Take care of yourself!!!
Request from TinkerDinked
It'd been a pretty good day for being at war. There hadn't been an ambush or anything like that. The only problem here was needing to win and food. Food was a huge problem. There was almost none. Soldiers were dropping dead because of it. I had asked Alex to look for scraps. Soon enough, he was back.
"Hey sir." "Hello Alex" "I brought some food. It's not a lot but..." "It's fine Alex. At least it's something." That's when I realized something. He was extremely skinny. Everyone here was but he... He was worse than all of them. He also had bags under his eyes but although that was normal, it was obvious he hadn't even tried to take care if himself... (protect the smol bean of your son)
"Alexander?" "Yes sir?" "When was the last time you've eaten...or slept." "I-uh-I have eaten sir. I just... haven't eaten today...?" that wasn't like him to trip up on sentences... "Was that a question?" I deadpanned. "Uh...no...?" I sighed. 'He's not a very good Liar.' "Alex-" I was cut off with a loud boom of a cannon. Within a few seconds, John Laurens ran into the tent.
"Your excellency sir! -hey Alex- The British are attacking camp!" "Ok thank you." "No problem sir." With that, John ran out to get to the battlefield. I got up as well and right before I walked out, Alex put his hand on my shoulder.
"Sir? Could I-Uh-...fight?" I had recently made Alex my right hand man, making him indispensable. I can't loose him. Also, I see him as if he were my son. He's too wreckless. He could get himself killed.
I sighed sympathetically. "No." "but sir-" "I need you alive son." he did a small huff. "Ok."
I walked out of the tent ready to lead.
I'm gonna fight.
So far so good... I'm alive... A few scratches but that's fine. There are a few fallen soldiers... And Alex is fighting...Wait-Alex!? What's he doing!? Washington's going to be pissed! Herc noticed too as the two of us said in unison, "Alex!? What are you doing!?"
"uh...what it look like? Im-GAH!" oh my god he just ducked from a bullet! "fighting!" He finished. "Alex! Washington's gonna get really mad!" Herc exclaimed.
"Yeah! You know how Washington's going to react! You were sent home last time And to top it off, look at you! You look like you haven't slept all your life!" "I think you should get back Alex." "Ugh. Lay off. I'm fine." All of a sudden, his eyes widened and he started running the other way. Herc and I looked at eachother thinking, 'whats he doing!?'
Most soldiers had guns but me? I had a sword. (Hehe.) I find it more impactful. Wait-a British soldier saw me and he has a sword too. (I'm sorry I didn't know what to put for Laf 😂) He ran up to me and we started to fight, one on one.
With all the fighting, a rock was thrown. It hit my head. Hard. "Merde!" I shouted, flinching. Oh no. That was all he needed. A distraction. Is this it for Marquis de Lafayette? He pulled the sword back, ready to stab. I squeezed my eyes shut, accepting death when a familiar voice was heard.
"Hey Laf!" Then the sound of a limb body hitting to ground was made. I opened my eye's. "Wh-wha? Petit lion!? What on earth are you doing!?" "Ugh. You sound like John and Herc." "You should return to your post. You must not risk your life. Washington needs you." I said, my accent thick, then adding,
"and you look like-" "Yeah, Yeah. I look like I haven't slept or eaten in a lifetime." "Precisely. You should rest." "I'm fine Laf!" I narrowed my eyes. "You don't look like it mon ami." Alex groaned in response, running off.
'Oh my god! Why does everyone so protective!? Laf, Herc, John, Washingt-' I was cut out of my thoughts by knocking into someone. I was ready to shoot until I looked up. My mouth opened a bit. 'Washington.'
After a while longer of fighting and getting the British to back off for a bit, he looked at me with angry eyes. "U-uh hi sir..." "Alexander." "Sir..."
"Meet me inside." Uh oh...
I got a lecture which lasted longer than I would've liked. "I could send you home for refusing to listen to your - commander." There was a- bearly noticeable- hesitation before commander. 'I wonder what he was going to say?' (Father lol) "S-sir. You don't have to send me home...please." He didn't know that I had no where to go... "Give me one reason why I shouldn't."
"I..." I guess I'll have to tell him. "I've...got nowhere to go..." realization seemed to click and I'm glad he decided not to push further into why. He just sighed. "Ok. Just tell me this. Have you been eating? Sleeping?" I hesitated but then shook my head.
"No sir. I have been working on that letter to Congress about the supplies we need and attack plans every day and night for about a week...And I feel that the other soldiers who have family should come first for food. They mean something to people. They actually have someone to go to. I'm an...orphan... no one cares." "That's where you're wrong. Hasn't John, Hercules and Lafayette been bringing it up a lot?" "Yeah..." "See? People do care about you. As do I."
"Thanks dad-I mean...sir." There was silence for a second before he smiled.
"Anytime son."
Words- 959
Happy Easter!
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