It's Only A Matter Of Time (Hamliza Reunion)
Set in modern times
The background for this is that Alexander is away in France. Alex and Eliza are not married at this point so no Philip yet. The whole gang is in senior year of college.
I opened another letter from my boyfriend Alexander. I saved it in a small chest underneath my bed.
Every day I did the same thing over and over again. I ate breakfast, then got dressed and went to my college classes. At the end of the school day, I would do my homework and eat dinner. Then I would get another letter.
We sent letters instead of emails or texts because the technology on the other side of the sea was kind of whacky and also I didn't know French that well, so I couldn't call him. All phone calls he received were sent through the French government system. I was taking a French class, though.
I wished he were here with me.
I knew I was being selfish. Alexander had a good job in France.
I counted down the days until he was getting back. Two and a half months out of five had gone by.
I sighed and flopped down on my bed. My phone buzzed. It was my sister Angelica.
[Angie: Hey, you up?]
I texted back.
[Me: Yea, why?]
[Angie: You mind if we all can come hang out at your dorm? The whole gang?]
[Me: Sure. When?]
[Angie: In an hour or so.]
[Me: Ok. See you soon.]
I shut off my phone, stuck it in my pocket, and rushed around my one-room dorm, tidying up. My roommate, Theo, was visiting some family for the day, so she wouldn't be here.
After an hour, both of my sisters came in. They claimed seats by the television.
"Everyone ate dinner already," Peggy said.
Soon after, everyone else came in. There were Laff, Aaron, Maria, John, and Thomas.
They all made a circle on the ground, with the exception of Angelica and Peggy on the chairs, and me sitting on my bed.
I kicked my feet in the air. "Well," I started. "What are we doing?"
"Where's Herc?" Peggy asked.
Laff shrugged. "At football practice."
"Okay," Peggy said.
"We could do a game," John suggested.
"Okay!" Maria said. "Aaron, truth or dare?"
"What?" Aaron asked.
Maria shrugged. "What else are we gonna do?"
Aaron sighed. "Okay, dare."
"Do the worm," Maria dared.
Aaron tried, but ultimately failed. Everyone was laughing at him the whole time.
"Hey!" he yelled.
I looked where he was glaring and saw Laff recording him.
Laff shrugged and put down his phone.
"You'll pay for that," Aaron threatened. "Laff, truth or dare?"
"Um, you're mad, so truth." Laff said.
"Who would you date in this room?" Aaron asked while grinning evilly.
"Um," Laff hesitated. "Eliza."
I blinked, but didn't say anything.
Aaron put down his phone. I hadn't even noticed him take it out.
"What?" Laff shouted, "you recorded that?"
Aaron smirked and clicked on something.
"Oh wait," he said. "I took a picture instead of pressing record."
Peggy fake applauded. "Nice job."
I smirked. "So there's no proof of that ever happening."
Aaron sighed. "I guess not."
"Anyway, Eliza truth or dare?" Laff asked.
"Truth." I said.
"Who do you like?"
"Um, I'm dating Alex." I said.
"Oh, right," Laff said.
I glared at him and chose a target.
"Thomas, truth or dare?"
"Dare!" Thomas yelled.
"Talk in a whisper the rest of the game," I said. "You always yell too much."
"Ugh, fine," he said.
I gave him a look.
Thomas rolled his eyes. "Ugh, fine," he stage whispered.
Angelica laughed at him.
"Angelica, truth or dare?" Thomas whispered.
"Dare!" she yelled.
I felt like she was taunting him because he couldn't yell anymore.
"Ask your crush out on a date," Thomas whispered.
"Fine," Angelica said. "Laff, would you go out with me?"
"Um, okay?" Laff answered.
I bit my lip. This would be awkward.
"Maria, truth or dare?" Angelica asked loudly.
"Truth. And, why are you being so loud?" Maria asked.
"I'm making up for the noise that Thomas can no longer make," Angelica shouted. "Anyway, Who isn't here that you wish was? And why?"
Maria shot me a glance. "Alexander. Because it's obviously killing Eliza to be separated from him. And I can't bear to see one of my friends like that."
I looked down at my lap.
"Anyway," Maria said. "Peggy, truth or dare?"
"Dare," Peggy said.
"Don't smile for the rest of the time here," Maria dared.
"Fine." Peggy put on a serious face.
"That'll be hard," I noted.
"Whatever. Truth or dare Liza?"
"Truth," I said again.
"What is one thing you wish for every day?" Peggy asked.
I sighed and put my head in my arms.
"That Alex was here," I admitted. I looked up again. "Aaron, truth or dare?"
"Dare," he said.
I smiled. "You'll regret it. For the rest of the game, pretend there's a snake chasing you around."
"Eek," Aaron said dryly. "There's a snake chasing me around."
I rolled my eyes. "Very realistic," I said sarcastically.
"Ok. Thomas, truth or dare?"
"Dare," Thomas whispered.
Aaron smirked. "Stop whispering,"
"Finally!" Thomas yelled.
I covered my ears. "You can't do that Aaron."
"Why not?" Aaron asked.
"Because..." I started.
"Because nothing," Aaron said.
The game went on for a while, and we stopped playing after an hour and a half.
"Oh, wait," Laff said. "We didn't tell her why we were here yet."
"Why?" I asked.
I looked over at Angelica. She shrugged.
"Well, all of us know already, but we decided to tell you all together," Peggy said.
"Well, what?" I asked.
"Should we not tell her?" Aaron pondered.
"I'm gonna," Angelica said.
"Fine," Thomas said.
Angelica blurted out, "Alex is coming back in two weeks!"
I stumbled backwards. "What?"
"He decided to quit early and come back," Laff said.
"Okay," I said. "What day?"
Peggy raised an eyebrow. "We'll leave that a surprise."
"C'mon, just tell me when!" I pleaded.
Nobody answered.
After they all had left, I stared out of my window.
Alex was coming home.
Two weeks later
It was Saturday two weeks later. Alexander still hadn't come. I was starting to think this was a joke.
I sat on my bed and stared out into space. Theo was reading a book on her bed.
"You okay, Eliza?" she asked.
I nodded. "I'm fine."
She smiled. "I'll be right back."
She put on her shoes and left the dorm, closing the door behind her.
I heard some talking outside the door. Someone knocked.
I saw Theo's room key on her bedside table and thought she had forgotten it and was coming back.
I opened the door, but instead of Theo, it was Alexander.
My hands flew to my mouth.
"Alex?" I stuttered.
He smirked. "I'm back."
I crushed him in a hug. He laughed a little and shut the door behind him.
"No funny business in there!" Angelica's voice shouted.
Alexander shrugged.
"Why did you come back early?" I asked.
"I missed you," he murmured.
"I missed you too," I said.
He kissed me softly, holding my face in his hands.
"I love you," I whispered.
"I love you too," Alexander said.
He stepped away abruptly and knelt on the ground. He pulled something out of his pocket.
"Eliza, will you marry me?"
I yelped quietly. "Yes! Of course!"
He smiled and slipped the ring onto my finger. I kissed him passionately again.
I'm Helpless
Haha lemme see how many chapters I can make end with that phrase.
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