Please. Don't do it... (pt 2)
still Requested by: FoxFoxGoose
If you are going through anything like this, (suicidal thoughts) please call 1-800-273-8255
Stay safe! <3
*3rd POV*
Dear John, Laf, Herc, And Washington.
I've decided it's better if I leave you all. There's no point in me staying. Everything goes wrong. My whole family is gone and like Jefferson said, James will be next. It's just how it goes for me. I just need the pain to be gone. It's too unbearable. It never stops, not even for a second. Please don't blame yourselves. You were the only people who were actually nice to me. Make sure James doesn't grieve. I'm not worth it. Mr. Washington. I want you to know were like a father to me. One that I can't even remember having. All I remember from my younger years with my biological father is him being drunk and very violent but let's not get too much in detail. You four are the closest I've had to family since I was 12. Thank you for that but sadly, the voice in my head wouldn't allow happiness. I love you all and tell James I'm sorry for everything.
- Alexander Hamilton
'He thinks of me as his Father. And my boy is about to commit suicide.' The thought circled Washington's mind. John swallowed as a tear slipped down his cheek. "Please...don't do it..." Laf then fell to the floor with a choked Sob, surprising everyone. He had been the one who mostly stayed calm in this situation.
"Merde! nous devons Trouver le Lui! oh mon dieu Alex! s'il vous plaît ne faites pas cela À Toi même! Pourquoi je n'ai rien dit?! J'aurais pu l'aider!?" Herc, being his best friend, kneeled down to a crying Lafayette and hugged him.
"Hey...Laf. We'll find Alex." he softly spoke. Alex was the only one that could speak French in the group so no one knew what he was saying but Herc could guess. They all knew how close Laf was with Alex. They knew how worried he had been the whole time but just broke. He only spoke in all french when he was really upset.
"...I noticed that he had depression. I didn't say anything. I thought he would push through it. It's my fault and I just...I can't loose him..." "It's not your fault Laf. And we won't loose Alex. So let's stop sitting here moping around and find him. Anyone got ideas?" There was a moment of silence before John spoke.
"We could track his phone." "Oh Mon dieu! John you genius!" "That's a great idea. Give me a minute. I'm going to grab something from my classroom." Washington said. He had been so shocked, he was silent. His son was committing suicide. On the outside, he looked calm but inside, felt like a distressed parent ready to brutally murder anyone who even thought of hurting his kid.
(Jefferson you better run boi. your life might actually depend on it)
Speak of the devil, Jefferson came swaggering over. (No not this way you absolute idiot) "Hey losers..." he said.. "Shut it Jefferson. We're busy." John said not looking up from his phone screen. The school's wifi sucked so it was taking forever to load. "what's that Johnny boy. Porn?" "What? Gross!!! It's none of your damn business!" With that, Jefferson snatched the phone.
"Ohhoho! You're not watching porn! You're a creep! You're stalking Hamilton!" "You're such an asshole. We're tracking- You know what? You're not worth it. Time is something we don't have much of at the moment so if you'd kindly give me my fricking phone back."
"Not until you tell me." "ugh! You're so nosy!" "welp I guess you're not getting your phone back." "AlexanderIsAboutToCommitSuicide!" Jefferson was fazed for a second, trying to figure out what he had just said. John took advantage of the moment, grabbing the phone.
"Asshole." John spat. The other two were glaring at the bully. "what B.S." their eyes widened in anger. "What?" Laf asked, venom lacing his voice. "Oh please. He's not going to do that. And even if he was, good." Washington heard the whole thing and was furious.
He started to walk out of his classroom to expell this awful excuse of a human being. "That nuisance should kill himself. Good riddan-" He was cut off by Hercules jumping ontop of him. Herc was pissed. In fact, far more than it. He threw punches right and left and not surprisingly, Herc was winning.
"Hercules. Get off of him." Washington said so calm it sent shivers down Jefferson's spine. Herc did so and the two stood up. "Jefferson you're being expelled. You will not be coming back here." "WHAT!? Mulligan is the one who should be expelled!!! He just attacked me!" "And you've bullied Alexander to the point of suicide." "Bu-" "you heard me the fist time. Now leave this school."
As Jefferson stomped off, Washington was mumbling angrily to himself. There were a few moments of complete silence but again, it was broken by John. "I GOT IT!!!!" They whipped their heads around to look at John.
"He's at an abandoned warehouse about 15 minutes away." they ran out of the school. "Get in my car. Quickly." Washington said. The normally careful driver drove faster than he ever had before.
~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP >:) ~~~~~~~~
"You have arrived." The gps lady said. A shiver ran down everyone's spine when their eyes landed on the abandoned warehouse. "Whoa. It's really creepy."
"Yeah...." "C'mon. Let's get inside and find Alex." Washington said. Everyone ran in and It was just as creepy inside, if not, creepier.
There was dust everywhere, abandoned things and the only light was coming from the window, which was so dusty, not much light came through.
"This place is huge. Where could Ale-" John started but there was a loud creak. Washington put a finger to his lips and went the way he thought the sound was heard.
The boys followed him and when Washington opened a door and looked in, soon followed by everyone looking inside, they were all equally terrified at what was in front of them.
There was a hanging Alex. His neck was tied by the rope. He had hung himself. They all stood there, paralyzed from shock. The first to react was Lafayette. He let out a sob and ran over. He got under Alex, getting him on his shoulders as if he was sitting on them to hold him up. (Does that make sense?)
He tried to get Alex to breathe. He couldn't loose him. "Mon ami!!! Answer me! Please! Show me you are alive! Alexander please hold on for me!" He cried. "Get the hell over here you idiots!" That snapped the others out of their shock and they ran over. Washington started giving orders.
"Hercules. I want you to call an ambulance. When you're finished with that, call Alex's brother. Lafayette. Keep doing what you're doing. Try to keep Alex upright. I'm going to check for a pulse. John you try to get the rope untied. If you need, find something to cut it with." When they stood there longer than he wanted he raised his voice. "Now!"
When Washington put two fingers to his wrist and did the same thing to his neck, he let out a small sigh of relief. "He has a pulse but it's small. Hurry John!" "I found a pocket knife!" He ran over and cut the rope, resulting in Laf and Alex falling to the ground.
Laf got up immediately and started speaking soothingly in French. After a few seconds, Alex weakly turned to his side and started coughing. "Mon Ami! Y-You are alive!" Laf yelled. At this point, everyone was crying.
"I just got off the phone with 911. They're on their way now. James said he'll meet us at the hospital." Herc said. Alex curled up in a fetal position and cried again. "I'm sorry. I-I'm so so sorry." "Alexander this is not your fault..."
Alex stopped talking and just continued to sob. His friends and father-figure walked over and soon enough, it ended in a group hug
~~~~~~TIME SKIP AGAIN~~~~~~
"Mr Hamilton should-." The nurse started but was cut off by James, who had ran faster than he ever had in his life. "Where is my brother!? Where is Alex!?" He screamed with tears streaming down his face.
They could all see Alex give a flinch of guilt through the small window that was connected to the hospital room. He had refused to talk to anyone. They had all been throwing questions as to why but was shushed by Washington.
"He won't talk to me!? I'm his brother! I'm family! Please let me in there!" "Sir we need you to calm down first. Seeing you in distress might make things worse for him." "I'm calm!" Washington gave James a look. "Could I try talking to him?" He asked. "Maybe I can talk him into speaking to us all." There was hesitation.
"...I suppose... are you family as well?" "He's Alex's favorite teacher. He would come home talking about you. Mr...Washington right?" "Ye-" "He's also Alex's father-figure!" John pointed out. "I knew it." James said with a chuckle. "You may go in sir."
Washington walked inside the room. When Alex saw him, his eyes pooled with tears. The teacher walked over and sat on the end of the bed. Before any tears could slip out of Alex's eyes, he hid his face in his hands. "I didn't think I'd have to live with the embarrassment..." he mumbled. "What? The letter? Alexander it's fine. I see you as a son." "You do?" "Of course I do." Washington spoke the truth. This boy had wormed his way into his heart.
"I was really worried about you when I found out what you were doing. As were the others." He added. " 'M sorry sir..." His silent cries started to become more noticeable. "I'm sorry I-I just couldn't tak-take it anymore!" He lifted his face out of his hands to expose his red-rimmed watery eyes.
"Alex..." Washington hugged him. With hesitation of the embrace at first, Alex hugged back and cried loudly. "I-I dont know what's wrong with me sir. I shouldn't have done it a-and I wasted your time! I'm sorry." He presses his face against his father-figures chest. 'No one only in their 2nd year of high school should go through something like this... No one should in general.' Washington thought as he tried reassuring him everything would be alright. Eventually, Alex calms down.
Soon enough, Lafayette and the others walk inside. Alex jumps out of the hospital bed to hug James, followed by hugging the others as well. He'd apologized an uncountable amount of times.
Although it took a while, Alex slowly got better and his life had gotten back to normal. His friends were always we're there to stick up for him... His older brother James always there to talk to when he needed... And his Father-figure was always there to be the dad he never got to experience as a child . Life went pretty well for Alex. He'd thought he only family he had left was James but he was wrong. His family was always there.
Words- 1849
Sorry about the crappy ending. I also repeated words too much... oops. Hope you enjoyed anyway :)
Merde! nous devons Trouver le Lui! oh mon dieu Alex! s'il vous plaît ne faites pas cela À Toi même! Pourquoi je n'ai rien dit?! J'aurais pu Lauder! -
Shit! we must find Him! oh my god Alex! please do not do this to yourself! Why did not I say anything?! I could have helped him!
Oh Mon dieu-
Oh my god
Mon ami-
My friend
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