Chapter 1
I was walking around the camp following lee since he was "in charge","Yeah one sec." e turned around and shoved some papers in my arms,"Ok. I'll have her on it." He turned around,"Go get my meeting papers, and clothing ready." He pointed to his tent and I nodded,"Washington she's my assistant not yours." He had snapped at him,"Fuck boy." I murmured as I entered his tent,"Burr but is that the best?" I set the papers down and took my coat of, I was in a dress shirt and khakis like the rest of the men but I had ridding boots,"Ma'am are you lost?" I looked up and checked my gun and put it back in its sleeve,"No are you?" I smirked as I neatly unfolded one of his fancy coats and fused it off and set it down and grabbed a clean shirt and pants and invoked them,"Ma'am your lees servant right?" I turned around and glared at him my brown hair and my WHITE skin and green eyes,"EXUSE ME?" He shut up when he heard my words,"Sorry." I worked quickly and grabbed some cuffs and grabbed his papers,"LEAVE SO I CAN CHANGE." He grabbed me and threw me lit of the tent I tripped over myself and almost fell on top of three downs but I did a backflip over them I placed my hands down quickly and did a hand stand and flipped over them not hurting a single thing,"Your flexible both physical and notionally." I smirked,"GET YOUR ASS IN HERE." I rolled my eyes and walked in,"Cuffs."
"Im'a kill you some day if you don't calm your ass down." I muttered under my breath as I put the cuffs on.he placed his hand under my chin and lifted it,"what did you just say to me?"
"If you don't calm you ass of i will quit." He slapped me,"Don't talk to me like that." I finished and tied his tie tightly he gasped and I realised it so he could breath I placed his papers in a bad and we walked to the horses,"From the way you acted-" he ripped the bag out of my arms."You can walk."
"I'll always be faster then." Just then I took off running,"BASTARD!" I heard him screaming as I ran and ran.
The tired skip
When I made it I saw the men shaking hands I was out of breath as I walked up panting trying to catch my breath I moved my hair out of my face I was sweaty and slightly moody but still strong,"And you ma'am."
"His bloody assistant." He smirked at me,"Sorry I meant to say- god I'm out of breath I might pass out." I placed my hand on my forehead dealing dizzy since I was running full speed in thin khakis and a thin dress shirt and no coat since it was with lee in the WINTER,"Why were running?
"Because this bastard wouldn't let me ride." I pointed at lee,"Well you look shook let's get you to warmth." I nodded and faced le,"No we're here for a meeting she'll be fine."
"I swear to god man!" I mumbled,"If you say so." I walked in and tried fixing my hair but I was shaking so much i just left it down the wavy brown hair was shiny and clean and smooth,"Lee I understand-"
"No-uh!" He complained like a small child,"Fix your damn hair!" He whispered to me and I put it up in a bun hiding the beauty in it,"Get me some coffee." The tone in his voice pissed me off and I kept writing everything down,"Get your own damn coffee!"
"Every time I make it the way you ask me to I mess up some how!" He looked at me, and everyone looked at him,"It's not my fault your a shity assistant!" Washington starred him down,"Lee you look great."
I looked at Washington,"Know look at (y/n) her shirt is all
Moody from the times you've shoved her down, her pants are dirty and bloody from the times she's helped you, and her coat it's full of hols. Know the way you treat her, shoving, slapping, names, and your just cruel, you want her
To his her face and her beauty hair, her skills are the best."
"Don't tell me how to act." I clenched my pencils,"I treat you as if you were my son and I get treated like trash, you act like a small ignorant child lee!" I scribbled something in my notebook,"No one asked you-"
"Did I ask you to speak Lee?" Washingtons voice boomed,"What if we had Lafayette, Hamilton, mulligan, and Lauren's on the job for training, supplies, and assistants." I blurted out,"What?"
"Nothing." I ripped the page out and threw it away and slammed it close,"If I want to make I home before midnight I must get going." I placed my books in my bag and looked at lee,"I'll be on my way."
"Don't go to my house you can find somewhere else to stay and not my tent either!" I froze and turned around,"Fuck you." And I walked
Out I started out walking then jogging then running then full thrust sprinting until I made it back I saw again. Sweaty, out of breath, faint headed,"Are you ok?" My head was spinning,"yeah?" I closed my eyes and collapsed onto my knees and Lafayette rapped his arms around me,"What did he do to
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