Chapter 2 - I'm a President WEEEE
Alex's POV
"HAMMINGTON" John squeaked and hugged me tightly as I walked into the school, the week after.
"HI JOHNNY!" I hugged him back and grabbed his hand, wrapping my fingers around his.
"Class please take your seats, today we will be electing class president today! All candidates please take your places in line next to the podium" Washington pointed to three cardboard boxes stacked next to each other, stuffed with styrofoam. John grabbed my hand and stared at me worriedly, his small eyebrows knotting together on his freckled face.
"Alex, what if you don't win?" He pouted.
"I find your lack of faith disturbing" I said before smiling at him and taking my place next to the podium.
My new friends gave me a thumbs up as I stood at the end of the line, next to Burr. Jefferson was going first and his friend, James, who was for some reason always sick, cheered him on, coughing every few seconds.
"good luck burr, may the force be with you" I said seriously and Aaron stared at me.
" I'll force my fist into your face" he replied seriously, hiding a small smile behind his bleak appearance.
"but Burr, don't hurt me, you're my only hope!"
"MAKE A STAR WARS REFERENCE ONE MORE TIME" Aaron shook my shoulders and stared into my eyes, sort of angrily before smiling. He was a little scary.
"don't be a stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder!" I muttered and Aaron rolled his eyes, defeated by my knowledge of the famed movies.
"Sweet Jesus" he replied and Thomas began to speak.
"Pfff Laser Brain" I almost inaudibly mumbled, smirking.
"And that's why macaroni is better than anything and everyone, thank you" Thomas finished his speech and James happily clapped and cheered while the rest of the class just stared at him, discombobulated.
Aaron extended his hand to shake Thomas' but Thomas refused and rolled his eyes at Burr.
"Talk Less. Smile More" Burr said and stood there in awkward silence for a minute just smiling while the class waited for something to happen. Washington pulled out his phone and recorded Aaron until he walked off.
I looked around at the class and at my new friends. Peggy was holding up a huge sign but I couldn't see what it said because Angelica and Eliza were blocking it with theirs. I was wearing a cool cape that spelled out my name, which Hercules made and Laf did my makeup. My highlighter was popping and my eyeliner was as straight as historians claim some of the founding fathers were. John was holding up an especially shiny gold sign and I smiled widely at the sight of it.
"I think I would be a great class president because I know all about leading and making sure everyone has equal rights. The girls get equal rights, the guys get equal rights, the other people my mummy says to respect the pronouns of get equal rights and Dan and Phil get equal rights because Phil is just as awesome as dan and I respect your opinion but never say that Dan would be so much better without Phil because you are wrong!" I proudly said and the class cheered. "Also I'll make the people who shipped Luke and Leia before you found out they were twins happier. Sorry guys"
"Well class, cast your votes and return to your seats please" Washington said, staring at John who was cheering while hanging upside down from a windowsill. Everyone passed a sheet around and put a tally next to the person they voted for and once it was finished. Thomas, Aaron and I anxiously awaited the results.
"And your class president is..... Thomas Jefferson!"
The class groaned and began to scream at each other while Thomas snatched the class president badge of Washington's hand and pranced around happily.
"Oh, sorry kids I said the wrong thing. Alexander Hamilton won! Here's the voting sheet to prove it" George nervously laughed and Thomas threw the badge to the ground and stormed out of the classroom, James close behind him.Washington pinned the badge to my lion shirt and the class cheered and picked me up, carrying me out the door as the lunch bell rang.
"Hey Alex" Eliza walked up to me, blushing. "Um, do you want to get married?"
I've never been married before. Married sounds cool. I wonder if I can do married with John?
"Sure" I replied and Eliza smiled widely and ran off screaming and jumped on Angelica.
"Hey Johnny, what's married?" I asked him while he stuffed his face with yoghurt.
"I think it's where you have rings and stuff and you put them on your fingers and then you get free yoghurt" John replied.
"Oh. Eliza asked me to marry her"
John frowned slightly but and continued to take in mouthfuls yoghurt while staring at me.
"You wanna be the best man?" I asked and John nodded, smiling before prancing off to throw his lunch wrappers in the bin.
I'm a president WEEEEE
God I've had so many assessments and tests and stuff I haven't been updating I'm sorry I've been super busy.
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