Argument between enemies since day one
Alex’s POV
“You slimy son of a-“ I started. Jefferson was getting on my last nerve. He was once again prancing around like he was the best person in the government.
“Ha, you act like you’re the best when really you are only a poor orphan who’s dad didn’t want him.” He taunted me taking a step closer to me.
“Thomas-“ Maddison started looking concerned at his boyfriend.
“I’m the one who’s acting like I’m the best?! Look at you mister I’m the best and I’m going to win no matter what.” I say mimicking him.
“Alex can you please-“ John started talking to me.
“Arghhhh-“ Jefferson growled and moved his hands out like he was about to strangle me. Maddison than ran behind him and tried to hold Jefferson back, while John got in front of me like he was going to protect me.
I smirked and remarked, “have to have your boyfriend calm you down? Can’t you do something simple like calming yourself down without your boyfriend helping you?” He let out a scream of frustration and tried to go after me again while Maddison held him back. I stuck out my tongue childishly at Jefferson.
John dragged me into a different room by clutching my wrist. “Would you calm yourself and act more mature?” He hissed at me. I cringed away a little but feeling a little guilty. I looked down avoiding his glare.
His looked relaxed and he embraced me while telling me, “I just don’t want you getting hurt. Jefferson looked like he was about to murder you.”
“I’m sorry...” I muttered and then buried my face into his chest. He rubbed my back while saying it was ok. We stayed that way for a little while, until Maddison dragged Jefferson in the room. John and I jumped apart and looked at them.
“Thomas apologize, now.” Maddison demands his boyfriend.
“I’m sorry..” Thomas muttered and rolled his eyes. Maddison glared at him and Jefferson repeated what he said without rolling his eyes.
“He is genuinely sorry. He shouldn’t have done what he tried to do.” Maddison told me while glaring at his boyfriend.
“It’s fine, I guess.” I told them and John moved over to me and wrapped his arm around my back to hold me closer to him. Maddison walked with Jefferson out of the room and we went out after them. John opened the passenger seat door and gestured for me to get into the seat. I went in and he closed the door after me and went on the driver’s side and got in. I was then a long drive home.
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