Breaking in with the mangled pain [Lippa]
a/n: First time having the author's note up here. But anyway this is going to be a high-school au Lin and Phillipa are both 17-year-olds in this.
Here is a bit of a backstory: Steven Phillipa's ex-boyfriend Steven took something of hers that was very special and precious to her heart. So after school, she went to the soccer field to try to get it back from him to which he refused to do so. So she decides to call Lin over to her house to help her get it back.
Hope you guys like it. Enjoy,
"Okay, Now boost me up," Phillipa said looking up at the window as she looked back at Lin who was wearing black and white shoes. Lin sighed and got down on one knee and cupped his hands together as she stepped on his hand while holding on to Lin's shoulder while trying to keep her balance so she wouldn't fall on top of him. Lin groaned as he lifted her struggling a bit to get her to the window.
"How come you look so small but you weigh a fucking ton," He said voice strained as he shook holding her up to the window.
Phillipa rolled her eyes in annoyance as she took out her hairpin and started to work at picking the lock on the window, She started to hum a little tune as she continued to work at the lock on the door while Lin was basically shaking knees buckling from under him as he tried not to collapse over the weight that was added on to his body.
"Why couldn't we just do what people do in the movies?" Lin half-whispered yelled at her. "Because this way is much easier and beside it, I want to get my 50 dolls worth back right now" She muttered as she heard a click from the window. "A-Ha I got it open!" She opened up the window and swung her legs over and ducked down to get into the window. She looked around and signed softly as she dropped to the carpet floor quietly taking in her surrounds
The room was pitched black and she had to squint her eyes to make out the layout of the room. She was in Steven's bedroom she recalls as she looked at the shape of a body lying under the covers, the sound of the person's soft snores can be heard feet away from her.
"Hey Phillipa, Did you get in yet" Lin yelled out as he cupped his hands together to make his voice louder.
She walked over to the window and pokes her head out looking at him and groaned "Shut up Lin before you wake him up" She hissed out as she lowered the rope down for him letting him grab a hold of it before slowly starting to crawl up on the side of the building. She stepped back from the window and watched Lin start to come to throw the window.
He looked up at her and looked around the room hearing the loud snores from Steven in the room. "Okay, let's go," She said in a hushed tone as they tipped-toed over towards the door and Philipa grabbed a hold of the handle and started to open the door hearing it creak causing Steven to moan low in his sleep letting out a small startled gasp from the two.
"Shit, we need to hurry up and find whatever you're after and get the hell out of here and quick" Lin said putting a hand on Phillipa back and starting to push her out of the room into the dark hallway. They both look at each other before looking around to make sure that his parents aren't home.
"Wait, why are we looking to see if his parents are home??" Lin said scratching his head "If his parents were home, wouldn't there be another car in the driveway?" He said, looking at the young woman who was already looking through different places of the house.
He sighed and shook his head already seeing his other partner in crime who was moving things around from the sofa and to the kitchen. "Why are you just standing there Lin" she murmured looking at him "Get to it" She hissed. Lin sighed and walked over and started to look through different rooms "What the hell are we even looking for" He called out from the bathroom as he looked through the bathroom cabinets.
Phillipa Soo moved around the living room looking through small paces and looking under the couch and in higher places. "All you need to know is that it's something very important to me and if I don't have it then I'm doing it to cr- AHHH, I FOUND IT" She squealed out. "Come to mama," She says gushing with a smile as she grabs a dark blue and white sweater with a flower print on it.
"Did you find it- What the hell??" He says tilting his head.
"What?" She said putting the sweater in his bag looking at him as she walked over to him and grabbed a vase that she brought and put that in the bag too.
"So we're just stealing things from him now??" Lin said skeptically as he crossed his arms.
Phillipa rolled her eyes and grunted as she walked back towards the bathroom and opened up the bathroom window. She looked back to see Lin standing in the hallway looking dumbfounded
"Don't just stand there like an idiot who had just found out the girl he has asked to the prom doesn't like him and decide to leave him on the dance floor" Phillipa pointed out as she climbed through the window and jumped down looking up at the shorted haired guy who was looking down. His face was filled with fear by the long drop. "Oh... Unnn oh wow that's a long-ass drop," Lin said sweat running down his face as he looked back at her.
"What are you waiting for?? Let's go." Phillipa yelled out at him looking around not wanting to get caught.
The sounds of the bedroom door opening were heard as well as footsteps that were making its way towards the bathroom. Lin's eyes widened in fear as he looked around cussing under his breath "Oh shit, Oh shit, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" He muttered as he looked back down at Phillipa who was walking back and front waiting for him. "He's coming" Lin cried out in a panicking voice as he looked down at her.
"Oh someone kills me please," she said as she looked around and looked back up at him. She didn't want Him or herself to get into any trouble or better yet to not get the police called on them if that were to happen that was going to go on her permanent record not to mention Lin's.
Their parents are going to kill them if they have to pick them up at the police station.
The door to the bathroom started to open causing Lin to look back and front from door to window, He let in a deep breath through his nose as he made up his designs of what's about to happen.
"I'm so going to end up in the hospital," he said as he backed up a little to get a running stared and ran quickly jumping out of the window and landing on the ground just in time for Steven to walk into the bathroom.
"Son of a bitch, Lin!" She said running over to her friend who laid a heap on the grass arm-twisted from different angles. "Oh my god are you okay" Phillipa muttered getting on the ground and putting a hand on his cheek. "Jesus Dude, Are you alright??" She said looking at him in the eyes.
He looked up at her and blinked smiling "Yeah, I'm okay why??" He said blinking.
"Because you just jumped from a window, you dummy," She said chucking "What did you expect me to do to get caught?" Lin said groaning and hissing in pain.
Phillipa smiled and looked at him before taking a small gimps of his arm, she let out a loud gasp as she covered her hands with her mouth eyes widened as she almost puked at the sight.
What?? Why are you looking at me like that?" He said looking at her with the most bewildered expression.
"Okay, Lin don't scream or pass out but your arm," She said calmly.
Lin raised his eyebrow at her "M-my arm he said muttering under his breath as he turned his head towards his mangled up arm. "I-i-it's all i-i-I," He says under his breath in shock letting out a scream before blacking out on the glass.
"Lin?? Lin??? Lin!" Philipa said as she shook her friend awake. "Oh, this bad" She muttered before taking out her phone and calling Emmy and Daveed.
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