Mistletoe (Lams)
Alex P.O.V
The snowflakes have been gently falling to the ground, covering the world in a delicate layer of crisp snow. Everyone is at awe at the heavenly sight of Christmas. The Schuylers decided to host the Christmas gathering at their mansion. I had every reason to smile, but something felt wrong. Something felt missing. It was like a piece of me was wasn't there. I wasn't sure why it wasn't there but I knew I couldn't let this feeling ruin this party for me.
I could see everyone enjoying themselves. Herc was making Christmas jumpers for everyone, Madison and Burr seem to be discussing about books near the fireplace (I don't know why I just can imagine them being in a book club of something). Thomas and Laf seem to be complaining about which type of wine is better which made me chuckle a bit while Angelica, Eliza and Maria set up the table. I smiled at the sight of my friends having a grand time until something hit me where is John.
I looked around scanning the room for my best friend. At the corner of my eye I him and Peggy drinking some Sam Adams on the couch. I walked over to the hoping I didn't ruin anything.
"Alexander!" they both said together making more room him.
"I was worried you were not going to make it," John chuckled as he shuffled closer to me.
"I would never miss this party for the world plus it's not every day I get to hang out with my two favourite people," I consoled while wrapping by arms around John and Peggy. They both chuckled and leaned in closer to whispered something to my ear.
"So... have you asked him out yet?"
"What!" I exclaimed a little too loudly.
John looked at me confused. "Alex what is wrong?"
"Oh it's n-nothing its um just that," I am stuttering like a mad man looking at Peggy for guidance.
"He just remembered that he needs to talk to you in private don't you Hamilton," she teased while wiggling her eyebrows. John looked confused and was clearly oblivious of this situation. He followed me anyway upstairs while asking me what was going on.
"I guess all I really want to say to you is thank you." "Thank you for what Alex?"
I smiled at him with a slight blush. "I guess thank you for being there for me when I needed it. When me and Eliza broke up you were always still there for me when I needed it."
John smiled back at me. "Alex you are the closest friend I got, I will always be there for you."
We smile and stared at each other's eyes for a while a that it got a little bit awkward. I look away feeling a bit embarrassed. Then I heard a little chuckle from John. He was looking up and I looked up to see what he was chuckling at. I start to chuckle too. A mistletoe.
"We don't have to if you don't want to," I stammered.
"Well I mean I d-don't mind," he said bashfully.
We both slowly stepped closer clearly nervous. I could feel his warm breath against my neck. I knew this was my shot. I moved my face closer to his and felt his soft lips against mine. We both melted into the kiss and I suddenly felt myself complete again.
John pulled apart first a little out of breath. He was fifty shades pinker than usual and I wasn't surprise if I was as well. "We should probably head back now." I agreed and showed him downstairs. Not expecting to find Peggy with her phone smirking.
"What so funny Peggy?" I asked.
"Oh nothing, just the sweet feel of blackmail," she said sweetly.
We both looked at each other confused then it just clicked. "PEGGY!" We yelled in unison as we both chased her down the halls, while everyone just stares in confusion.
Merry Christmas guys I hope you have an amazing holiday <3
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