Thanks for 50 Reads!
A/N: 50 reads! Thank you all so much!
—In another room - 3rd Person—
Sofia: Guys! Guess what?
Amelia: What? Thomas found out tomatoes weren't poisonous? That's a shame.
Jarker: I hope not! If he did, we can't make an excuse for him to shut up!
Mikayla: NOOOOO!
Sofia: Guys, chillax, we hit 50 reads!
Camilo: Wait till we tell Thomas!
Sofia: Oh, I did. His reaction was priceless.
Sofia: So, I may have been publishing your reactions to the songs.. But, it got 50 reads!
Thomas: 50 people have seen me being threatened to get slapped in the face by a tomato!? What is the internet nowadays?
Alex: That's what you get for being such an idiot.
Hams: Here we go again..
Olivia: Yup, get the popcorn.
—Back to present—
Turtle: "That was hilarious. 3 minutes later and they're still fighting. Have a listen!" The 8 hosts peeked around the door as Sofia pressed record on her phone. Here's a brief summary of what happened;
Thomas and Alex were tackling eachother on the floor. Hercules, John and Lafayette were all watching cheering "Fight! Fight! Fight!" While Madison was in a corner. Eliza was covering Phillips eyes as Washington and Burr were frantically trying to break up the fight and Maria R, James R, Peggy and Angelica were just sitting in utter shock.
After a few minutes the fight was still going on. Hercules and Lafayette had joined the fight and Peggy was watching with us, she was the only one who noticed them.
Hams: I think we should tell them..
Amelia: "Ugh, party pooper, but I don't want any blood being shed. GUYS! LISTEN UP! YOU'VE BEEN FIGHTING FOR 5 MINUTES AND WE RECORDED THE WHOLE THING! TAKE A BREAK!" Everyone except for the hosts and Peggy looked at Amelia and shock. They had watched the whole thing? What was that weird rectangle in their hand and what do they mean by 'recording?'
—Hercules P.O.V—
Ok. That was a good fight, except for the fact that Amelia had to ruin it! We were going great! Thomas was pinned on the dam floor! After Thomas had gotten up and rushed to the same corner Madison was in, the TV turned on again and the next song began to play.
Company (M): 1776, New York City.
—END of chapter—
A/N: Thanks for reading, and thank you for 50 reads! The next part should be published soon.
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