When You Love Someone (Hamliza)
This is for ElizabethSchuylur! Hope this is something you kind of expected!
They said it was unexpected.
They said it was an accident.
They say she didn't have a chance.
But I know better.
Excuses, lies, excuses, and more lies.
To me, I think it's a whole load of crap
I don't care what they say. All the reasons they give. The names they say. The words they use to comfort me. All I know is this:
My mother is dead.
And I am never going to see her again.
My mother was my first stepping stone. She'd never pressure me, she'd always stayed calm, and she always supported me and tried to make me feel better, no matter what.
But she's gone now. I could never turn to her again.
My sisters don't give two shits. They weren't very close to her. Angelica, she cares about school and her reputation. Peggy cares about how she looks and her artwork.
But me? I care about my family more than I should.
Father won't talk. He's locked himself in his room for days. He rarely even comes downstairs at all. He just isolates himself and feels pity for himself. Just himself. Everyday. I tried to comfort him, but all it did was anger him, and he started calling me things I rather not hear.
No one can get me to laugh these days. Or smile. Or even to talk. Well, nobody except one person...
He's stayed with me through thick and thin. He comforts me, talks to me, and is my shoulder to cry on. Hell, he even got me to crack a small smile.
But today. Right. Today's the day. The day of Mom's funeral. And I am the only one of us going.
Father is apperantly to depressed to come
Peggy has to go shopping with her friends for a very important dance
Angelica said she needed to study for her upcoming SAT's
And then there's me.
Just me.
I have no excuse. No lie. Man, I really do hate those.
I walked infront of the funeral home, avoiding any eye-contact at all (I AM SORRY I HAD TO LIGHTEN THE MOOD THIS IS DEPRESSING) . I organized everything, by the way, and made all the decisions about Mom. You're welcome, guys.
"Eliza!" I heard. I turned to look, and there was Alexander. He was dressed nicley, and he had flowers in his hands.
(What Alex is wearing)
(What Eliza is wearing)
"Hey. How are you feeling?" he asked me.
"As good as I can be" I replied in my normal tone for these days
"Oh... I'm sorry. Oh yeah! Here" he said, handing me the flowers. "You said you wanted these to put on the cof--- the thing?" he asked
He was so sweet. He wouldn't even say teh word "coffin". What did I do to deserve him?
"Y-yeah. Thanks" I said, taking them. Together, we walked towards Mom's coffin in the church. I placed the beautiful carnations on the glossy black surface. Mom's favorite flowers. Alex put a hand on my shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. I never realized how much I needed that simple gesture until now.
And then I just broke.
I sank to the floor, crying. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't keep my emotions bottled in any longer.
But then I felt Alex's warmth around me, holding me tight. I felt all the kisses on my cheeks, and his hands on my shoulders and arms, even though my whole world felt numb.
"Shhhhh... it's okay, Eliza. Let it all out" he whispered, and rubbed my back while I cried violently
Sooner or later, I calmed down. Alex walked, sat, and stood with me throughout the rest of the day, and wiped all of my tears away.
Then I realized
Alexander is my soulmate. My stepping stone. He will always be there for me, no matter what. Sure, my mother was #1. But some people have to move on. I can't wallow in depression forever. Now I know I can move on.
With Alexander
Because when you love someone , you can overcome or achieve anything
Even a new window to happiness.
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