Which End?
Explanation: So in this one, Washington is Alex's dad. (Who had adopted Him as a child) Adams is still a piece of crap teacher In this lol. The picture should explain it too.
As you know, I. Hate. Adams. I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual. He seems to hate me too. He'll tell me off for what seems like everything. It's all the time too. 'I just want to leave!' I internally groaned. And one of the worst parts of this is that it's only 2nd period out of all 6 periods.
I guess I was zoned out for a while because Mr. Adams slapped a ruler on my desk. The noise made me flinch. "Do you mind?" I asked annoyed. "You should probably listen to this lesson so you don't fail the test tomorrow." He sneered. I scoffed. "If I didn't understand this, I would be listening. You've been teaching the same thing for 2 weeks when we should be moving on to the next lesson."
This made him even angrier. "Detention. After school." "Wh-what!? I have debate after school!" "Well too bad. Also, since you think you're so smart, why don't you solve the equation I was trying to explain before the interruption." "Ok I will. Also that was you who slapped the ruler on my desk so that was you who decided to 'interrupt.' " John was snickering in the back at my 'smart-ass comment.'
I looked at the equation and it was actually really easy. I was solving it in my brain while almost no one could even do it on paper yet. Apparently, that wasn't enough for Adams because soon enough, he pointed his ruler at me. I looked at him annoyed. But then, he said something teachers aren't supposed to be allowed to say to a student.
"At the end of this ruler, it an idiot." Ok that kind of annoyed me but I had a good comeback. "Which end smart-ass?" Oh man! If I had a picture of the face he made, I would make it my lock screen. His face was like a tomato and he was so pissed! By now, John, Laf and Herc we're laughing really hard.
"Alexander Hamilton!" "Ouch, full name." I said back. "Office. now. You're getting suspended." "What!? Oh c'mon! You can't take a joke!?" "Office." He repeated. Yeash fine. I opened the door to leave but first, I said " Oh and by the way, X= 2,376." Again, his face was priceless.
When I got to the office and told them the story, they were laughing too. "So does this mean I'm not suspended?" I asked The principal, Mr. Jackson hopefully. "N-no Hamilton it d-doesn't mean that. You still get a suspension for talking to a teacher that way." Principal Jackson said, still trying to stop laughing. "I mean...I don't like Adams either but you've got to show your teacher some respect." "I show him the respect he deserves."
"Alright, alright Alexander. I'll call your parents to tell them to pick you up-" "uh-no it's fine I can text my dad." "Ok. See you next week Alex." "See ya Mr. Jackson."
Alex: um hey dad?
WashingDad: hey Son. Why are you texting me? You should be in class. Is everything ok?
Alex: uh...
WashingDad: what's wrong?
Alex: could you pick me up?
Washing dad: what? Why?
Washingdad- You know I can't read that-
Washingdad- ...
Washingdad: why'd you get suspended!? Which class!?
Alex: ...
Washingdad: Alex.
Alex: Mr. Adams' class...
Washingdad: ugh. I never liked him... but you shouldn't have gotten suspended! What did you do?
Alex: It's a long story...
Washingdad- Tell me the summarized version.
Alex: so I already knew how to do what he was teaching and and wasn't paying attention. Adams got mad, he said some things, I did too, John, Laf, and Herc were laughing, and then he told me to do an equation and when I took longer than he wanted...
Washingdad: what
Alex: He pointed a ruler at me and said "at the end of this ruler is an idiot." And then I said "Which end smart-ass." Then when he told me to leave, I told him the equation's answer (which was right 😏). His reaction was priceless!
Washingdad: HAHAHA OMG THAT'S GREAT YOU'RE NOT EVEN GROUNDED 😂😂😂😂 (also, watch your language)
Alex: really? (Ok sry)
Washingdad: yeah I'm coming to get you now. See you soon son.
Alex: great! See you!
Words- 751
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