Prom Countdown | C. Lee
Okay so this requested by UndertaleAnimeLover and I hope you and the person that requested enjoy this! A little note, this story would be split into three parts. Three days before prom, two days before prom, a day till prom, and prom night. So keep that in mind!
////Three Days To Prom////
Y/n's POV~
I walk through the halls of the hell, I mean school. I try not to make I contact and not bump into anyone "important" or should I say people with half a brain. I succeed at doing so, till I bumped into Thomas Jefferson's entourage.
"Well, well why it's Y/n L/n." Thomas says as he and his group Madison, Lee, and Reynolds approach me.
"Y-yeah it's me." I shyly say as I try not to show fear.
"Y-yeah it's me! Eh, how pathetic could a girl of her intelligence be!" Like Thomas sorta gave the others a cue, they laugh in unison, but Charles had a... Pained look? How odd, why would he feel bad about? Me? Ha! (Does that weird laugh Angelica does in satisfied) He couldn't feel bad for me. Well if he did, why isn't he doing anything about it?
///Two Days To Prom///
Still In Your POV~
I space out while my friend rants about God knows what, but I just thought of all the fanfics, anime (I'm sorry for those who aren't into anime😬), and other things like when will I ever get out of here? Till I locked eyes with Charles. Yes THE Charles Lee, I turn away as he probably was looking at the Schuyler sisters, or just someone that isn't me. But could it be possible that someone as cute as him, considers me not ugly? That only happens in fanfics, so that's not possible. I was taking away from my thoughts as I hear a whistle. I look up and see Thomas and his posse looking down on me. I turn to where my friend was but she was dumping her food from her tray and she is running out of the cafeteria, mouthing to me ''Sorry''. What great friends do I have? I turn back to Thomas
"Do you need something?" I asked try not to stutter in fear.
"Well, my good friend Charles was wondering about something." He turns to Charles and shows his perfect pearly whites. Charles stepped up.
"I was wondering if you w-would g-go to p-prom with m-me?" He mumbled, but we all heard what he said. I blush and the others laugh. With that I knew he was joking.
"N-NO! Why would I ever go to prom with a guy with only half a brain!" I yelled, I didn't even realized I said that until I saw the look in Charles' face.
"H-hey dude I'm sorry-" I begin but Charles stop me.
"N-no it's fine... It was a j-joke." He croaked, and walked away. Thomas had a smirk of satisfaction.
"See you later doll~" He walks by and grabs my chin, and waves to me like we were friends. I held my head down the rest of the day.
//One Day To Prom//
I try to avoid everyone and just get on with the day so I can go home and talk with my friends. Yes, my internet friends, my most supportive friends I have in this life. As I was walking to my last class of the day, I bump into a broad chest, or what felt like a wall.
"Hey doll." It was Thomas Jefferson.
"Can't you go harass someone else?" I move around him, but he puts in arm over my head, enabling me from moving.
"You know Charlie meant it."
"No he didn't, it's just one of your cruel jokes you guys like to crack to unsuspected girls, and later..." I show him my flat hand. "Then you crush their heart like little bugs." I slowly ball my fist to show him my point. He stared.
"Well~ if you don't want to go with Charlie, then go with me to prom~" He cups my face, and inches closer to me face
"To hell I go if ever go with someone like you!" I kick him in the- never mind and make a run for it.
What is it with guys suddenly noticing me after all these years I've been their class? Screw boys.
/The Night Of Prom/
I'm at home at war with myself if I should go to prom after all this
cray-crayness this week and I decide maybe I should ask my friend if I should go. I dial his/her number and he/she answer in what seems in less than five seconds.
F-friend Y-you
F- Hello, what do you need?
Y- I need your advice, and you're the only person I confide in, and you know about the crazy stuff that has happened so...
F- So......
Y- Should I go to prom? I mean you know all about this cray-cray stuff-
F- Dude you should totally go, it's prom and you need to confront these losers and to show them you don't need anyone to go to prom with
Y- Y-you sure, but what if-
F- What if what? Come on Y/n, live for the moment. Just do it.
Y- But I don't have a prom dress-
F- Remember what you said about dresses? Screw them, go in whatever the heck you want to dress. Even if it's a potato sack or yes a Coco Channel!
Y- Okay, you're the best! Bye mate!
F- Bye mate!
I hung up. I went through me closet and got an idea. I was going to make my own clothes out of the close I have! I grabbed everything that I thought could work for this occasion and I grabbed everything that I need to stitch this together.
It looked amazing. If I say so myself. I put on my creation and run out the door and I found the bus at my stop and I hopped on the bus and off I was to prom! The bus stopped by my school and I began walking, because I can't ruin my creation. Everyone I walked pass looked and some asked where I got the dress or told me I looked nice, this was unusual to me, but it felt good.
I walk to the doors of the gymnasium and saw everyone looking fabulous. Eliza and Alex arm to arm Maria and James laughing. I just stood there just watching the others admire another. It was cool, till I begin thinking. When will this every happen to me? Love. I sat on the bleachers and thought till my thoughts were interrupted by, Charles Lee.
"Hi Y/n." I couldn't look at him since the whole I hurt his feelings.
"Hey Charles, look I'm sorry about what I said two days ago-"
"Apology accepted, but call me Charlie."
"Yeah thanks for accepting my apology Charlie."
"You look lonely, so am I, so... My I have this dance?"
"Sure, I MeAn NoT tHaT I like you like that but I have nothing to do. WaIt that sounds bad to- yes I will dance with you."
"Okay." We danced, but it was awkward, till he broke the silence.
"You know I meant what I said."
"What no you didn't.
"Yes I did."
"Now be sensible."
"No, don't pull a Burr on me."
"Well, then I'll pull a Laurens. Well I heard you go someone special on the side Burr~" I nudge him on the side.
"Well I do." He said cheekily.
"Dude the part is-" He stops me.
"I know but I do."
"Y-you WHAT!?!" I try not to shout.
"Yeah Y/n I seriously do like you."
"You're joshing me, these type of things only happen in fanfics."
"Never mind, but you not joking are you."
"Hm mm." I nodded. You know what? Why don't I make him suffer, like I did."
"I'll think about it."
"What?!? No one has answered me like this-"
"Again, maybe I'll tell when you drive me home."
"Drive you home? I didn't say anything about driving you home-"
"Do you want me to answer the question or not?"
"Fine, I'll drive you home."
It was the end of the night and I had my decision, and I was going home. I walk over to Charlie.
"Dude I'm ready to hit the road."
"Okay, so what's you decision?"
"Not yet, till I get home."
"Really?!? Fine." He involuntary walked towards his car and we got in the car. The ride home was silent. Till we made it to my house. It was time to reveal my decision.
"Well Charlie I think you're cool and all but my answer to your question has the same answer as whip cream is a non-Newtonian substance." I kiss his cheek and exited the car,
"H-HEY WHATS YOUR ANSWER?" I turned around and said
"The answer was yes, silly."
*cracks knuckles cuz it a bad habit of mine* Whoo! That was long am I right? So thank you for reading my oneshot!
Bai my dreamers 💫
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