Gentle Giant Mine | J. Madison
Title: Gentle Giant mine
Requested by: EstreatheHuman
Warnings: not edited, and extreme fluff
Length: 1,362, pretty long stuff there man...
Author's note: Okay so sorry this took so long, and this is 4/5 of the last one shots I will do. Also before any of you delete this from your library I'm just going to say that I'm going to edited my other one shots. But thank you for the support. Enjoy :)
Sitting on your coach stuffing your face and watching Netflix isn't usually how you roll on a Sunday. What would happen on a Sunday is that you would be with your sweet and caring boyfriend, James sitting on the coach stuffing your faces with ice cream watching Netflix.
Sadly, you and him had a little argument. I don't want to go into detail about what happen since Y/N wouldn't be too happy with me...
Anyway, so as you attentively watching the flashing colors on the screen and laughed when it showed one of those cringey commercials that you and James loved laughing at, but you were sadden by the thought.
Then your phone buzzed. "Who could that be now..." You lazily turned on your side to the table to see it was a text from
"James..." You were torn at whether or not to read the message. 'I mean I've been ignoring him since Friday, so yeah maybe it'll be worth my time." You grabbed your phone and looked at the message he sent.
Jemmy: hey, can you meet me at the cafe on the corner of were we used to go to high school?
You looked at the message. 'The one where we bumped into each other and spilled coffee on my chest on the first day of Freshman year?' You hesitate at the invitation. 'Maybe he'll be cheesy and give me a box of chocolates or something...he can't be that cliché!'
You: yeah sure, I'll be there at three o'clock-ish
You quickly tap send and jump out of the coach, reanimating back to life. 'I'm going to get ready for this date! Wait...can I even call it a date? Whatever, maybe it's just a get together!' You grabbed your phone and disappeared from the living room
You walk into the café, looking around for James, but your mind drifted to the first time you met James.
*~*9 years earlier*~*
*~*14 years old, freshman year*~*
*~*first day of school*~*
"Hey Jessica! Wait up!" You yelled as your "friend", well your friend at the time, ran out the door with her coffee before you.
"Cool your coconuts that you don't have
Y/N!" She cackled as she raised her head high and ran towards the school a couple of blocks down from Washington High, your high school.
Then you decided to pick up speed and jog a bit, then you felt like you hit a titanium wall, but your chest burned from your still warm coffee.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" You heard from a strong, yet gentle voice. You looked up to see a boy from your secondary school. You didn't know him personally since Thomas, his bold friend always stole the show with his presence.
"No it's fine," you grabbed napkins from your back pocket and wiped your chest of the hot liquid. "I'm Y/N by the way."
*~*back to the present*~*
You came out of your little memory. You looked around for the gentle giant. 'Where could he be? He's never late to anything...' Again, looking around trying to find James. 'How long has it been already?' You look down on your phone and checked the time. 'Oh my gosh, I've been here for an hour!'
You quickly scramble up, but before you left the door you felt someone grab your sleeve.
"James?" You turned around to see a tall, black haired, blue eyed waiter.
"Actually, the name is Brian, but James told me to give you this." He pulled a piece of lined paper from his apron.
"Thanks Brian." You say as you open the paper which read.
"Good, so you're not bailing out on me. Now that I seem like a jerk, I want you to go to where we argued with the 'jerk'."
You gingerly closed the slip of paper, once again bidding farewell to the waiter. You walk out the door to stop and think where and what James is talking about. 'The jerk? What is he talking about—Ohhhh....' You turn your heels and walked towards your high school.
'Good, ole' Washington High!' You thought as you walk up the stairs, that you had dreaded to walk up for your first few months of school.
*~*8 years earlier*~*
*~*15 years old*~*
*~*Sophomore year*~*
You and James walked inside the school and then you saw him, the jerk off Alexander Hamilton. Man he is one of the meanest debaters on your on the debate team.
I mean, he even out sasses Thomas a couple of times. Also there's a nasty rumor that he got Eliza pregnant and they've only been dating for three months. THREE MONTHS!!!
You and James decided to pass him like he wasn't even there, but he caught on to what you two were doing.
"Hey Y/N whatcha doing," He grabbed your book bag strap, pulling you back. "Why are you ignoring me?" You swiftly look at James to see if he hasn't anything that could help you.
"Hey!" He grabbed your chin "Why are you looking at him like his your boyfriend?" You pulled away from his grasp, clicking your tongue in disgust.
"He's not my boyfriend you idiot!" You kicked him in the shin and yelled to James to run.
You and James did this little "confrontation" with Alexander for a while until—
"MS. Y/N L/N!" You heard your beloved named being yelled in the hallways. You saw your favorite teach in the world. Mr. Washington. Coincidently, he has the same last name as the guy the school was named after. But he was your absolute favorite teacher.
"M-Mr. Washington?" You croaked out, just like you did years prior. Then he did his signature laugh.
"Y/N, you still stutter when I say your name." He placed his hand on your shoulder
"Mr. Washington you still teach here?" You asked a bit shocked as he talked of how he was going to retire after you graduated and go and run his family farm in Mount Vernon.
"No, I'm just doing a favor for a fellow student." He just smiled and stares off a bit.
"Mr. Washington why don't you do this student a favor." You gestured towards yourself. He chuckled at the remark.
"Oh yes! Here he told me to give you this!" He handed you another slip of paper, sloppily folded twice.
"Thank you!" You hugged him tightly and fumbled with the paper to see what was written inside.
"No problem Y/N, just remember. I'm always here for you. Just like in high school."
"That's good to know."
"Now if you excuse me I going to head to Lincoln Park." He slowly walked away looking back to se ether expression on your face.
"What the hell?!" You shouted. 'There's nothing here?!' You thought as you looked all around for any sign of James. Then you thought back to what Washington had said when you were searching the paper.
"Now if you excuse me I'm going to head to Lincoln Park..."
"Excuse me I'm going to to Lincoln Park..."
"I'm going to Lincoln Park..."
"Going to Lincoln Park..."
"Go to Lincoln Park..."
'Finally! I got it!' You quickly dashed out if the school and ran towards the park you and him used to go to all the time. 'Lincoln Park here I come!'
*~*time skip*~*
You looked around and headed to the water fountain you and him used to just sit at hours at time before one of you had to go back to home.
"James?" You whispered as you walked around the fountain looking for your gentle giant. You had repeat the same cycle and walked slowly around the water fountain. Then you just sat there in defeat.
'Was this all a joke James?' You thought. Then you felt something being thrown at your head.
"Ow!" You turned around and saw a ball of paper in the water with a ring of ink around it. You quickly picked it up and saw what remained of the message.
"Right behind you." It said and you looked up to see James.
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