chapter 3
"You seem stressed."
"For heavens sakes please leave me alone. Im trying to get something done." I stopped and notied something I groaned,"Fucking hell. how many damn mistakes am I going to make again." I rolled my eyes and kept writing,"Welp more work for me."
"SNOW!!!" I jolted up,"Weres my papers?" I quickly grabbed everything and rushed out,"Right here lee!" I handed them to him,"oh and I need this done by morning, its a survay or something for you to do for washington to make sure your fine." He handed me three papers I nodded and re-entered tthe tent and sat down,"He's working you down to the bone. We haven't seen you eat anything more then toast and water are you sure your fine." I finished the papers in a second,"That was too easy." I sat my papers down and looked at them,"I agree but its my job so i just have to go with it that's all." I closed my eyes and fell asleep,"SNOW!" He barged in,"I almost forgot we have a meeting at 1:00 in the morning your alode to bring a plus four it's a large meeting." I nodded and layed back down,"ehhem!"
"lee well do her work she's warn out."
"fine." I heard paper rustling,"You four are my plus 4s." I tralled off.
I woke up and turned onto my side,"time to wake snowflake." I got up without a fuss and stretched,"Washington has a present for you." Mulligan handed it to me
time skip to the meeting
I loosened my colar and walked in next to lee our plus 4s behind us,"God this is worse then a dress."
"Your saying you like your streat clothing better?"
"Shut up." I walked up to the door and was greeted by a neatly kept man who was very atractive better looking then lee.
He kissed my hand,"You must be (y/n)?" I smiled as we linked arms,"So tell me about yourself?" he had a light accent. I heard jealousy in the boys voices,"What's it like?"
"Always being hit on by boys. Since your so pretty." I pulled my arm away from him,"I may be a lady but I'd watch what you say. I know how to hand-in-hand-combat, shoting a gun, and how to throws books and use a knife." He laughed at me. As soon as we enetered the room I froze,"all the states." He shoved me forward and Washington and lee and our plus 4s followed me,"Please sit in your countres section." I watched everyone go to there sections but I stood alone,"Your canadian right?"
"No Im amarican. and I don't see a section for that." I smirked,"Pffftt!" I glared at UK,"Go sit alone then." I walked over to Canada I was still alone I leaned on the desk and fell asleep as they talked,'THE WARS ALREADY STUPID BUT WHY DRAG A GIRL INTO IT!" I slowly woke up,"huuu what?" I yawned,"YOU WERE SLEEPING!"
"Yes because your stupid." I stuck my toungue out,"GROW UP!"
"Welp im out this is honostly really stupid."
"Snow you sit your ass back down." The mans voice sent a shiver up my spine I closed my eyes and whispered to myself with so much fear,"No-no-no.Not him please god no!" My hand shaking I slowly opened the door,'Now now thats not very polite." I heard a chair scretched I was ready to run as soon as he turned my around. I would reconize that face,"Remember me?"
"How could I forget?" He moved his coat to reveal his knife,"Know lets be a good las and sit down." I clenched my fists,"No..'
"What was that?"
"I said-" I turned and sprinted down the windy hallways and into the door I fell back,"Damnit its locked." I heard running footsteps coming closer I kept trying,"Me amour whats wrong?" I gasped and pressed myself against the door I was so scared as the man came closer to me with a grin I slouched down,"No,please no." I Hide my face in my hands as I was sitting on the ground,"Awww is the little snowykitty scared?" He lifted my chine,"You scared to die like your parents?" I pulled my face away and held my tears back,"Or is it your afraid to fade away like your-" I stood up,"DON'T YOU DARE MENTION HIM!" I pointed at him,"You dare talk back to me?" he pulled his knife out and pointed it at me,"I took you in, taught you everything I knew.'
"NO YOU KILLED MY PARENTS!" I screamed as he slashed my face i couldn't run he was twice my strength I fell onto my knees and held my cheek,"Stupid girl!" He went in for a kick before Washington caught up along with the rest,"(y/n)?" He screamed as lafayette was tossed to the ground,"laf-" Timothy kicked me in the stomich I coughed up blood,"Get that man!" the gaurds grabbed him away from me,"Why didn't you fight back?"
"Because everything I know he taught me he's three times stronger then me." I hide my face and silently sobbed,"He killed my." I stopped remembering him the only man who truly protected me until his........
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