Get Some James! | J. Madison
Third person POV~(watch me fail)
Y/n was know to be a bold, confident, loud, fun loving, and intelligent girl. She is apart of the 'Democratic Republicans' group with Burr, Lee, (I'm including Lee cuz Burrlee!) Reynolds, and the shy little Madison. Madison always admired those who had great confidence such as Y/n and Thomas, but the admiration turned into something more towards Y/n. He loved her. Thomas, being the amazing friend he is, is helping Madison to ask Y/n out on a date, so now let's get on with the story...
Madison's POV~
I'm sitting at a café with Thomas as he is telling me how to 'get Y/n's attention' but I don't get it, he makes it seem so easy, like one time I tried to ask her if she wanted to go on a date this is how it went,
I'm at a party, admiring Y/n from afar and Thomas elbows me,
"Madison, what are you waiting for, ask her already." I was astonish, how does he know?
"Madison my dude it is obvious that you like her, everyone knows, like me, Reynolds, Lee, Burr, and even the federalist group knows and they are idiots!"
"Okay... What should I say?" I began to panic
"James, James, James calm down it's easy, just walk over to her make small talk and ask her like its a casual question.. Here why don't I show you." He walks over to a lady and I hear
"The weather is beautiful outside! Not as beautiful as weather in Paris, but of course you my darling~ are beyond beautiful than the both place's weather combine! How about we go on a date." I heard the lady giggle and said yes, I caught a glimpse of her face and- lets just say it wasn't like Y/n's face. After that Thomas walked back over to where he was,
"See, easy but it was quite a challenge since- you know but you can do it, I have faith in you my friend. SO GETS SOME JAMES!" He yells and everyone hears including Y/n I think he drank a little to much,
I walk over to Y/n, I tap her on the shoulder she then asked me if I needed something, and I notice that her group was giggling, and she was blushing? She told them to be quiet and asked me what's up
" to...have..a-"
"TURTLE MEAT!!" I hear John Laurens yell,
"What you want? You want turtle meat?!? How dare you I am part of a group that protects turtle from being endangered." She then walked away.
I shiver at making a mistake like that again,
"Thomas I think I can't do it-"
"Y/n! My darling how are you!" Thomas gets up from his chair and hugs Y/n and kisses her on the cheek, she pulls away,
"Thomas we may be friends, but I don't kiss cheeks like the chicks in France."
"Heh, you will always have that humor, anyway I have to feed my- PARROT!" Thomas quickly runs and leaves the café
"I thought animals weren't allowed at his apartment-"
"So your pretty much saying that everyone that lives there is breaking the rule."
"How James?" As she cocks her head on the side like an adorable confused puppy, and she never calls me by James it's always Mads, Madison
"Because they live there and we're all animals." I say as I throw my hands up and people turn around and stared at my suddenness,
"James what the, are you okay you look red and what is triggering this sudden confidence?" She says as she reaches for my hand from across the table,
"What are you talking about? I'm perfectly fine..." As my stare go's to the window where I see Thomas jumping up and down and giving me hand gestures like a thumbs up and other gestures,
"James, what are you looking at?" As she go's over the table, kind of arching over the table and barely inches away from my face, I look at my hands in my lap
"Well..uh..I see Thomas-" I stopped myself and I ended up kissing Y/n, well more like crashing, but anyway, Y/n pulls away red as the cherry on the kid's milkshake three tables down from us, and I notice that the gesture from Thomas stop an she stares at me in amusement of what I did, so did Y/n
"J-James?" She stutters, then full shock falls in and I began to apologize
"Y-y/n I am so..sorry that I did that I, shouldn't have done that, you probably don't feel the same way, oh my gosh you probably have a boyfriend and-" I was abruptly stopped by Y/n kissing me on the cheek,
"I like James, your just so adorable when you're fluster and I mean just your like a gentle giant you know I'm not that tall and that's the main reason why I act so boldly since my size isn't imitating- I'm talking way too much would like to you- you go on a..."
"Date? Yes Y/n I would love to go on a date with you."
"So where James? Here I really like it here."
"Whatever pleases you babe."
*pulls up my big girl pant* well here is where I'm stopping it, so I hope you enjoyed it and PLEASE REQUEST!!!!!
Bai my dreamers 💫
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