Aaron Burr- Duel (c)
The failure to become president had had its effect on Aaron. Knowing that Alexander Hamilton was the reason for it only made him feel worse about the situation. Although they had experienced their ups and downs, you knew that Aaron had always considered him a friend and it hurt him that Alexander supported Thomas Jefferson rather than him.
Your husband had tried to assure you that he was fine but you knew better. He had spent more and more time locked away in his office rarely ever leaving unless he had to. It worried you terribly at how it affected him and you did all you could to help him however most of your attempts were futile.
Three times a day you'd take him food along with every night trying to convince him to come to bed, which was what you were trying to do currently.
You had changed into your night dress before heading to Aaron's office. You had given up on knocking as he would usually ignore you, so you just walked into the room. It wasn't a surprise to see him hunched over his desk frantically writing as he did most of the time recently. He didn't even raise his head to acknowledge that you had entered the room.
Letting out a gentle, sympathetic sigh as you approached him, wrapping your arms around his hunched frame. Aaron sat up slightly, leaning into your embrace and allowing you to see what was on his page. You began to read what he had written quickly realising it was unlikely that he'd have wanted you to read it.
"A duel?" You exclaimed stepping back from him. "Please tell me this is a joke Aaron."
He looked up at you, something he rarely did recently, allowing his eyes to connect to yours.
"I need to-" you cut him off.
"You certainly do not! Have you lost your mind? You could die! Did you think about Eliza? That poor woman has already lost her son, what if she loses her husband too? Those poor children! What if I lost my husband? Did you think about me?" You angrily said, your face scrunching up in annoyance.
"Y/N, he destroyed my political pursuit, I am a failure now because of him," he said softly attempting to stop his bitterness from being evident in his voice.
You tried to bite back the tears that fought to escape as you moved to kneel by his side, holding his hand close to you.
"You act as though this is the first instance of failure or the first that Alexander has been a part of. However, you have always been able to persevere and overcome anything thrown at you."
His expression was solemn, broken at your words. He had spent too long stuck within his own mind.
"I do not know if I can."
"I've always admired the way you've been able to move around your previous failures," you whispered. "I know that you can do it again."
He hesitated for a moment before giving your hand a gentle reassuring squeeze.
"I am sorry for being a fool."
You smiled softly at him hoping this was the turning point for him. "It is fine, my love, you are my fool and this is all that matters."
Written by Charlotte.
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