Hurcules x reader- The Seamstress
Ok. I have a question....... did the historical Hercules Mulligan actually fuck horses? This is a serious question!
Words: To many (seriously, I'm tired)
Warnings: Me questioning the point of life.
Add on: I need friends....
This is for my friend because she reads my stories: ZAINNY! Don't read my stories! They are really bad and cringeworthy! And don't mention this in front of Grace, she already thinks I'm weird enough as it is!
They warm summer breeze slapped onto
(Y/N)'s face, as if she was being punished. She was standing in front of her uncle's millinery, waiting for her carriage to arrive. Her uncle went a bit.... mad from the intoxication of mercury. So while he was at the mental hospital recovering, she would spend her days at her Grandfathers tailor shop at the docks of New York.
She continued to stand in the middle of the busy town that kept on moving and not batting a eye at the young girl. Little boys ran across the streets laughing while playing with sticks. (Y/N) couldn't help but to giggle at the sight. It reminded her of herself when she was little. She wasn't a girly girl, and hated dresses. While her uncle would work on hats, she would run outside and play with the boys in the streets.
Just as she was about to approach the boys to say hello, a carriage stopped right in front of her. It was black with wooden seats that seemed that they would break any second. "Are you Miss (L/N)?" The coachman asked passionlessly in a accent that reeked of the South. His blond hair swayed with each movement he made, as for his blue eyes seemed to be filled with anger. He was gnawing on straw that jumped as he spoke. (Y/N) gripped her suitcase tighter as she opened her mouth to answer, but was interrupted quickly.
"I'll take that as a yes. Now get in, it's takes a few hours to get to New York from middle of Pennsylvania." The coachman said while motioning her to get inside. She quickly did as she was told and shut the carriage door behind her forcefully that made the carriage shake. "Hey! Don't break it or else you're going to pay for it!" The coachman yelled bitterly. (Y/N) crossed her arms and let out a huff of anger.
"I knew Grandpa was cheep, but he could have spent a little more money on getting a better coachman." She thought to herself as she felt the carriage jerk into motion. She let out a sigh as she watched her town melt away into wilderness.
It took 3 hours for (Y/N) to reach the docks of New York. The salty air aroused her nostrils as the carriage pulled to a stop in front of a small, wooden shop. It held a sign right above the door which said: (L/N)'s tailor shop.
"Get out!" The coachman yelled as (Y/N) quickly jumped out of the carriage in fear of experiencing his wrath. He pulled on the reins making the horses wine and rode off into the town.
The sun was setting, which gave a nice glow to the shop. (Y/N) clenched the suitcase tighter to her chest as she walked to the wooden front door and opened it. It was a small shop that smelt of pine and shoe polish. It gave a vibe of warmth and love, which sent a chill down her spine. There were racks filled with men and woman's clothes scattered around, and at the end of the shop there was a desk.
As (Y/N) walked closer to the desk, she could see that there was a man standing there that did not resemble her Grandfather at all. He was tall, muscular, and had short black hair. His chocolate eyes looked like you could get lost in them for hours.
"Um.... hello miss, how may I help you?" He said, breaking the silence between them.
(Y/N) jumped in surprise from hearing such a deep voice greet her so kindly.
Just as she was about to answer, the front door opened loudly. She almost dropped her suitcase in surprise. Standing in the door was her Grandfather, who seemed to be holding fabric and supplies.
"(Y/N)!" He shouts as he drops all his supplies at the front door and runs up to the young woman, embracing her in a bone crushing hug. "Hi grandpa..." She answers softly from being suffocated from the tight grip. "Have you met Hercules? He's my apprentice." He says happily after letting go of her.
(Y/N) turns around towards Hercules and smiles. A light blush appears on his cheeks which makes her giggle. "Hi, my name is
(Y/N). Nice to meet you!" She said while extending a hand for him to shake. "Nice to meet you too." Hercules said with a smile as he took her hand and gave it a shake.
"Well! Let's get you situated! My house is just down the street, I have a guest bedroom waiting for you there!" (Y/N)'s Grandpa announces while grabbing the suitcase out of her hands. He storms out the door with pep in his step as the woman followed in pursuit.
Hercules was left alone in the store. He let out a sigh and stared at the wooden door that still had the supplies laying around, forgotten.
"Damn, she was beautiful."
I'm doing a part 2 because I'm tired
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