rabble who scream Revolution. They have not your interest at heart."
"Oh my god, tear this dude apart." I heard a male in the crowd state.
"This Congress does not speak for me." I went on.
"Let him be." An other male voice told the first man.
"They're playing a dangerous game. I pray the king shows you his mercy. For shame, for shame." I continued to go on with my speech. A man by the name of Alexander Hamilton interrupted me and went on about how we need a Revolution. He would not let me speak and eventually pushed me off of the pedestal. I landed in the dirt my papers scattered everywhere. The crowd of people who were watching left and I was there alone in the dirt.
I got up and dusted some of the dirt off of me. I eventually got all of my papers and started my walk back home. I closed the door and sighed with relief. I was lucky I wasn't hurt too much. I put my papers on the desk and walked over to my bed. I laid down on it and drifted off to sleep. Not aware of the letter on my desk from the king, that I had forgotten about.
Time squip to the morning
I woke up more refreshed. I got up and made myself breakfast and got dressed. 'The king!' I thought. I had forgotten about his letter. There was a new letter awaiting me on my desk. I opened it up and read it. It said I was going to be picked up in a carriage and brought to the King's palace after a trip across the ocean at 11 in the morning. The boat ride itself would take a couple of months to get to the palace. It was around 10:32 now. I panicked and got ready for the carriage.
I managed to get everything together before I left and went on the carriage. The whole trip was a blur since I was so excited to see the king, even though it was a couple of months trip. I did eat delicious food, played a few games to distract myself, and read lots of books. I eventually arrived at the palace though. The guards led me to the throne room after I showed them the letter as proof that I was there because the king invited me.
"Your majesty, my name is Samuel Seabury." I introduced myself while bowing.
"I know, you can stop bowing. Oh, and you can call me George." He simply stated. I was confused why was he acting like this. He was the king, I thought he would act different.
"Pardon me, but may I ask why?" I asked him.
"You see I've known you for quite some time, Samuel." He said like he was trying to flirt with me. I was shocked. He motioned for the other people to get out of the room and they obeyed. We were now in the room alone, nobody else besides us in there. I was blushing as he moved closer to me.
He eventually was right in front of me. He lifted his hand up and lifted my chin up to look at him. I hadn't even noticed that I was looking down. He had beautiful blue eyes. He gave me a smirk and purred, "Blushing Sammy?"
My face just got redder from blush. He was still smirking. He wasn't holding my face anymore, but had his arms around me. "I feel the same way" he purred into my ear.
I squeaked and he pulled me into a soft and gentle kiss. I kissed back and he smiled after we broke apart. Not smirked, but smiled lovingly at me. My face was red, "I love you Georgie." I told him my face red from blushing.
"I love you too, Sammy." He told me and gave me a quick kiss on my forehead. "Nobody will ever take you away from me." He told me with a hint of craziness in his eyes. I was a little surprised, but I didn't show it. At least I thought I didn't show it.
"What's wrong Sammy?" He asked me.
"N-nothing." I lied.
"Sammy I know you're lying." He stated.
"Fine, it's just the look in your eyes surprised me." I told him honestly.
"I didn't mean to scare you." He told me while pulling me into an embrace. I hugged him back and buried my face into his shoulder. We stayed like that for a few moments until there was a knock on the door.
"Dinner is ready, your majesty." A woman, who I assumed was a maid or something like that, called out.
He turned towards me and asked, "Care to join me?" I nodded and he led the way into the dining room. We had a delicious dinner. There were verities of food there. I got to try many different foods. They were all delicious.
After we asked, "do you want to stay in the castle with me?" I was shocked. He wanted me, a pheasant, to live in a royal castle with him, the king?! After I unfroze from my shockness, I nodded frantically.
"Does this make us boyfriends?" I asked him.
"Can we be boyfriends?" He asked me.
"Of course, if that's what you want." I told him.
"Of course, I would want nothing more than that." He told me and pecked my nose with a kiss. I giggled, and he looked at me lovingly. "Well I should show you your room then. I mean unless you want to stay in my room." He told me.
I blushed and told him, "U-ummm c-can I h-have my own r-room for n-now?" I stuttered out.
"Of course." He told me while leading me to a room. "Here's your room then. It's right next to mine. So if you need something, I'm right next door." He told me and led me to my room.
It was so elegant. The walls were a royal red, there was a light brown wooden floor, and expensive looking furniture. I was almost to afraid to touch any of the stuff.
"Go ahead and make yourself at home." He told me and flopped onto my bed. I walked over to my bed with him and sat down. The sheets were silky and the blanket the softest I've ever felt. I let out a content sigh and layer down near George. He reached over to me and brought me close, so that he was spooning me. I was facing his chest, so I buried my face into it. We eventually fell asleep, but little did we know that a maid had walked in and was fangirling about seeing them together.
"I KNEW IT!" She exclaimed a bit quietly, but didn't wake us up. She went and got three of her friends and they fangirled over how cute they were together.
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