Thomas Jefferson- A Letter From Madison (a)
You swung open the door, the thick fog smacked your cheek as the heavy, flowery scent of the opium infested your nostrils, it always did and would linger in your nose for a few days afterwards. Thomas Jefferson lay sprawled across an extravagant lounge chair, his eyes rolling into his head and wild, untamed mane was tangled and web-like. Courtesans lay at the side of him dressed in very revealing, minimalistic clothing. A brown-haired woman lay, draped across him wearing nothing but a pair of frilly underwear, her hand rubbing his exposed chest.
Clearing your throat, you tried to tried to get Mr Jefferson's attention but he failed to respond. He thoroughly enjoyed his job as ambassador to France, he seemed to think his duties consisted of smoking opium, hiring whores and throwing lavish parties, of course this was all done under the funds of the Americas. Mr Jefferson did not respond, a few of the women poked their head up before letting out grunts and slumping their head back into the quilts and duvets that adorned the floor. You took cautious steps over to Mr Jefferson, being careful to avoid the many pipes and women that sprawled themselves on the floor. Peering over Mr Jefferson you cleared your throat again, this time louder and with more intent. Mr Jefferson shot up and held his head with his hand, releasing a loud groan and rubbing his eyes.
"Y/N, what in god's name do you want now it's..." He peered down at the luxurious watch that sat elegantly on his wrist, the face was shattered and the strap was torn "...some ungodly hour now what is it, I'm a busy man."
You pulled a small letter out of your breast pocket, it was from a Mr. James Madison and addressed to Mr Jefferson.
"This was from Mr Madison, it was sat on your desk for a few days but you were obviously too... busy to read it." Mr Jefferson snatched the letter out of your hand, squinting at the small, scribbled waiting of Mr Madison he handed it back.
"Read it for me." You read the letter aloud.
"To my dear friend Jefferson,
America is finally free from British tyranny, I will tell you more at a later date, expect a letter from President Washington in due course.
Best regards.
Mr Jefferson forced a small smile before collapsing, burying his head in the floral pillow and going back to sleep.
Written by Aaron.
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