(Lippa) She's more than her body
This chapter is based on a sensitive topic.
Trigger warning: Sexual exploitation and mention of nudes.
Lin's POV
Pippa and I started dating exactly 3 months and 7 days back. Today we decided to just hang out in my house, it was Friday so we were ordering take out.
"Liiinnn" she whined as we entered my room, "Piiiippp" I mocked her. She gave me a look and I backed away with my hands in the air, chuckling. "Baby, I'm bored" she groaned, I smile and ask "How about we watch something and cuddle?" She looked pleased with it.
"Ok... as much as I love that idea, can we play board games?" I nodded and took out my LIFE box. It was our favorite game so it was a perfect choice.
Luz's POV (Lin's sister if you didn't know)
I laid down on my bed ready to talk to my boyfriend, it's been a long day and I just want to relax. I click his contact and start typing in.
Heyy baby
I just came home from practice
Just finished my homework
I'm kinda bored
Wanna do something fun?
Yea sure
What do you have in mind?
Well I would love to see your body😜
I'm not really ready for that
Oh come on
Do it for me, I won't send it to anyone
Baby no, sorry but just no.
Ughh why are you so annoying
I want to kill myself because of you!
Don't say that...
I love you...
If you love me you would send the pictures
It's not that I don't love you
I'm just not comfortable with that
So you don't trust me
I do...
Then send them
2 attachments sent
Tears were in my eyes as I looked back at the pictures of my exposed chest. Maybe I made a mistake... No! I can trust Justin. He would never betray me.
"Dinner's ready! Kids come down!" my mom screamed. I sighed, I wasn't really feeling too good after what just happened.
"Hey Luz.." I hear Phillipa's sweet voice fill my ears, she was honestly the only person I will let my brother date. But from the looks of it, Lin doesn't have eyes for anyone but her. It was cute.
"Hey Pip, how was it hanging out with this rat" Lin glared at me and Pippa just laughed. "It was ok" she joked, Lin fake gasped that let both of us into a fit of giggles.
~~~~Time skip- next day ~~~~
"Luz!!!! How long do you take to dress up???" Lin shouted from, "Give me a minute!" I heard him groan loudly. The bell rang, it was Pippa, she always came here in the morning. It was easier to get to school, plus she gets to spend time with her boyfriend.
"Good morning Pip!" Lin chirped, I can almost picture them kissing but no, cause ew. "Morning babe!" Who'd of thought my little brother could get a girl as smart and nice to fall for him?
I rushed down the stairs and grabbed an apple before slipping on my sneaker, "Hey Pip! Ready to go?" She nodded "Finally.." I smacked his arm and we walked to my car.
Once we reached the school, I parked my car and the three of us walked in.
"Uhm... why are they all staring at us?" I asked feeling a little self-conscious, "they're not staring at us... they're staring at you" Pippa pointed out. That disturbed me, why were people staring at me?
"Hey, nice rack" one of the guys called out from the lockers. Oh no... please tell me this is a dream.
"What did you say to her?" Lin growled at him, he didn't like people trash-talking about his loved ones.
"Oh come on, your sister is a whore" he teased, I felt my eyes water as Pippa walked over and stood by me. "Take. That. Back." Lin was not the type to get into fights, this was new.
"What are you gonna do if I don't? Write a rap about it?" The whole corridor 'ooed' at what he said. It also made Lin take a step back, his music was his heart poured onto paper and I knew it hurt when he said that.
"Why did you say that to my sister?" By now our whole group was huddled behind Lin (a/n: the whole group includes- Daveed, Oak, Jasmine, Chris, Anthony, Renee, Karen, Jonathan, Mandy, Phillipa, Lin, and Emmy).
"Well only whores send nudes" he joked, I looked down in shame. Lin turned back to look at me, I didn't want to meet his eyes, but I did anyway. He looked at me with sympathy, was he not angry? Disappointed? Not that I want him to be.
He turned back around, "Why does that make her a whore?" He asked I knew this tone. There were several levels to Lin's anger (never hitting), this was the one where he was ready to roast the shit out of this kid.
"Well, she sent a nude. Any girl who sends a nude is a whore." Lins jaw gritted against each other. "How is she a whore for sending a picture of herself to someone she trusts" he corrected himself "Oh sorry, trusted... where is that asshole anyway".
Justin walked out of the room he was hiding in, "You really thought that after she trusted you with her picture it was ok to send it to the entire school?" He tried not to raise his voice, he was trying to be civil. But it wouldn't last for long.
"Well, it's not like I forced her! She sent it to me for fun" he chuckled, finding humor in his lies I took my phone out and showed Pippa what we went down. I'd taken screenshots for safety reasons. She gasped, she walked to Lin and showed it to him, I saw a tear slip down his face.
"¡TÚ, MONSTRUO! ¿¡POR QUÉ HARÍAS ESO!? ¡NO LE HIZO NADA A TU DUMBASS! Vaya, pensé que eras diferente, pero eres como cualquier otro hijo de puta del equipo de fútbol ". (Translation: You monster! Why would you do that!? She did nothing to your dumbass! Wow, I thought you were different, but you're just like any other fucker that is in the football team. //I used google translate so don't kill me//)
Lin stormed towards Justin. "Tú-" Lin threw an uppercut making, Justin, fall to the ground.
"Never talk or come near to Luz again." Lin thought that was enough and started to walk away but was suddenly grabbed by the back of his neck by Justin. "What a scrawny kid like you thinks he can talk big and then walk away from me." Lin head-butted him and sighed as Justin's hands immediately left Lin's neck and was clutching his nose. "Justin, first pay attention in your English class. Two, I'm letting you off eas-"
"Fucking hell that does it"
Justin punched Lin near his eye a bruise already forming. Lin fought back both of them on the ground throwing punches at each other. "Tell your slut of a sister that my boys want a turn with her" Justin smirked at Lin and this angered Lin even more so he repeatedly bashed Justin in the face. "You never deserved her. She's more than her body. Jesucristo tú- there's no point talking to you". Lin stood up and kicked Justin's stomach "Get ready to meet the principal puta!"
Pippa tugged on Lin's arm signaling it was enough since Justin looked like he was close to passing out. Lin hugged Pippa calming himself down before walking in my direction immediately embracing me in a warm hug. "We're gonna get that picture taken down. This isn't your fault..."
A/n: Hey loves! It's been a while, but I hope you liked this chapter. I watched this one tik tok that made me want to write it but I wasn't sure if I should've. thayj11 reassured me and here you go!
My best friend GotchaNose helped me write the fighting bit cause I'm not the best at writing things like that. I hope none of you ever experience something like this but if you have, you are such a strong person.
Have a g' morning or g' night wherever you are... I love you guys...
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