Just A Game (Hamliza)
This is not from history or the musical. It's from my messed-up mind.
"C'mon, people!" Aaron shouted as we all followed him down the steep hill.
I followed them at the back, careful not to fall over in the dim lighting.
The sun was starting to set, and there was almost a full moon.
The creek water shone brightly, its reassuring clear running sound always soothing to the ear.
One by one, we jumped across the rock bridge.
When it came to my turn, I went towards the real wooden bridge spanning the creek behind a few trees.
"Hey, nope Liza!" Angelica shouted. "You gotta do the rocks!"
"She doesn't have to," Laff said quietly.
"Yes you do!" Jefferson shouted.
"Ugh, fine," I muttered, lifting my knee length skirt and crossing the rocks.
On the last one my boot slipped and I almost fell into the water.
At the last moment someone grabbed my waist and pulled me upwards. My chest crashed against theirs.
I knew who it was by his familiar scent.
"Sorry," he said, letting me go gently.
I made it across safely.
"Alrighty folks, so, I made y'all come over here so we can play a game!" Aaron proclaimed.
"Like what?" Herc asked.
"Just you wait," Aaron said.
He made us all get in a circle.
Us all is Thomas, John, Alexander, Laff, Angelica, Herc, Peggy, and myself. Aside from Aaron.
"So, truth or dare!" Aaron said.
"Dang it," I muttered, but no one heard me. At least I hope no one heard me.
"I'm going first." Aaron said.
"Eliza, truth or dare?"
"Why me?" I complained.
He smirked evilly. "Just because."
I pouted. "Fine. Truth."
"Do you like anyone?"
Angelica shot to her feet. "Who, Liza?"
I buried my head in my hands. "Not saying anything."
"You just did though," Laff noted.
"I don't care," I said. "I swear, Aaron-"
"Whoa no need for that Liza," Jefferson said.
"Don't call me Liza!" I snapped. "That's only for my family."
Peggy batted her eyelashes. "Aw, thanks Liza."
"Don't mention it Peggles," I smirked. "Anywho, Laff, truth or dare?"
"Dare, duh," Laff said.
"Um... lie on your back for the rest of the game."
He did.
"Oh great, now I can't see," he complained. "Whatever though. Alex truth or dare?"
"Dare." Alex said.
"Kiss your crush." Laff dared.
"Whoa, now, we're like 13." Alex argued.
Laff tried to shrug, it's not easy when you're lying on your back on top of dirt and grass.
"Just do it!" Herc shouted.
"Well, what if she's not here?" Alex asked.
"Dude, come on and do it already. Laff's not budging," John said.
"Also, she is here. It's E-" Herc started.
"Shut up!" Alex screamed over him.
I laughed quietly.
"Fine, but everyone close your eyes." Alex said.
I did.
"Hey, Thomas and John, I see you!" Alex said.
John laughed, but I assumed he covered his eyes too.
I felt Alexander's lips on mine. I almost screamed, but he covered my mouth.
"Sorry. Don't say anything."
He pulled away and returned to where he was sitting.
"Alright, I did it."
My eyes fluttered open. I tried to look confused, like I didn't know who he had kissed.
"Angelica, truth or dare?" Alex asked.
"Do the same thing I just did." Alex dared.
"Ew.. no way am I making out with Eliza." Angelica said.
Alex covered his face. "No, what I meant was-"
Hercules cut him off. "Ooh, Alex likes Eliza!"
"No, he doesn't!" I argued. "It wasn't me!"
Alex gave me a look. "Anyway, I meant, kiss your crush."
"Okay." Angelica said.
"We don't have to close our eyes again, so we?" Peggy asked.
"Nope." Angelica said.
She walked over and kissed Lafayette.
"Can this be over already?" I asked.
Angelica ignored me. "Herc, truth or dare?"
Hercs response contained cuss words, which I will not be writing. So if you want, throw in your own whenever.
She smirked. "Ship two people here right now."
"Okay," he said. "That's easy. Alex and lil' Liza over here."
"Don't call me Liza!" I yelled. "Also, I don't like Alex. That way."
"Sure," John said sarcastically.
"I ship it," Aaron cut in.
"Me too," Peggy said.
"I don't know why anyone would fall for Alex, especially the smartest girl here, but yeah." Thomas said.
"What's their ship name?" Peggy asked.
"Hamliza!" Laff said.
I buried my face in my hands.
"Ooh, she's embarrassed!" Aaron teased.
I got up and left, going back up the hill.
Why did this have to happen to me?
Why? Could they read my mind and see that I like Alex?
I could still see them from behind a big tree, but they couldn't see me. I saw a figure run up to where I was.
Alexander kissed me again. I kissed him back. He pulled me in a tight embrace against his chest. I buried my face in his neck.
Alex stroked my hair gently. "Sorry about that."
"It's not your fault," I said.
"I love you, Eliza."
"I love you too, Alex. And you can call me Liza."
"Very well, Liza," he said, kissing my forehead.
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