John Laurens x reader- The Fallen
So this is in an alternative universe where John doesn't die.
I'm fine, I just need to cry in a corner.
Words: 983
Warnings: Blood, guns, war, it's really long
Add on: John thinks you're a boy so when it says (B/N), it means your name in a masculine form..... for example: Janet turns into Manet. (That example really sucks.)
Another soldier falls to the ground next to
(Y/N) from getting shot in the chest. Blood trickles down his cheek from his mouth which makes her cringe. She had to pull herself together though, she pretended that she was a man this long, she couldn't give that up now.
The young woman was hiding behind a large rock in the middle of the battle field, hoping it will protect her from the bullets the British were firing. Men ran past her, each one getting shot down. (Y/N) clutched the gun she was holding tighter to her chest as her blue overcoat started to get drenched in blood from the dead bodies surrounding her.
"(B/N)!" She hears a voice shout as she pushes her way past the bodies just to be able to peak past the large rock. John Laurens was running towards her, seeking cover from the heavy fire approaching. John still thought that (Y/N) was a boy, and they have become close since she has been moved to the camp in South Carolina. John always enjoyed (Y/N)'s company, especially when they go out drinking together. But, things have been getting weird between them. John has been wondering if (Y/N) was actually who she says she is.
"How are you liking South Carolina during war time?" John remarked as he slid behind the rock next to (Y/N). "It's just lovely. The sounds of screams really give it a nice touch." She sarcastically stated as she reloaded her gun. John managed to let out a light chuckle as the sounds of cannons echoed throughout the battle field.
Awkward silence overcame the both of them as more blue coats were going down one by one. Every few moments they both peered over the rock to try to shoot a red coat, but it seemed impossible for there were so many of them.
"You know, you kinda look like a girl with the blood splattered on your lips." John said with a chuckle, breaking the silence between them. "Is that supposed to be a complement?"
(Y/N) replied sarcastically, while noticing the blood implemented on her lips that looked similar to lipstick. Laughter surrounded to two, despite the war going on.
Just then, a red coat fell of his horse from getting shot in the side not far from where the two were hidden. Without hesitation, John ran out from behind the rock and swiftly took the red coats place. "What the fuck are you doing?" (Y/N) yelled, pressing her back against the rock with more force then she wanted to. "I'm fighting in the war. I'm going to kick these red coats asses all the way back to Britain." He answered as he pulled the reins on the horse making in whine.
(Y/N) let out a small chuckle as she watched John ride towards a group of red coats. He pulled out his sword in one graceful stroke and slashed them all with ease while still controlling the horse. "He's going to get himself killed." The young woman mumbled to herself as her (H/C) hair became drenched with sweat.
Just as (Y/N) was going to run out from behind the rock, John came riding back with his horse. Red specks of blood accumulated John's face which blended in with his freckles. "You okay?" He asked while stopping the horse in front of her. "Yes, I am fine. Can you get your head out of your bloody ass now and actually fight?" She shot back while turning around to shoot another red coat.
As (Y/N) turned back around to face John as he hopped off his horse, she noticed a red coat coming up behind him with a dagger. She hastily jumped up from her position on the ground and ran towards the red coat, getting ready to stab him with her dagger.
"(B/N), what are you-" He was interrupted by (Y/N) pushing him out of the way to get to the red coat pulling his hand back, getting ready to stab. She quickly moved out of the way and stabbed the red coat in the side. Blood dripped down her hands as the red coat fell to the dirt, death wrapped around him as he hit the ground.
(Y/N) turned back to John, watching his eyes go wide. "(B/N), you just-" A shot of pain flew through her body as she landed onto her knees. The woman clutched her side and felt a warm liquid. She looked at her hand as saw blood slip between her fingertips. "He stabbed me." She muttered as her vision started to blur. John immediately landed to the ground next to her and grabbed her by the waist. He was shocked to feel how small it was because he thought she was a boy. He quickly dragged her behind the rock to hide from the heavy gunfire.
"You're going to be ok, (B/N). Don't give up on me now." John cried as he helped (Y/N) to stop the blood with his hand. Everything was going black for her, and it seemed that sleep was calling. The pain in her side died down and the sounds of the guns filtered away, as the whole world stopped in a single moment.
This is getting to long so I'll make a part 2 soon!
I know that this is kinda like the movie Mulan..... my brain isn't big enough to make good stories😅
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